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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. NerdCommando's video is a little old now. The game has changed. Let's wait until the game comes out, or the next beta if there is one, before we start slinging around words like balance. NerdCommando's video was released yesterday. I am also concerned about this. The charge is multi-classes have been nerfed so badly they are no longer viable (well more accurately they no longer compette with single cvlasses) because all the good abilities have been moved to higher tiers leaving only dross available in lower tiers early game. Single class characters get to pick from higher tiers much faster so they are now much more powerfull. A second charge is there is no build variety for many single-class characters. There is only one way to build a fighter for example. Leave CON and RES at 10, put INT to 3 and add the rest evenly to STR, DEX and PER since they all conttribute to multiplying up DPS. Then just take Diciplined Strike and the one or two decent passives available at lower levels (can't remember which). This outperforms any multi-class variant of a fighter by a a wide margin it seems. A third charge is that generally the skills and abilities are now mostly extremely weak and underwhelming. Those few that are any good become automatic picks thus squeezing variety out of the game. A lot of this is down to the scarcity of zeal points and the underwhelming bang per zeal point from most abilities. Essentialy this means it's best to buy those few long term buff abilities that are actually any good, particularly tyhose that cost one zeal point (such as aforementioned Diciplined Strike for example) and since there are so few of them they just become auto-picks. Anyway my concern is that I was all set to go largely multi-class (except for offensive casters which were prior to this patch stronger as pure single class) and pretty much had my party figured out. Now all that has gone out of the window and we are back to single classes. But where will we be on release? I guess it means we can't start playing until some people have worked it out and posted the verdict. I mean these sort of balance tweaks are no problem really if you only have single classes, you can adjust as the game progresses and you learn more, but the problem here is you have to be right about which is best from the get go, you can't change later without restarting the whole game (which I don't like doing). At least NerdCommando has determined the best weapon by far in the game is the Hunting Bow (lots of damage, more importantly very fast shot rate). Swords etc have been nerfed to oblivion. Spears are the way to go, or dual wield daggers/hatchets it seems. I’m a backer beta player and I’d say 90% of the content you mentioned is wrong and misleading, they don’t move any abilities and multclass is still pretty good.
  2. Same as all spells that causing confuse affliction, all in trash tiers now.
  3. Still the +50% lash of berath weapon is like that you are doing FoD with every auto attack, multclass a fighter guaranteed your acc.
  4. So a berserk (or simply confused) chanter surrounded by summoned skeletons should get at least +2 / skeleton hit? This sounds fun!
  5. Well I know ascendant is pretty good for CC, but I think chanter is better since that paralyze invocation is too good compare to cipher ones Instant cast and since it’s not a foe based aoe, it’s easier to cover more enemies.
  6. I think the best CCer now is chanter specially skald and troudaur.
  7. No one tried a Berath Priest/Stalker, paladin, devoted? I find the spiritual greatsword is extremely powerful and now it’s cast time is improved to only 3second.
  8. I feel cipher lack hard CC at low level, and aoe range of cipher spell is pretty small.
  9. Tried a Nature Godlike Stalker/Ascendant and it feels pretty good now! Now it's ridiculously easy to reach max focus with draining whip, I'm able to reach max focus with two attacks. Then use evasive roll to trigger Well of spring and u got +5 PL, then cast Estopsycho Echo between you and your pet Even better with flail modal activated. DoT is like 30-40 and then u can follow up with Mind blades to finish enemies.
  10. I think the reason is when u kick someone into sky, it is counted as they are disengaging you and the mechansim will check if the Flank condition is met when targets are moving around. So when the target is in the sky, he disengaged you and the system detected a movement action and remove target's flank status.
  11. Agreed, with the new patch some classes that was not good become pretty decent, specially cipher. You shall try a nature godlike Ascendant, you can reach max focus within like 2-3 hit and with some help from team buff, you can get +5 PL for quite long time. It will definitely be a Top tier class in late game when u get your high level spells.
  12. I think a lot PoE 1 talents are not returned right? Like a lot priest special talents, paladin special talents, fighter and rogue ones. Would like to see them come back in the real game.
  13. Considering that it does full attack as an aoe it is the best yes. I understand that if you make a chain reaction you could wipe everyone around you. But what if you fail to make that killing blow? What if enemies are too much spread out? What happens when the enemy decides to simply not attack you and move away? Its upgrade is only good if you are melee engaged by a lot enemies. which is not the case most of the time (1-3 tops) unless you play a weak glasscannon but then you die a horrible death. I didn't use the cleaving stance extensively because it felt too much rng. So I'm seriously asking these questions Dune. Could you ellaborate how it is good other than theoretical value? #Edit# Saw two video about cleaving stance. And I'm still not convinced. Maybe if you cast a pull of eora you can pull it off. But otherwise it is unrealistic. You will need to multiclass to make it work honestly, with some teleport ability or barbarian sprint and some damage bursting abilities it will work, otherwise might need a lot micromanagement to land kill blow and position yourself.
  14. I think casters are best at doing AOE damage while meleers are best at single target dps right? That is still the same in DF.
  15. I don't agree that it cheapens fighter. I think these changes instead outlines its lack of usefull capabilites the class had in the first place. Fighter is the only melee class which doesn't have a single full attack abilitiy. Fighter is the only melee class which only have buffs and no real variation of offensive abilites. Knockdown, a more expensive knockdown (useless), and into the fray (useless). Aoe capability? none. Only clear out but that is a mid-end game ability. Probably with a short range 120° arc and low damage and 3-4 resource cost. Which I will not use. The self buffs are eating up the resource pool, because those are 15 sec duration. I will not go for intellect because the class has no aoe capability. Correct me if I'm wrong here but if you take away it's passives - which happened in this patch - and you get a half class at best. Fighters have Cleave stance, it is the best aoe ability in the game right now, and u have access to it at lvl 3.
  16. I hope multiclass combo can access to classes's ultimate abilities, like Twin Arrow for ranger, Sacred Immolation for paladin, Fury of Heart for Barb, and single class can access to upgraded version of these. Both will be happy in the end.
  17. Wounding is nerfed this beta, last beta the wounding damage is based on your total damage, which includes Might multiplier, Lash multiplier, now it seems the raw DoT is much lower and seems like it doesn't count these two multipliers.
  18. Ah so it's not conditonals are not working, but 'NOT' is not, that explains because I usually just use Self: Target has inspiration, Not for self buffing. Thanks for the fixing!
  19. Yeah this is confusing, actually whenever you get more PL, your spells get more powerful, but the benefit you get from spells is (PL - spell level), so low level spell get more benefit from PL (in your case, +15% duration here), while high level spells get less (10% or 5% in your case). Hope this explains your confusion a bit, but yeah they are blackboxed sadly
  20. So in my understand, action cooldown should be the loop time for the AI to check conditionals and activate actions. But currently, everytime after the action cooldown, the actions will be activated without checking conditionals. For example, my wizard will cast Fleet Feet every 10 second if I set the Action Cooldown = 10, I set the Conditionals as Self: Target has Dex Inspiration, Not = checked. So there shouldn't be this kind of problem, my only guess is after cooldown AI didn't check the conditionals at all. Hope the devs can take a look into this issue.
  21. Actually this happens when u close and restart the game, not reload a save.
  22. There are rules for PL with damage, project numbers, durations and etc, they are just black boxed
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