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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. Why? There will be mods for PE, we can't stop it at this point even if we wanted to - and Nexus is arguably the best place to put them on. Where else would you want to see them? In a place where there are limits about what is allowed. And also in a place where it's not populated by bethesda fatboys that download porn mods primarily. Who will decide what's allowed and what's not? The whole point of modding is customization. If someone wants a romance mod or lightsabers in their Skyrim, let them have it - you don't have to download it if you don't want to. Just avoid the "adult" section. If a part of mods is banned from Nexus, they'll be distributed on other sites and all you'll accomplish is having several separate sites instead of one comprehensive list. This is a bad move because ease of use should be our priority. Bottom line: censorship is wrong, you can't usurp control over other people's games.
  2. We're already getting two big cities full of NPCs, quests, lore, etc. This will be an OPTIONAL dungeon. That's why I said I'm not sure [if I'm entirely against making it a classic dungeon]. While I'm not thrilled by the idea of an endless dungeon, I know others are, so let them have it. I'll deal, the game will be diverse enough to satisfy us all
  3. What about sisters? I'm sure Henry originally said 'Brothers and Sisters.' The bards probably just didn't hear him very well through all that armor. You know those bards, they'll do anything for a catchy phrase. I guess you're right. Scumbag Shakespeare cared about his syllables and rhytm more than about sisters
  4. Well, Viconia romance was indisputably great, but I guess it won't convince the majority of female players that BG2 had good romances... Hopefully we're past the age of games tailored to male players. Also Anders. True, the burned body in the Keep might have not been his, but if we never recruited Justice then there's no way they'd have bonded, yet somehow they did. Doesn't matter. The damage is already done, players personally killed Leliana and then saw her alive and well in the next game. They're not going to buy a dubious explanation. Why? There will be mods for PE, we can't stop it at this point even if we wanted to - and Nexus is arguably the best place to put them on. Where else would you want to see them?
  5. What about sisters? The Warrior Princess is among us! I'm your biggest fan. Welcome everybody!
  6. I'm not a fun of hack'n'slashy dungeons (or even dungeons in general), so I'd love an underground city or a complex lore-related quest spanning the whole ruin. However, there's plenty of place for this above ground and I know people really want a classic dungeon with tons an enemies to fight through, so I'm not sure...
  7. I'll never use Trial of Iron. First playthrough: Hard + Expert Second: Hard + Expert + Path of the Damned
  8. Nah, sometimes providing an easy exit ruins the whole experience (see Skyrim). I hate large dungeons. There, I said it. I don't care if we go 6 or 9 or 14 levels down, I know I'll find it tedious and frustrating anyway (unless it's focused on lore, then I might be interested). However, I don't want to destroy the feeling of a giant, underground construction, so I don't want easy exits or fast travel. I'm supposed to feel trapped inside, right? I never played Diablo, but from what you described I kind of like this system. A secret shortcut you have to discover? I'm all for it. Just please, don't put an elevator on every level. It's an expedition, not a stroll in the park.
  9. I don't see how this is a problem. Content gets cut because: a) deadlines, b) it doesn't work well with the rest of the game. They don't have a publisher looming over their heads, so they can push the release date if need be. I'll be happy to wait another month or two so that they have enough time to finish the game - it's supposed to be large after all, and this new city might take more time than they expected. If the content doesn't fit in the game, however, then I don't want it in. It's better to leave several quests and NPCs out than to end up with an inconsistent world and self-contradictory lore.
  10. You could have asked in the Order thread Like Ausir said, you need to pledge additional $8 on top of your tier - in this case $58 in total. If you decide to buy an add-on (expansion pack, strategy guide etc.), you still have to add $8 (so $78, not $70 if you choose the expansion pack).
  11. Badges aren't available yet. We have to wait until the Kickstarter ends and they sort out who gets which rewards
  12. The real question is: how many Obsidian fans live in Spain and how does this number compare to other Spanish-speaking players? There was a poll which showed that the majority of backers are European, North America taking second place. As an Argentinian, can you easily understand European Spanish? Would it really bother you if Obsidian settled for this version, or is it just an inconvenience (similar to AmE vs. BrE)?
  13. Dragons, dragons everywhere! Please, don't include them. Lizards are good, even dragonlings, but not full-sized dragons in yet another game.
  14. $50 tier + $20 for the expansion pack + $8 for the Order. It's all I can afford right now - but if I lived in the US, I'd have chosen the $65 tier for the boxed copy.
  15. I already went way over my limit... But I'll pledge more if the PayPal option is still available in the following months
  16. GotY means absolutely nothing these days. I don't understand this trend to cry out "revolution in gaming" and "GotY for sure" whenever an interesting game is announced. We haven't played it yet - heck, they barely started working on it - how on earth can we know if it's GotY material? All we've got is a single screenshot and three songs.
  17. Is it written in terms&conditions we agree on every time we buy a game or is it just Newell's word? Because if it's the latter, then we've got absolutely nothing when Steam goes out of business. Not that I expect it to go down in any time soon. But I'll be getting my copy on GOG because it's DRM-free.
  18. We have a chanter and a bard, but no minstrels. There's also a mad alchemist and a... em... curious canine alchemist? That's sounds quite mad as well... Ahem. Whichever title you choose, you'll feel right at home
  19. Are you going to work on the Polish version? I'd be happy to help when the wiki grows too large for one person to manage.
  20. That's my question too. It's decided, my first character will be a monk. Forton looks incredibly epic, he'll be the perfect mentor
  21. Say what? Your title's one of a kind, that's for sure. Does it mean something?
  22. I still think we should find a $5000 backer and convince him/her to create a tavern where we can chillax.
  23. Whee, I raised my pledge again. I won't eat this month Btw, would it be possible to change my title? I just realized I'll be stuck with it for all eternity, so... Even though I'm wildly optimistic about PE and Obsidian, there are places where I'm accused of doomsaying more often than not, so I'd like to be Obsidian Order's Prophet of Woe. It won't beat the overwhelming positiveness of all these jesters and fluffy marshmallows running about anyway
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