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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Claudius33, the author of three previous 16 Cygni HoF modules, has just released an early version of 16 Cygni: Strike Back, available here: https://neverwintervault.org/project…ni-strike-back This module introduces sci-fi/modern elements to the NWN2 Fantasy system. If you give it a try, please provide feedback to the author. Thank you.
  2. I suspect a big part of the dislikes is that many people aren't used to a female narrator, preferring the authority of the deeper masculine voice. Personally I think she's great. It was a nice change-up from the expected.
  3. The Endless Paths being a product of the Kickstarter process made it non-optimal in my mind. While the overall idea was good in principle, it should have been developed more organically without the arbitrary constraints imposed by the Social Media counters and so forth.
  4. https://thevinylfactory.com/features/the-curious-tale-of-bhutans-playable-record-postage-stamps/
  5. but..it's a ship . So not that many level to it no? Hence the word 'giant'. If it was built by non-humans, who knows how large it could get? Maybe it's an ancient floating city willed with strange wonders?
  6. Perhaps there will be some in the upcoming DLC? How about a giant haunted ship dungeon?
  7. Given the nature of the environment and the culture, I wasn't expecting many dungeons, and especially not many large ones. Islands just aren't good locations for large underground constructions -- there's too much risk of flooding. Instead, the sea is now the dungeon crawl.
  8. Isn't there a respec feature in the tavern? At least for the companions. I haven't looked into the details yet.
  9. The Internet: successfully rotting human minds for 49 years and counting...
  10. I did a mix of single classed and multi-classed party members, figuring things will balance themselves out over the long haul.
  11. With the multi-classsing added in, a single-character game seems more feasible now. Perhaps with some variant of first-person perspective in a sandbox setting? It might make for an interesting interlude before a return to the PoE 1&2 format.
  12. Isn't Josh Sawyer looking to take a break after PoE 2? A third game in the series may be a ways off, if ever.
  13. No game breaking bugs this far, although I noticed a few things that seemed glitchy or not quite right. As usual, I plan to wait for at least three patch cycle releases before delving into it seriously. All I did was give it a quick try and completed a few quests, just to get an overall feel. I'm looking forward to spending some serious quality time finishing it.
  14. Is that because of the faction system? Pretty sure pirates wouldn't be all that inhibited from killing other pirates, as needed.
  15. It's quite playable even now, so I'm pretty happy about that. But I'm going to do like I usually do and wait for a few patch cycles before I delve too far. Thanks Obsidian, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.
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