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Everything posted by Jarmo

  1. How about hair then? For some coding mumbu-jumbu-lames-of-excuses-thing, games usually tend to clip the hair at shoulders. And that kind of kills something, having no classic long haired mystic ladies in white, or proper elves.
  2. Funnily enough, it'd probably port best to Wii U where you could invoke a virtual keyboard into the ldc-controller thingy. Not likely to happen though, and I don't give a toss either way as long as the pc version is made first.
  3. With jpeg a 20:1 compression ratio is pretty much indistinquishable from the original, 50:1 and you start seeing the color degradation and artifacts. I wouldn't expect the background image storage size to be any major hurdle in this.
  4. Weapons of extra damage against a particular enemy type were always infuriating (unless it's "undead" because then you're set every second fight). Almost every game you find something like that, like "+5 damage against giants", by the time you actually meet a giant the benefit is marginal because all your gear is devastatingly good by then, and it's been tucked away in the bottom of the inventory for so long you don't actually even remember to use it in the one fight it'd be useful in.
  5. Random thoughts. Wodan + Boadicea = Woedica Eternity hobbits are hairy city dwelling psionics. Handkerchief so the fingerprints don't get messed up? - There's a mindspell to get impression of the last person to touch an object. - It's going to be a false lead. Love the painting! I'm definitely a color / painted style junkie.
  6. The world has dragons or has not, i'm fine either way. If the dragons are in, I'm fine just hearing about them, not meeting. Given it's a low-mid-level adventure. Anyway, I'm in the crowd that wants dragons be dragons. Not picking a D&D demonic Slaad and calling it a dragon. Or picking a D&D dragon and calling it a demon slaad. Or picking a ghoul and calling it a vampire. I would though, be fine if there was a dragon that'd turn out to be a giant crocodile or something. If the D&D style dragons are in, I'm fine with them being anything between bigger than a big horse and bigger than a blue whale. I'd prefer the ancient intelligent huge kind, but I'd be okay with smaller animal like ones. And fine with the latter growing into the former.
  7. This sounds exactly the kind of thing where one likes one thing and the other one the other. And where making a tag/color/tag+color option in the setup wouldn't break the resource bank. For myself, I liked ME system for it's simplicity, though not the answers themselves, also because of their simplistic-city.
  8. These both, yeah. KotOR2 especially, as they warned about the atmosphere I turned around and got that holy Gasmask of Complete Protection... and promptly collapsed and was called an idiot for being so stupid. And about a minute earlier or later that chick used another gas to knock me out, again bypassing the gasmask. NWN2, I played it twice and I think both times were the same. I'd run 2 feet and collapse, get up and collapse, get up and collapse, move 3 feet and collapse. While the companions stood around outside the danger zone sighing heavily. And I did have protection from acid in place. Just let me waltz through effortlessly rather than finding ways to outsmart me. Players like it when their clever ideas work.
  9. As long as Dwarves are scottish with lots of yar and laddie and stuff, the rest doesn't matter much.
  10. Not taking part in the rest of the discussion, but this sounds like an awesome possibility.
  11. I'd expect all 1-h swords to use the same animation(s) and 2-h swords to use the other set. Bastard sword would use one or the other, depending on whether it's used as 1 or 2 handed. Even stuff like mace could use the same overhead bash animation as a longsword, though if there are - and I hope there will be - alternate animations, then that could be a different one. As long as it's not like a stab with ball and chain, I see no reason to not share animations as much as possible.
  12. My compromise on this would be cutting down the number of monsters and creatures, but having lots of animations for those in game. *Snip* no more trolls *snap* no bugbears *whack* no crocodiles *whop* no wolves, in exchange for 1 extra attack (for each weapons) and 2 extra death animations. Opinions vary. I'd be happy with just humans (and if you want orcs or skeletons, you can have them as retextured humans). Others seem to want a wide beastiary (and it seems the devs are on this side of the fence).
  13. I'd prefer video, not too long segments. WIth commentary. Make it good so I can find the resolve to play the game myself. Tried twice but couldn't get past the initial arrgh this looks horrible and old, the gameplay is retarded -stage. -- PS. voted for youtube as I don't know what twitch is. Might be better but not voting it in case it's stupid.
  14. I hated it, also hated when forcing a chest you'd get broken items (was that kotor only).
  15. Basically it just comes down to the setting. If there are angels and devils, it's reasonable to agree angels are always good and devils are always evil. Or if you want the kind of setting where angels are ambiguous and the devils likewise, that's fine but not inherently a better setting. Further, if there are angels and devils, they might have heavenly and demonic creatures serving them in the game plane. Might be the "servant races" are even more good or bad, black and white than their masters, or more ambiguous, depends on the setting. It's not necessary to have pure black and white in order to make for a good rpg, but it's not necessary to paint everything grayscale either. Usually its like, the more down to earth realistic the setting is, the grayer everything gets. But that's not a hard rule you have to follow.
  16. Oh, hello. Spear and shield (plus)? Pssh... spear and flail! Nay...! Spear and GRIMOIRE! They call me... Two Spears.
  17. Even a stab would do crushing only if it failed to penetrate the armor. Let's imagine a very thin mithril shirt, can't stab through but it'll still hurt when you deliver that 300 pound strike. I'd say yeah, sharper weapon does more cutting and less crushing... if the hit penetrates. Against a strong hauberk, it makes no difference how sharp the blade is, if it still fails to go through.
  18. Yeah, now I remember something I disliked in damage types. Let's assume you slash with a sweihander, the mail stops the attack so you do no damage? Lets assume you slash with a pole the size and weight of a sweihander, it's crushing so it does damage despite the mail? Same weight, same size, but the other is sharp so doesn't work. It'd work better if it was a dull blade? All weapons should have a crushing damage component derived from weapons weight and dimensions. Maybe that could "kick in" if the armor penetration of piercing and slashing component fails? Or somethign.
  19. Of "real" inventory systems, I liked the NWN system best. Big items took a lot of space and you could actually find stuff easily. In BG/NWN2 system everything is the same small icon in a grid and it's hard to see if the item is a coffee cup or plate armor without hovering over and reading the popup texts. Of those NWN2 was the better for at least giving you enough item slots, so you're not left deciding if you want to carry a barrel of beer or a spoon in your last slot. But the system I liked the best is party inventory. KotOR and such, Mass Effect and DA:O were fine. I take sick pleasure spending much of the game dressing up the paperdolls and swapping equipment about, but I really could do without the whole tetris of swapping things about people to people. But if you want some realism instead of the ME "we'll take everything", then how about limited party inventory? Just add up the STR points derived carry capability of the whole party and that's how much your party pool can take. The same realism, but no inventory tetris.
  20. I once saw a tv show that supports this. They tested a (heavy modern) crossbow with a broad hunting tip and a ... I think it was a .38cal revolver against a bulletproof vest. While the vest stopped the bullet. the bolt went through. I guess kevlar and padded cloth have sort of the same principle, flexible fibers being resistant to piercing, but weaker against cutting.
  21. End boss fight. I don't want to face the toughest opponent in the game in the end of the game. Give me an ending that's not about pommeling some ancient terror into submission.
  22. +5 sword that does extra fire and lightning damage, belts of giant strength. Does not compute as trash. If anything, NWN2 crafting was too powerful. And no XP penalties or anything, just skills and spells and items. But it was an inventory management nightmare. Like 200 crafting items on the backpack. NWN2 MotB streamlined things quite a bit, it was still crazy powerful but that was fine for epic levels. I actually liked the crafting in ToEE as well. Simple enough, though the requirements/capabilities could have been presented more easily. BG/BG2.. I liked stuff like taking an ankheg shell to a smith and there you go. Not so much the greater items that have been broken in 3 parts and parts hidden all over the world. Might be good for one item or two, if there's a reason why they'd be split. But basically it's.. very gamey hide and seek. I'd like a kind of.. give me all that and more kind of approach. Basic enhancements easily available through artisans or casting them yourself. A masterwork smith sharpens your blade and applies some silver thing coating that keeps it sharp and protected. A mage cast a spell to make the weapon do extra damage. Both good for 100 strikes or so? Or maybe the smith rebalances your axe? +1 to hit for good. Crafting of stuff from rare stuff by craftsmen. Unicorns horn - good for wand, dagger, spear tip? Wyverns tail - good dagger or spear material. Dragonscales - scale armor. Elfskin - boots and gloves. Multiple parts: Spear with unicorn horn tip and a shaft of Treant trunk? Break down existing weapons to add better components, swap in axe shaft of troll legbone? Legendary items in multiple parts, or item sets. Should have a plot or quest stuff behind all of these. Sword of Legendary King, broken in 3 parts when fighting the Nazgul. Parts were meant to be reforged, but instead were buried with his 3 sons when the kingdom fell. Stuff like that. Helm, breastplate and boots. Of Thor. Should have a reason why they aren't kept together to begin with. Maybe they're relics? Kept in separate monasteries, or some pilfered away. But don't make me carry eleventy billion kinds of craft-items of which I'll ever use about 3, to make some trivial crap.
  23. While this only tells the difference between replica vs replica, not actual period katana vs longsword, it does show there can be a pretty decisive difference between well made sharp and less well made dull sword. Easy +2 to damage for the better one without any magic involved. I can definitely see how well off folks would be ready to spend a fortune for a Damascus or Toledo steel swords. As for the subject, historically nobody would go to fight lightly armored or wearing no armor if they had the opportunity to wear one. Light armor doesn't need to be equal, but it's nice if there are some benefits to being less encumbered. On the other hand, in games it's usually beneficial to wear the heaviest, most protective armor available. In history, it'd have been trivial to make double thick plate armor, bulletproof all the way. Encumbrance does start to have a major effect somewhere down the line.
  24. I want a tall skinny mage with a pot belly. In the game. Not in life.
  25. I've never really understood the principle of "maintain teh balance" organisations in western fiction, as they're always basically fighting evil all the time. What if the good guys are winning? Can we then see harpers assasinate Lady Galadriel or Elrond or something? Fix up the balance?
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