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Everything posted by evdk

  1. Oh, I think the anti romance crowd would be pretty happy. Schadenfreude and all that. I was being a bit facetious, but there is an interview with MCA where he claims that the only romances that he likes to write are the tragic ones and since this is a publisher interference free project I assume he will write what he likes.
  2. Quality. Quantity might have a quality of its own, but latest offerings on that front failed to wow me. (Of course, the best would be both, no balance )
  3. I with Boo on this one, as for endings, i think a happy & a sad ending should be avaiable, failing that, have only a "neutral ending" with your guy living out a average life with his/her love interest, with its ups & downs. Not every relationship ends in tragedy and not every one ends in a supah dupah "happily ever after" kind of way. Upon reflection, Jaheira's ending, if i remember correctly was pretty much what i said above, just to ilustrate. Every relationship penned by MCA ends in tragedy, so brace yourself for some greek ****.
  4. Nice passive aggressive kung fu, do you have any other tricks up your sleeve? It would certainly help my selfish enjoyment of the game. The whining of disappointed romance fans is a music to my ears anyway. Hey man, you should stop. The OP clearly said that this topic was made for those who enjoy romance stories. It was made to discuss what we liked and what we didn't like about those kind of plots. This topic is not about wether or not including love stories in the game, it's about what we would like to see if the developers decided to include them. Do you know what this means? That you don't belong here. If you start posting comments saying that you don't want love stories you are the one off topic, you are the flamer and, actually, you are the one who's whining. Of course not. I was merely trying to offer some discussion suggestions in the opening post, based on what I've seen other threads. Guess again, etc...
  5. In absence of any new info from the devs (they are probably sleeping off hangovers, or in Josh's case working hard) we entertain ourselves as we are able.
  6. Quit being melodramatic. The stream comments were ****, yes, but there is no need for white knighting.
  7. Nice passive aggressive kung fu, do you have any other tricks up your sleeve? It would certainly help my selfish enjoyment of the game. The whining of disappointed romance fans is a music to my ears anyway.
  8. Why not? People would blow a fuse. "Why NPC A and not NPC B?" "I want to have an interspecies gay romance!" "NPC C is obviously in love with the PC as my mod handily proves" etc...
  9. From that thread: I'm pretty sure witchers immune system makes it impossible for them to get STD. Wasteland 1. It's from the 80's.
  10. Oh god, not this can of worms. When I roleplay, I roleplay my character, alignments are incidental. Stop trying to pigeonhole everything.
  11. now I'm not sure if you're serious or just trolling. bsn version of Poe's law. ****ing urls, how do they work? Why, serious of course, can't see any trolling.. Bravo then, because in that case your post have made lose my faith in humanity. AVE SATANAS!
  12. That they were dumb jokes in a silly quest.
  13. This explains a lot, actually. It explains how I was able to finish the game without suffering permanent brain damage, certainly.
  14. I've never played the game any differently. Screw the silly party banter.
  15. I don't even know what sort of story the game will have so how can I have preferences about ending?
  16. That's the reason I was, and still am, against allowing mods on nexus for PE. "Romantic" romance mods will be the least concern though. Well, "adult" mods (quotation marks very much intended) are at least good for a laugh, multiheaded **** and all... EDIT: I would like to know what would happen if I was talking about Richard.
  17. Romance mods for BG2 are the example of what I would never want to see in PE, please stop using them as positive examples, it gives me migraines, thanks.
  18. I'd like a quote on that, because I remember the developers saying the exact opposite.
  19. Please take your game streaming ideas and jump onto the pyre of OnLive.
  20. You can kill Anders, but he wants to be martyred, so it lacks the satisfaction. I personally wanted to make him tranquil, because that would actually punish him instead of giving him what he wanted all along but the stupid game never gave me a chance. FAIL.
  21. You should be sent an e-mail that will take care of it. Might take some time though to set up everything properly, I'd say they will notify everyone the e-mails have been sent via a KS update.
  22. Grid and encumbrance is the way to go, IMHO, although i might be willing to stomach list and encumbrance combination, provided the font was small.
  23. I'd be pretty OK with no raping of anyone, really.
  24. Probably not, but then I fail to see the appeal of the game.
  25. Thank god you're back to get us back on track then. EDIT: spelling, goddammit
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