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Everything posted by evdk

  1. Nice passive aggressive kung fu. Do you have other tricks up your sleeve? (cit.) Oh, so you have the updated version of evdk.txt - well done!
  2. Only if there is also an ability to enslave nations with necromancy.
  3. No, they have not mentioned anything about it.
  4. How about locking the old one and never opening another? Sanity might prevail.
  5. Because these characters weren't in BG and so the majority never encountered them, duh.
  6. The inventory of DA2 was ****. Like irredeemably ****. Console style list inventories should take a hint from dinosaurs and die out. Filters are nice, but that has been already done in Morrowind at least. The stars were an absolute travesty, because the accompanying design made it so that one item was always objectively same, better or worse than the other. AAARGH. Paper doll representation where you can't even change your companions' armour is quite useless. EDIT: Mr. Negativity was my nickname in school, how did you know?
  7. You know, you can take the book industry ax an example - when a new novel comes out in English the translations are usually done by the local distributor that acquired the rights to print the work in his country. The fans of the book do not yell at the author to translate the book into Spanish himself, they either wait for when the local booksellers start selling the translation or have to learn English. Why does it have to be different in the case of videogames, especially when they are self published by a small team on a tight budget? The Polish and Russian translations are done precisely this way, yet Italian is somehow special?
  8. This is what you should want from the game: story quality of PS:T, world reactivity of Arcanum, world building of the old Elder Scrolls (peyote is a must), combat quality of ToEE, puzzles of CSB, strength of 20 men and a liver that can drink a platoon of soldiers under the table. It won't be there but one can dream.
  9. But it is a bad action RPG... I just know I am going to regret asking this, but would you like to share these elements with the rest of the class?
  10. Because new people keep coming in providing "fresh" opinions. Sadly, they are rather similar to those that came before several times.
  11. You are correct. I should add "can be avoided" to the list. Add "can be avoided while still leaving enough NPC interaction" to the list instead. With mots of the companions in BG2 when you shot down the romance there really was not much to talk about.
  12. That's fine and dandy but given that this is the PE Discussion Forum, we are going to discuss PE and its design. It is somewhat inevitable. Yeah discussion is great and should be actively encouraged. Demanding that someone do their job in a certain way however is ridiculous and some people are doing that. My point was simply if you really want a game made a certain way then make it. Basic game design is easier than ever, even trying it would give people a greater appreciation for what they are asking of a developer. I've donated some not entirely insignificant amount of money to this project and I would rather selfishly like the devs to make a game I'd love to play. That is why I am using this forum to voice my opinions on game design in hope of influencing it my way. I have other boards for theoretical game design discussions. And the "make your own game then" thing is a not really usable, it's on the level of "what have accomplished that gives you right to criticize" silencing tactics.
  13. That's fine and dandy but given that this is the PE Discussion Forum, we are going to discuss PE and its design. It is somewhat inevitable.
  14. In my experience posts keep mysteriously vanishing, so they seem to be doing something (that, or the forum software has been programmed by Obsidian with their famous QA).
  15. Somebody had an unfriendly encounter with the Codex, I see.
  16. I would say you skipped school the day when they taught you the difference between fact and opinion. Some opinions are still dumb and wrong.
  17. He's not reverse trolling, he's just trolling. I would say the sig would be a dead giveaway.
  18. I read all kinds of fiction and I must say the ones that can be considered mature 90% of the time includes romance even if it's a only soldier writing a letter to his fiancee. Can you please exemplify which mature fiction doesn't include romance "at all"? Or even better I'll give you 5 opposite examples for each of yours. What about Aflred Bester's Demolished Man? Or Philip K. ****'s The Man in the High Castle? Those mature enough for you? PS, Man in the High Castle is fantastic. Oh but wait, I forgot that I don't read books. Silly me You could've listened to an audio book.
  19. Right. But outside of those limited instances, we want more options! Then we are in agreement.
  20. Trouble is, some (majority of?) people do not find that creepy at all. Nobody needs to pick this up, ever. "Rape" is exactly the kind of mature content that causes me headaches whenever I hear the term.
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