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Everything posted by evdk

  1. There will probably be instances where the plot demands the PC to speak for himself and "talk to my lawyer skillmonkey rogue" does not cut it.
  2. "Mature topics" is a meaningless buzzword, made even more meaningless by constant overuse by people demanding inclusion of tasteless crap (which does not necessarily mean romances, mind you)
  3. So you want the game to do anything in order to sell more? FPS games sell as well, should PE change from it's current goal to become a MW clone? Where did I say "anything"? We funded a cRPG and we are discussing the inclusion of romance. You come up with Modern Warfare clones. If you rather support a FPS than a cRPG with romance, then this is seriously the wrong forum for you. Well I took part in funding a cRPG precisely because I wanted the devs to avoid making design decisions on the basis of increasing sales numbers. I (rather selfishly probably) expect a good game and can't give a damn how well it will sell afterward, that would only be an added bonus, not a necessity.
  4. He was feeling no pain that night... I bet he was feeling a lot of pain the morning after.
  5. So translation is not free, but learning a foreign language is? The first would be paid by Obsidian, the second by yourself. I don't care what you invest your money in, I merely opposed using the kickstarter funds on translation. I lost so stop dragging me back to the debate just because Italian ended on the cutting room floor.
  6. This discussion is so stupid yet you feel the need to both comment and,may I say,add some good insight? Weird that one hey Somebody has to tell you that you are wrong, otherwise you would die unknowing. Repent!
  7. This. I speak 6 languages, I don't need any of that, nor any other non native english speaker on this forum; you, on the other hand, probably only speak english and I don't even know at what level. I'm not concerned about me, I can play and usually enjoy more a game in its original language; but considering that Torment is relatively unknown in Italy due to an italian translation certainly is alarming (a fan made mod exists, but its fairly recent). Keep in mind that Italy is a very large market for videogames. Also, if you can reply in Italian, do so, otherwise you can shut up and pretend I'm not here, I don't need that attitude, thank you. I don't care if you translate it, personally, I just don't want Obsidian invest any money in it.
  8. God, the romance thread is getting to me, I read the title as "Rape specific Intro Quests". AAAAAARGH I am not against intro vignettes per se when they are done well, but I wouldn't cry if they were not included. I am more looking toward race/class specific quest solutions and dialogue options (or hell, entire quests) throughout the whole game.
  9. So Czech translations stopped sucking these days?
  10. Problem with NWN was (and this really was a sign of things to come) that BW caved to fan pressure and included the stupid SP campaign in the retail version. Because I truly have nothing against the NWN toolset, but they were selling the SP camapign as a game a not a proof of concept. And it was TERRIBLE.
  11. Please take your game streaming ideas and jump onto the pyre of OnLive. A considered and well thought out counter point there contributing positively to the discussion, well done. I prefer brevity.
  12. Unless you disliked Bio games before it was cool in which case the time frame shifts a bit, possibly to BG1. My personal cut off point is NWN, that game was terrible.
  13. There are few things in this world that are flawless. I thought the BG2 romances were pretty good (except Anomen, but that might be because I'm male). Also, the writing will be different in Project Eternity because different people are writing it. I'd expect it to be more like PS:T and Fallout. There are also just a few things that are good. The romance part of BG2 was not among their number. And I too have confidence in the writing team abilities.
  14. Not to me, honestly. Certainly not by a relevant degree. Seriously? BG2 is the epitome of the Infinity Engine style, real time with pause games (sure, PS:T had the better story, but I'm counting combat here as well). DA2 is the epitome of everything that has gone wrong since then (designing primarily for consoles, releasing games before they're ready because the publisher said so, etc.). Besides, Bioware of BG2 times was actually Bioware whereas Bioware of DA2 times is just a division of EA. We were talking about romances and to me the writing in BG2 and DA2 is not really different, it's just in Bio's later games the flaws are more pronounced, but they were always present.
  15. It really explains everything. Yeas, it's the quantum physics of RPGs.
  16. Yes, clearly you are an internet bully misrepresenting the wonderful BSN and using rumours to hurt others. Did I get that right?
  17. We've already been told it won't be that wonderfully weird. But I certainly would prefer if narratively PE took its lessons from PS:T, yes. Just pretend there was no combat in Torment (but steal the unique spells, those were good).
  18. Baldur's Gate 1 had the prototype of a romance in the expansion. Planescape: Torment had 2 possible romances with companions and one in the past (with Deionarra). Two possible romances that we nicely subtle and tied to the themes of the games instead of in your face and absolutely unrelated to anything (more like a checklist item done). And Deionarra should count in this discussion, she's essentially walking (well, floating) backstory.
  19. Not to me, honestly. Certainly not by a relevant degree. So? Alpha Protocol was made by Obsidian too, that does not mean I expect this game to be a first person spy thriller.
  20. Maybe it is you who should try to not create over-inflated expectations for a team that creates a GAME, not some kind of grounbreaking literature classic? I just want them to write the best story they can. I understand that it won't quite be "The Master and Margarita" level, but resigning myself to accepting Bioware/Bethesda level storytelling because "it's just games, man!" is something I just refuse to do. I don't see why anyone would think differently, unless they are combatfags and do not care (which is a opinion I can understand, I just don't believe this will be a combatfag game).
  21. Hm... I don't know... Maybe because writers at the Obsidian with all do respect for their talent can't be compared to Dostoevsky? That does not mean they get a free pass to be ****ty. If they can't get to Dostoevsky levels (and they can't) they should at least try. This "why even try when it can't be that good anyway" is a self defeating attitude and I won't have it.
  22. All the anti BSN moderation is currently being crowdsourced.
  23. Absolutely right! Some people here, on Obsidian forums, complained something like "Oh, those banters, I hate them! I kicked Imoen cause she participated in a lot of NPC talks. From my point of view - the more banters, that more NPC-initiated dialogue we have, the better I agree and I think that was one thing that made BG2 really stand out amongs other RPGs. Even mass effect, which is arguably a very character and dialogue driven RPG, does not have this direct interaction with the party members, as BG2 did. Mass Effect is an RPG? Dialogue driven even? The things you learn every day...
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