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Everything posted by Anaeme

  1. Why did Paradox announce this instead of Obsidian?
  2. I hope they work to address the problem because the way the stats interact is not intuitive for any given archetype
  3. Understanding how the game attributes interact with each other is more of a science project in POE than it should be. This has the cummulative effect of making the game less accessible to folks who arre not number crunchers or D&D veterans. People enter combat and you cannot fathom what is affecting what. Why is it that if I increase Might my damage (DPS) is not noticeably increased? If I focus on Con I do not seem to be surviving better? At a very fundamental level increasing primary attributes should have a clear impact on gameplay instead of being lost under the influence of other stats. The primary attributes for each archetype should be clear and impactful. Increasing secondary stats should serve to add flavor to the character such as a 'charismatic fighter' My experience has been that when you build a fighter and emphasize Might Dex and Con....you do not get a tank. This is wrong. There is something off about such an outcome that needs to be addressed Does anyone else have this same experience?
  4. I am one of those who would like the effort I make in combat to yield XP rewards, particularly since combat in POE requires strategic thinking and depletes party resources. To come out of an encounter empty handed renders the victory somewhat hollow to me.
  5. The work Sensuki did on the attribute system is fantastic. The developers owe him a debt of gratitude for bringing these issues to the fore. A lot of folks (myself included) are really confused once combat starts and you do not know why the expected outcomes from your build are not happening
  6. I do not like the scrolling witcher inventory that Sensuki is proposing. I think it is a pain to use
  7. In my mind a game like NWN2 struck the right balance. The player got XP for kills, disabling traps, completing quests, etc All at appropriate levels depending on the amount of effort needed to achieve the desired result With the amount of time left before release, I wonder if Obsidian can implement that kind of change
  8. I thought the following feedback on the Backer Beta was very insightful, particularly from someone who has seen both the developer and fanbase sides of the game. http://new.spring.me/#!/user/GZiets/timeline/responses Question: George what do you think of the POE backer Beta? In particular the combat? Have you completely lost touch with the game? GZiets I played for a few hours this weekend - got through all the town content, as well as a wilderness map and a dungeon, before finally being defeated by a variety of bugs. Here are my thoughts so far: In my opinion, combat is still too buggy to give it a fair assessment. There’s a sophisticated combat system lurking under the surface of this game, and some of it is pretty cool, but right now it’s not getting a chance to shine. In its current buggy state, fine control over my party seemed virtually impossible, and I resorted to directing them more like an RTS, paying little attention to the details. As I played, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the mechanics would be better served by turn-based (or at least slower-paced) gameplay. However, that might be my own prejudices showing through. Some other reactions: Loved the richness of the world and the hints I got about the story. Liked the per encounter abilities. These encouraged me to spend them in combat, rather than hoarding them for the most desperate situations. Liked the autopause options, though these still didn’t pause the action as much as I would have preferred. (Wish I had the equivalent of a per-round pause. Maybe that could be approximated by playing around with the Combat Time setting.) Liked that I could mouse over lines in the combat logs to get details about how I had rolled, how the enemy’s defense stat had affected my roll, etc. This turned out to be a very effective way to quickly learn the basics of the combat system. Liked the size and layout of the town. Felt like there was a nice balance of things to do and people to meet, and almost every building or POI had a purpose. Liked the fact that dialogue showed me other options that would be visible if I had the appropriate skill (though when I raised my skills to the appropriate levels, those options seemed to be largely cosmetic, which was a little disappointing – hopefully there will be cases where they lead to alternate quest resolutions). Didn’t like the very limited inventory space for my characters. Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat. While this does put more emphasis on solving quests, the lack of rewards for killing creatures makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game) as much as I can. Minor point, but I was disappointed that I couldn’t become a cleric of Galawain, the beast god. (I played a nature godlike, so it seemed like a natural fit.) A number of offensive spells seemed to be AOEs, which were virtually never useful since combat almost always devolved into a random melee within seconds. (I haven’t completely lost touch with PoE, but I the last time I actively worked on it was during preproduction.)
  9. Heath and Stamina are intimately connected and should not be separated
  10. The godlike especially the death godlike are very visually unappealing No one will want to stick with a death godlike for hours of gameplay
  11. The Character Creation screen is in desperate need of a 'Recommended' button Players need to have an idea of what the developers think the stats on a functional build should be for any of the classes This is particularly true because there are some deviations from traditional D&D What stat distribution should an effective Paladin have to play his role in the party? What stat distribution should an effective fighter or rogue have? NWN2 had a recommend button which was very helpful
  12. I want the alpha and Beta builds...with all the new classes, abilities and skills showing up, it will be great to get a headstart
  13. There are so many new class re-alignments, abilities and talents showing up...learning curve will be very steep People coming into the game will stumble for a while
  14. Does anyone know if Jeff Husges is doing dungeon design work for PoE? That fellow did Zecorian's Demesne in SoZ...a dungeon I cannot seem to get enough of
  15. I want divine level gameplay... George Zeits is good at making such levels. Give me divine level gameplay and I will pledge more
  16. Join the the Tides of Numenera Steam Community here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Numenera
  17. Come join us folks, lets support each other...
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