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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. I think that Chobra was.hosting the group stage at the last TI Edit: also 2GD forgot what he was hired for. To host a dota2 event and not trying to make this event about himself. Too much ego too little brain. In the big man's world such things don't fly.
  2. Gabe said, someone lobbied for one more chance and he literally blew it in his first entry with "jerking off to a chinese porn" stuff, hence we will never see Yames again for the Valve events. RedEye would be a host light years ahead and better. One can only hope the main event will be a blast.
  3. To be honest 2GD ne3ds to grow up because this is not a time for hosting style of porn jokes, jerking off, riding butts or whatever other low jokes and poor language (do you really need to drop f bombs so often?) It might be ok for casual on couch home cast with your followers but it is a big "no no" for a main stage of a.fore front esport event which might be monitored by potential big sponsors. No big brand with huge money will want to affiliate their name with hosts like that and i am not surprised that Gabe got pissed off. I would be too. As for the production company, a well deserved kick. There is nothing wrong with firing some shots or casual banter, regular sport casts do it too, but there is a world of difference in the language and the form.
  4. Some kids accidentally (?) crushed a dove's breastbone and it suffocated, making a peace ceremony have some macabre undertones when they tried to launch it into the air and instead of flying away it pancaked. No. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/woman-held-russia-after-handing-7463406 I have no words. To be honest this looks like some serious mental issue, but then again, you never know with dem middle east ninjas
  5. Well i just wanted to avoid a situation that the rest of the crimes is blamed on tourist Martians.
  6. With women like that, go ahead, leave, nothing of value is lost.
  7. Does it cover ethnic and religion of all suspects or does it only cover asylum seeker non-asylum seeker?
  8. http://www.businessinsider.com/germany-says-it-lost-130000-refugees-2016-2
  9. Had some Chopin vodka with cranberry juice for starter and then decided for something fancy. Some rum from SA which you poured into a glass filled with some smoke made of some herb from the Ands mountains and some dark chocklate to bite while drinking. I wish i recalled the name but it was fairly stingy for a rum.
  10. Hah i'd love to large scale.battles. Give me FP view, real collision (no 15 ppl on 1sq meter BS), true aim with real weapon ranges (no guided missiles on auto aim with 30m range), some special moves with negative trade offs and gameplay where skill and reflex is rewarded more than grind. Until then such PvP games are for people who lack real skill for a real competitive PvP gameplay. Spamming **** in uber gear is not really my idea of fun. And that was the case i DAoC and is the case in TES:O.
  11. Nah the moment the gam3 is about spammage of skills, it becomes a mess. I'll stick to the real competitive PvP games
  12. I actually like the idea of his staff to be soulbound... i mean it feels so natural for one to be such.
  13. For me it comprise several factors: 1) it is the game i am interested in 2) it is something that I can learn from and adapt to my gameplay 3) the quality of video is good 4) there is some added entertainment value, which hits my sense of humor/entertainment (for example Beaglerush and his XCOM videos) 5) I am to tired to play myself at that time or have time constrains which would affect my personal play. (hey you can watch it on your phone!) I prefer more live experience, for example twitch streams than watching youtube vids. Streams are a different beast, because i like watching esports streams (Dota2 is my main fix)
  14. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/02/france-issues-eviction-order-calais-refugees-160221041446699.html This will be fun to watch.
  15. I am not anti-Western, I am anti-stupid, I am pro Western, it makes me money. It is just the idiocy of politicians who think that tens of thousands years of human physical evolution and 5000 years of cultural development and differences can be solved with a few laws within 1 human generation... I like divesity and I am generally tolerant, but i am not stupid enough to push myself into a situation when someone endangers my lifestyle and peace.
  16. Culturally enriched asylum worker. http://news.yahoo.com/afghan-teen-charged-raping-worker-belgian-asylum-center-161422632.html
  17. Or they could double down and do "Two Ghouls, One Fridge". Sounds like post apoc prn
  18. The thing is that Fallout has some appealing lore and backstory already. Hard to copy that and not get dragged to a court...
  19. ****! http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-radiation-idUSKCN0VQ22F I hope that none of the refugees was carrying it to EU...
  20. Thanks :D The song in the background was a collaboration between Josh and I. I wanted to write a folk song set in the world of Eora, and Josh came up with the idea of making it about Ondra and Abydon. Really happy with the way it turned out. Just curious, is there soundtrack from WM I and II available somehow? I have the OG due to KS and i also KSed the expansion, but I cannot find any mention of WM soundtrack, even when looking through available DLs on Steam.
  21. Downloaded and ready to go!!! thanks for awesomesausce.... and make sure that Justin gets a high five for the music score for the trailer... damn, it is good
  22. I lov3 the xcom2 customizqtion. It is simple and elegant with enough options. I do miss a template creation, although there is a.mod for that, and i miss the description pre mission what kind of ao they are heading in so i can prepare a camo for it. Poe had enough options also you are comparing a team learning unity to a team squeezing last drops from unreal engine 3...
  23. Iran upgrading airforce: http://www.nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-middle-easts-nightmare-iran-buying-russias-lethal-su-30-15213
  24. http://nextbigfuture.com/2016/02/turkey-and-saudi-arabia-could-send-tens.html and on the less military related part, China-Iran ties grow stronger, and Syria and Iraq are important parts of the new Chinese Silk road, his would explain their increased activity recently as the conflict there makes their plans more difficult, especially if Assad would be removed, as Sauds and Turks would block China's plans in the region: http://news.yahoo.com/first-silk-road-train-arrives-tehran-china-134703954.html
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