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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Seems that Turks are shelling Kurds again. Also: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/02/saudi-fighter-jets-deployed-turkey-incirlik-base-160214045639093.html This will end up ugly...
  2. I can;t stop thinking about the ending.... so many questions.... and to be honest i would not mind an Obsidian RPG in XCOM setting post war :D
  3. Again, Chinese look in broader perspective than 2-5 years.... now the oil is dirt cheap, will it be in 5 years? 10 years? Also Russia - China relationship is not super easy one...
  4. Everyone would have different interests there... like... fighting ISIS is an excuse to be involved in changing the political landscape in the region. It has ZERO to do with actual fight against extremists. China has decided to move into the region, it is only unknown how involved they will get. Considering their long term approach they will probably just make strong diplomatic ties in Iraq and then will observe what is going on, while moving some armed force there. They do not act too rashly, but they do have in mind for example the execution of their citizens. One does not raise hand without punishment, even if it seems very slow.
  5. This is not really related but potentially a big changer on the global map. If that will come to life and China will also decide to move in military form to ME, the region will be a really huge problem and potentially a WW III sparking point... https://ecowatch.com/2016/02/12/china-nuclear-weapons-high-alert/
  6. China has a bigger picture in mind and does not think in terms of 1-2 or even 10 years, they are thinking in terms of 20-50years on top of that. That investment may look weird now, but everyone knows that such low oil prices cannot go forever, also sources of regular oil are finite and a lot of it requires a rather expensive production methods.
  7. Seems Russians are funny players when it comes to historical paybacks... http://news.yahoo.com/u-s--sources--russia-forging-alliance-with-taliban-201058133.html Now I have no idea how real that would be, but it would be somewhat smirk inducing for Russians
  8. There in plain sight: http://news.yahoo.com/erdogan-threatens-send-refugees-outside-turkey-103343752.html Funny how Russians make stabs at EU now: http://news.yahoo.com/medvedev-lambasts-stupid-merkel-migrant-policy-223231478.html
  9. I do not like where this is heading... I can only hope that US and NATO will bail on retarded muslim allies, otherwise we will have WW III: http://uk.businessinsider.com/saudi-arabia-troops-syria-2016-2 http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-missiles-idUSKCN0VL278 http://europe.newsweek.com/russia-practices-black-sea-naval-battle-nato-announces-reinforcement-425595?rm=eu I can only hope that Obama will not suddenly grow a pair and will keep US out of that conflict. West EU countries won't go into war alone, they are under equipped and undermanned due to constant cuts on military and more and more spending on stupid things. also it seems China is moving into the region, not yet fighting force, but they are already passing the laws and are in diplomatic talks with Iraq: http://www.businessinsider.com/r-china-rules-out-joining-anti-terrorism-coalitions-says-helping-iraq-2016-2
  10. Interesting. Crit has a high value then.
  11. I doubt, at least not before the resolution of the planned peace talks. It would be a diplomatic suicide especially when the negotiations are the only means for US now to keep some relevance in the public opinion. Although it seems NATO is being mobilized to fight in Syria.
  12. The reason is that peace and prosperity just made people dumb. Simple as that. Imagine what would happen if the internet and mobile networks would stop working for a week... and that is not even a big problem compared to a state of military conflict. We have now more than 2 generations not knowing a real threat of military conflicts that could directly affect them. This is the longest period of time when EU is not in a state of conflict anywhere on its own continent. I understood the movement for tolerance across various european cultures and learning from each other but the same cannot be simply applied on a global scale. It works only then when societies are at a similar level of social development.
  13. I suspect that they will progress around allepo to a point where they will either tak the city as a part of a truce agreement or starve it to death. I am sure Russians have a plan of operations to reach certain goals by that day and talk from the position of power instead of equals.
  14. He supports Trump if I recall correctly. It could very well be Trump vs Sanders this election... Please let it be so!
  15. Now not sure if i should google this or not...
  16. I think you have made some sacrifices to Tzeentch....
  17. Trust me some late game pods will make you cry and tear out your hair if encountered together. I had to sack a couple timers becauae i'd rather have aliens progress on some project than have risky plays tha could end up in a squad wipe of vets. Beware chryssalids, they are scarier than ever... Once i decided to assasinate an enemy VIP instead of capture. There was no way i could kill easily 2 pods next to him so i moved in with phantom sniped from half of the map and ran to evac like crazy. 100 intel was not worth the risk.
  18. The balancing point of this type of a psi trainig is that if they get wounded their psi training pauses. Obviously if you play in a way that your soldiers are not getting wounded then probably you should increase the difficulty level
  19. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/russia-trying-draw-turkey-fight-192200979.html
  20. So Trump is winning? Can we expect a new great comedy at the Capitol?
  21. Ez to dev cash grab bringing more attention to D&D in general? I mean after SCL they will choke up everything.
  22. Ouch... you broke the game with cheese ;p dark gods unimpressed Does it persist through save and load?
  23. I know what you mean... it's a disastah!!!
  24. What sacrifice to the god of RNG did you make?!
  25. You need vulture and some luck
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