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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Again Volourn you guys act like the beetles are just going to sit there and do nothing if you walk past. They will attack you. If you don't kill them you will have to stealth by them every single time you pass into their vicinity. Assuming it is even possible to stealth your whole team past them I imagine that is going to take a lot longer than just killing them once. Lastly, again, you get some kind of loot for killing them and here is the cold hard reality. Some loot is always better than zero loot regardless of what the loot is. So you can either spend lots and lots of time avoiding a set of fights over and over. Or you can win them once, get a little loot, and move on. You tell me which choice seems more rewarding. Stealth gameplay should always be an option I guess, but it shouldn't always be more rewarding. There is no good reason to just not kill the damn man eating beetles that will attack you on sight and that has nothing to do with whether or not they give EXP.
  2. Yeah Bryy there will be delay, it is still very doable though for games like PE. Just get the quest or get to a decision and ask people what they think you should do and wait. It takes some patience but it works fine. I followed all you guys on the off chance that any of you stream when I am not busy or at work. Personally I will post stuff to you tube but I wont stream.
  3. Really it isn't a big concern. Any strong PC will be loading things really fast anyway. I will be stunned if it takes me more than 5-10 seconds to load a map. Anyone on an SSD will probably be able to get through area transitions literally in 2-3 seconds.
  4. What's that Sensuki? Your opinion has more holes in it than this slice of fine Gorgonbert!
  5. Not sure I would use the term "Moba" and the word "tactical" in the same sentence. They rarely require tactics beyond "don't do something stupid like fighting 3 other guys alone". They are just about min maxing, builds, micro management, and twitch skills. I agree with Ink Blot, if you want to market this at a large gamer audience target Dragon Age fans (who should naturally be interested hopefully) and or people discovering Divinity Original Sin.
  6. His tweet doesn't say what time. I am assuming it is going to be during the Paradox Stream.
  7. You missed his point. You do not get EXP for killing the Ogre. You get EXP for stopping the Ogre from stealing the guys pigs. You could have done that without killing the Ogre and Josh very deliberately pointed that out. You are rewarded EXP for completing objectives, the objective in this case was "stop the Ogre" not "kill the Ogre". Also again I love how people ignored my post before. All evidence indicated the Beetles are aggressive. That means they will attack you on sight. There is no evidence to indicate you can be seen by an enemy, get attacked, then just run away to an area transition while the beetles or whatever else is hot on your tail. Every time there is an area transition, yes there are mobs "around", but the party is not actually active in combat. So that means there are only two ways of "dealing with" the Beetles when you are in that area. Your whole party either uses stealth to evade them while never initiating combat every time you go there (many of the beetles/spiders clearly could not be avoided to get to the ogre), or you just kill the things so next time you are in the area you don't have to worry about them. Considering they are aggressive and I imagine I will need to come to these areas more than once I know which one I will be doing and it doesn't involve hiding in the bushes.
  8. Maybe it is just me but I find it far more odd I can still see the movement cursor during a load screen than that the font size is wrong.
  9. I wouldn't expect to see it be available until around 9am PDT/PST on the 18th at the absolute earliest. I don't see Sawyer coming into the office at midnight to flip a switch on an upload or start mailing keys. If they send the keys BEFORE the 18th then maybe, MAYBE, steam will activate them at 12am on the 18th. Plenty of times steam makes you wait to 12 noon EST though, sometimes later.
  10. Uh they aren't being clear enough and you are reading too much into it. Basically the idea is the beetles are actually aggressive (red target circle, that's how it was in BG) and will attack you on sight. So unless you want to stealth your whole party every time you go through there you have to stop and take them out. I also would not be shocked to find out there is some objective or additional motivation (beyond convenience) for killing them as well. Like say the beetle shells can be used to make a shield, or some farmer who is pissed about the beetles will pay a bounty for proof of beetle kills. Lastly.... there is no evidence to indicate you can perform an area transition while in combat.
  11. I for one am happy they increased the sight range and toned down the Fog of War myself. In the initial video's they did of the games starting area it was wayyyyyy too close in to the party.
  12. What's wrong with you people? Where is your sense of adventure? We are professional Adventurers here and professional Adventurers are required to kill every single living thing they can, pillage it's corpse for loot (usefulness or value are not factors here), break into it's home, and steal all it's crap. This is how it is done people! Get with the program!
  13. I think part of this is the apparent lack of Party AI in the game right now. Either it wasn't set up for the gamescom showing or it just isn't included in the beta yet. I am not sure a literal spell queue will be needed unless all spells turn out to be basically instant cast, which many of them seem to be so far.
  14. Yeah we will likely see lots of improvement on that front as the beta plays out. I find it worth mentioning the monsters didn't seem to have that same issue and their animations looked pretty nice for the most part.
  15. Much more impressive showing today, the Ogre got quite the owning. Sassy has her revenge! I did notice some really strange animation issues on the mage though. Like he would cast a spell, the spell would just "happen", then he would stick his hand out like he was throwing it AFTER the spell was already launched. Looked really weird. I think the animation problem is being exacerbated by the fact that Adam was pausing A LOT so you might see a character only twitch like 2 times in 5-6 seconds of screen time simply because 4 of those 6 seconds was spent paused. I do think the characters need to have a little more "bounce" to them though, they just seem a little stiff. AI wise it is hard to tell what is going on. Maybe there is just no AI in the game, maybe there is but until you configure it your characters all behave in "manual" mode, but the characters did need a crap ton of micro managing. They literally did just stand there doing nothing unless you ordered them to do something. In the case of the Ogre this was helpful but in the case of the other mobs it just seemed odd. Playing around with that stuff (if it is even in game) will be a top beta priority.
  16. I noticed that too. I assumed it was a bug. It is just an optical illusion. The guys armor and clothes are just so close to the same color as the bridge and stonework they blend into them and makes it look like he is transparent when in reality he is just sort of blurring into the background.
  17. Nice update, thanks! I had a feeling the shader was off as it implied the breastplate curved in but the design of the breastplate clearly curved out at the center.
  18. Nicely done, fits the currently existing Eternity art as well. Very impressive.
  19. Agreed. IE text was bold(er) and had a heavier black outline. I hate to be Mr. Debunker but here is the same picture at full resolution. I won't deny it is still blurry, but it is just easier to read. At least as easy as BG2 was, and there is still the question of artifacting and quality loss due to the stream. We need to see it in game before we make judgements about how clear it really is.
  20. Actually this thread made me really sad yesterday. People posting pics of their old dice inspired me to maybe dig my old dice out and see how some of them had held up. Bear in mind I literally owned like 200 dollars of dice. Dozens of sets, tons from old random 2nd edition dice packs, all sorts of stuff. I even have like 4 sets of Dragon Dice from that very fun but very short lived game. The story is sad because.... I could not find my dice bag.
  21. Good catch! Pretty sure you meant Dex and Int were from Godlike though. Not a big deal, typos happen, we all know I make enough of them.
  22. The best adventurers have big boobs because they get more quest gold. In a society where men and women aren't 100% equal, this balances out the salary difference between men and women completely So what you are saying is they are carrying their weight Sensuki? *PUN PUN PUN*!!!! Okay I will stop now.
  23. I didn't get to the stream until right before the wrath of the beetles began I guess we will be able to make that dumb as a brick muscle mage who can't cast spells worth a flip.
  24. So one big thing I did just notice rewatching like Pidesco.... The stat minimums are much lower... also the Female Fire Godlike heads were the same regardless of the race you choose. All race effected was the scaling of the head in relation to the body. Sort of sad but I will be okay, they look pretty freaky already. Especially that Moon Godlike. So the Godlike stat line started at 3 might, 3 con, 4 dex, 3 perception, 4 int, and 4 resolve. Gotta assume godlike gets a +1 to dex, int, and resolve and no penalties?
  25. Okay so time for a more fair pic to be nice. Eventually as we all know the original party lead by a Female Paladin Aumaua/Fire Godlike wiped fighting pesky wood and stone beetles. So I watched that fight again and at the end after the main character gets bowled over in the middle of blue misty stuff it does give a really good profile of the armor... and here it is. As you can see in this completely unedited crop of a screen shot there is definite feminine features fully visible in the armor, but yes it is still a bit flatter than one would expect. So hopefully that lays this a bit to rest. Much like those beetles laid that poor beta party to rest. We will remember you forever Sassy and Sassy 2.
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