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Everything posted by sparklecat

  1. Well, no. This isn't Diablo. If you don't want to do quests, this is probably not the right game for you.
  2. Perception helps one fill in the Cyclopedia, right? For all I know, this may already exist, but could having more information there give combat bonuses?
  3. Me too! Except some of them get resused for different spells at the same level, which is kind of confusing.
  4. Bear in mind that the slow map scrolling is a known issue. I'm fairly happy thus far with how well the game is running (especially for a first release of a beta) on my ~4 year old desktop. Some noticeable lag/stuttering at points, but entirely playable.
  5. i'd say perception is currently kind of a dump stat as interrupt % is easily the worst benefit out of all the stats. You're assuming that combat effectiveness is the main point of building a character, though. I'm going with high perception for the conversation options it'll open up.
  6. Why not? Because that's silly. The portraits are external to the Unity files so you can always add them back in as a custom one. That you find it silly doesn't mean that everyone does. I appreciate having more options without having to do that sort of workaround. I would have no problem with (and, indeed, am in favour of) Grand_Commander13's suggestion of a way to filter portraits.
  7. Hmm. When I was talking to Medreth, I had a special dialogue choice that added to my journal notes on the quest - that he seemed not really dressed for the part. Can't yet say what'll come of that, but maybe it's just the specific options you've run into thus far?
  8. Incidentally, I appreciated the fact that all portraits were available to choose from regardless of which gender you selected.
  9. In related suggestions, I would like mousing over a character's portrait to give me their name.
  10. Confirmed for moving the mouse to the edge, though I've not got it open at the moment to check the holding the mouse wheel method.
  11. I was wondering about that very question during character creation, myself. Given that many RPG players are going to be coming in with the assumption that Might = Strength, it might not hurt to make this explicit in the Might description in-game? Say that it increases physical and magical damage, rather than simply "damage."
  12. I am feeling overwhelmed by all the lore I haven't been keeping up with! It's very exciting, and I very very very much appreciated the mention of the presence of a matriarchal society along with the patriarchal one; I just hope all the actual in-game stuff doesn't wind up being focused on the latter. Checking out the wizard spells and mentally translating to the closest D&D ones ("So... Color Spray?") was quite amusing, and that bit of familiarity helped with the "I have no idea what the status effects these spells apparently implement actually do and there's no manual yet" problem. Also I foresee myself playing with the manual close by for quite awhile, once it's available. You know what might be a lot of work but would also be very helpful, IMO? A glossary. Something like Civilization's Civilopedia that I can open up in-game anywhere, at any time. Let me look up terms as I'm choosing my spells in character creation and figure out just what they'll be doing, for one.
  13. Change difficulty under Game. Change any checkbox setting, on that tab or another. Difficulty will have reset itself. Note: It doesn't seem to be a slider problem in general; changing font size and master volume didn't result in the same bug. eta: This happened from the main screen, before I had started a game, but it's the same when you're asked to choose your difficulty at the start; changing it and then checking the box for Trial of Iron or Expert Mode resets the difficulty.
  14. You people with your fast internet. (20 minutes for me)
  15. I think it's a 2.9 gig download but it needs to allocate 6 gigs of disk space, perhaps.
  16. Given that the beta's apparently been up on Steam for awhile, I'm wondering if the "when it's ready" comment means they're waiting a few hours so they can get the auto-attack fix in or the like.
  17. SO ARE WE, BUDDY. (We act like crazed stalkers because we care.)
  18. Isn't it just barely 9am where they are?
  19. It'd be nice if in the character creation there were some pregenerated lore-appropriate names we could cycle through, determined by gender/ethnicity/etc.
  20. Speaking of being generous with money and testing stuff, do we know anything about a developer console?
  21. Well, they let you look things up without alt+tabbing out of your game, for one.
  22. There would if you wanted to please everyone. That's kind of my entire point. Some people are gonna go "whoa, a delay on the documentary? NOT COOL, man!", just like current people are going "Whoa, there won't be a disc? NOT COOL, man!" Everyone prioritizes the factors differently, and it's easy to say "Pssh, what I want is more important than what others may want." And there's not really an option for Obsidian that pleases everyone, shy of an "all of the above" option, which would require multiple versions of the documentary. I don't think Obsidian is required to please everyone; I would have preferred a physical copy of the documentary, but my internet connection is perfectly capable of downloading it quickly enough and I can make one myself. Not a big deal. But I do think that this is unfair on the people whose situation is different to mine - those with awful speed or usage caps who selected physical goods because downloading anything significant wasn't an option for them. That said, if it were me, I'd view spending extra money on shipping out the documentary separately to be an utter waste, and would rather that the funds go towards the expansion. Kickstarters promise a lot of things that end up needing to be cut or changed because the logistics don't work out in practice; this is better than cut content.
  23. - Dragon Age 2, while flawed in some respects, was a very good game. It's up there with BG2 in the games I replay the most.
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