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Everything posted by Infinitron

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BFUIUpBJxzS/ Watcher PC confirmed?
  2. Vailian glossary: https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/730143889101725696
  3. lol you whiners, nobody wants to play a game where tiny daggers attack at the same rate as huge battle axes P.S. AwesomeButton sent me
  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BEo4vV5Jx1q/ >_> https://www.instagram.com/p/BEe84TMpxzg/
  5. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/726155039786422272 https://www.instagram.com/p/BEwsJIHpx1L/
  6. Already planned for the sequel, as announced at PAX Prime 2015.
  7. The vampire lady in Heritage Hill comes back to life if you kill her. An uncharacteristically crude design.
  8. http://www.rpgcodex.net/article.php?id=10274
  9. http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/142967942921/congratulations-on-your-promotion-does-it
  10. I think you might be confusing Sly Cyrdel with a different character.
  11. Post about it in the Tech Support forum.
  12. Hey, I thought you didn't post on forums with jerks anymore.
  13. http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/leonard-boyarsky-has-joined-obsidian-entertainment.108121/
  14. That doesn't make any sense. If the Hold is now safe with Raedric dead why doesn't Giacco return to it and his apparent friends Nedmar and Kolsc? Something isn't right. For the rest of the game if I visit this shack will Giacco be there and asking "Any news from the Hold?" Related: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81820-why-does-giacco-stay-alone-in-kolscs-hideout-after-raedric-is-killed/
  15. http://www.pcgamer.com/brian-fargo-josh-sawyer-and-gordon-walton-on-the-history-and-future-of-rpgs/6/
  16. Tyranny is set in world called Terratus. That wouldn't make business sense at all because Paradox owns the Tyranny IP.
  17. https://twitter.com/ChrisAvellone/status/718256377207123970
  18. Wait, I thought Fallout: New Vegas was a mess too because it came out buggy and got an 84 Metacritic. lolwut. Fess up, who is this? Since you swear by Codex content, you might want to remind yourself of the response to the final question in our interview with Eric.
  19. George Ziets is a full-time employee at inXile Entertainment.
  20. Can you make a list of these greater than three to four story and quest designers? Also, how many of them had an important role on Fallout: New Vegas? (which as I said earlier, is the critical game in Obsidian's history despite the greater fan nostalgia for the earlier AvelloneGames such as KOTOR2) Personally, my tentative opinion is that the only person at Obsidian who really had a noticeable "signature style" whose loss will be felt was Chris Avellone. George Ziets, for example, is seen by some as a kind of "Avellone Jr.", when in reality his talents are rather different (he doesn't even like writing dialogue). And Brian Mitsoda...uh, let's not go there. But anyway, you seem pretty convinced that Obsidian are irrevocably ****ed, so what else is there to say.
  21. I really don't think the South Park RPG is perceived as a "fantasy-type game"...
  22. You're probably exaggerating the degree to which "fresh and experimental games" are popular. Even among the new generation of oldschool RPGs, whose audience which you'd think would be most receptive to interesting settings, high fantasy rules the roost. In fact, I suspect Tyranny may end up being less popular than Pillars of Eternity due to being too experimental rather than not enough. Just look at Steamspy, the data is all there. But anyway, once you've decided it's in your DNA to become a big company, it's kind of hard to step back from that. Right now, I imagine Feargus feels something like this. "We made Fallout: New Vegas, one of the most successful single player RPGs of all time. We can do that again someday, with our own IP this time. And we need to be a big company for that."
  23. Right, so you're founding a new RPG development studio in California in 2003. Whose example are you going to follow? A Swedish horror game developer that didn't exist yet, that made its fortune using an indie digital distribution model that didn't exist yet? A Polish videogame publisher best known for translating Baldur's Gate to Polish, that took 5 years to develop their first game which could easily have ended up as a horrible piece of Euro-shovelware? Or are you going to follow the example of the world's RPG industry leader at the time? I think you're placing an unreasonable demand on Obsidian's strategic foresight here.
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