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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I don't think that will fix the issue though, even though it would make combat feel a bit better. Ranged characters still have no incentive whatsoever to use armor.
  2. Also here's a tip - pick Old Vailia (for the Estoc) on whatever class - Paladin, Fighter or whatever and go into combat with that, you'll mop the floor with it as it's far and away the best melee weapon atm.
  3. Yeah armor is pretty horrible. If you put Plate armor on a character, you are reducing their potential DPS by 33% (not taking into account AoE spells) and their potential amount of durations by 33% That loss of DPS and durations can hurt you more than the amount of protection you get from armor, especially if the character isn't suffering damage.
  4. I definitely played horribly in the Barbarian and Chanter videos, but I did well in the Monk one. I don't think how much I pause is a measure of how well I am playing though, if the action bar icons had hotkeys I would hotkey them and not pause as much. What matters is how many daily resources I used up in the fight (Health, Daily powers/spells). I am pausing for every action so I make sure I command every action of my party members. If you think you can do better, feel free to post a video of yourself playing on Hard with those classes without any auto pause or slow usage
  5. I posted that in my PM Follows the same rule as attack speed in general The Estoc is the best melee weapon by miles atm. Now I know why they used armor percentage reduction in Warcraft 3.
  6. Another funny thing is that melee fighting looks absolutely nothing like we think it does either Example: Whole video is very interesting
  7. Auto-pause, Slow and Fast game speeds should not be taken into account when tuning the default speed of the game.
  8. This is a game, which is an abstraction of reality, I don't really think there's room for a simulationist mindset like that in this game when the design is mostly the opposite - otherwise you might as well say that Might should not affect spell damage and all that stuff as well. There's also no way that you can reload an Arbalest as fast as you can in this game either My solution comes from a purely mechanical perspective. You'll also notice that I was talking about recovery time, the Bow animation itself is very short (pull, nock and draw) - 20 frames for a Hunting Bow actually. Wanna see some ridiculous archery?
  9. I'd prefer they didn't use the SRR style of quick portrait turn over. That said Kaz has started working on Portraits again now, and I think they have external artists too afaik, so we will get a lot more by release.
  10. It was actually present in the last build, it happened to me
  11. If you don't like something about the Character Art, submit it as a bug report - Dimitri Berman has stated he is after feedback on the models. I thought the same about Female Aumaua Head #2 and Male & Female Dwarf Heads 2 & 3.
  12. Why should movement halt bow and crossbow recovery, rather than just slow it down a bit? We only need to solve the issue with ranged kiting, and that would probably do it. No need to bring turn-based logic to the table, as this is a real time game. Having movement stop their recovery time makes it pointless for them to move at all unless being chased by a melee target. Slowing it does not, and allows some more tactical positioning options and target changing stuff.
  13. No it was for yours. I can see where you're coming from but you're forgetting that we're talking about differences in movement speed, which is a benefit of [something], such as the passive bonus one of the Aumaua get or that Monks get. An active state of combat MS down would still mean that bonus movement speed would still have to make characters faster, otherwise it nullifies the point of bonus MS. And a delay before you can move again after you undertake an action would make the combat feel really crappy. The reason we are discussing this topic is that the pause in recovery for melee characters already feels really crappy. This is a spiritual successor to the Infinity Engine games, not some half-turn-based game. I agree. I don't use it either.
  14. Sorry to say, but that sounds pretty terrible. Combat feel is way more important than preventing kiting 1,2,3 enemies that you outnumber that are slower than all of your characters. Most kiting issues are solved by having multiple enemy encounters that have intelligent targeting. The Korgrak fight is intentionally designed to be kite-able as that's how the designers themselves have been playing it. I'll bet you that the Adra Dragon, will not be
  15. Not quite. Your exhaustion solution is fair enough if we were going for a simulationist system, but I don't really think it solves the issue, especially if the AI is changed. Currently: AI has like two targeting clauses: #1 enemy that attacked it, #2 first enemy it sees (I think, there might be a couple more), if you know which enemy the AI is attacking you can use that character to run away while your other party members wear it down. This tactic is not valid against all enemies though as some are really fast, and the Stone Beetles have a burrow teleport (well due to bugs lots of enemies are teleporting), and also in some areas/encounters you don't have the room to run around that much - like the beetle area in the Dyrford Crossing. There's not much room to run away because of the limited navmesh area and the fact that you can aggro three of the nearby encounters if you're not careful. Your exhaustion idea would make it so that this tactic isn't as good, however the AI will most likely be altered to have some kind of weight system or more clauses for targeting, so it will 'intelligently' change targets based on a set of conditions. This is how it works in the IE games, it is possible to 'steal aggro' by moving one character away and having your other characters block the path, or intercept, or deal damage to an enemy, causing them to change targets (if they are melee/ranged, casters are a bit different). This makes it possible to use multiple party members to abuse the AI and make a series of mini-retreats so that you are constantly kiting an enemy around. I'm not 100% sure if you have the beta or not, but most of the encounters are against groups of enemies, which doesn't make kiting very useful because time you spend kiting is time you are not applying buffs/dps in combat against multiple foes - so in that regard time is important in the IE games and in Pillars of Eternity. Against single foes/couple of foes - kiting is something you can do, but when there's a bunch of enemies, it's probably a waste of time.
  16. And you are conveniently ignoring the fact that you can already kite in the game. Suit yourself, I guess. Funnily enough Pillars of Eternity's attack animation & recovery system is 95% the same as Warcraft 3
  17. No, that is one of the benefits of movement speed bonuses in combat. In RTS games, I'm going to use Warcraft 3 as an example, you get boots of speed on your hero so you can - chase people down, and preferably have a better chance of running away from battle. Whether you're playing against a Human or AI opponent. The Infinity Engine games have RTS style gameplay. The movement pausing recovery comes from a turn-based mindset (as Josh admitted before) combined with fear of degenerative ranged kiting. You can already do exactly what you described in the current game, like you do with the Ogre - in the preview videos Adam Brennecke and Rose Gomez both kited the Ogre around in the cave. So I really don't see the issue.
  18. There seems to be some issues with DT against humanoid enemies
  19. So what? That's something you can do in literally every RTS ever
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