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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. Most of us are interdependent on others. For instance, I am dependent on the local super market for food and household supplies, they are dependent on suppliers to get those supplies, and the super market is dependent on people to buy their goods. This is a mutually beneficial relationship. There is no addiction involved unless you are addicted to peanut butter snaps and have to have them or go nuts. Now I am not addicted to seating around worrying about whether a game developer is going to go broke if I don't buy their games. Actually there are a couple of publishers that can go broke for all I care. The fact that I want Obsidian to succeed is not a codependency and in fact it isn't even a dependency because they do not need to have me worrying about them. As for trolls I would say they are addicted to trouble making so there is a possibility that a codependency could exist.
  2. Congratulations on the twins. It is also good to know that the stability of PoE has now been thoroughly tested.
  3. Nice and I hope we will have a healthy modding community once the gane is released.
  4. Sounds good, Glad to hear about the look at combat. I look forward to trying the update out.
  5. Elves were originally a type of supernatural being from German folklore and mythology. In fantasy games they have been brought closer to human beings. So I see as adjusting things to make humans more equal to elves. Politcal Correctness is going to be the death of fantasy if not controlled.
  6. I think that trying to second guess peoples motivation for contributing to the Kickstarter is non-productive. I can state for a fact what my motivation was. Whether the price of the game was low or high didn't even enter my mind what was important was the possibility of getting a game with a good story, in-depth characters, good dialogue, a game that challenged my mind and gave me pleasure to play. I do not remember what my initial pledge was but it had nothing to do with the cost of the game. However it does annoy me when I see posts saying that "I should be able to get the game for $25 USD because the backers got the game for that amount". I am not going to try and guess at why Obsidian set that initial price for backers. I have theories but that is all they are. Based on other games it is not unusual for games in alpha development to have a lower price than a game that is completed. Paradox is an experienced marketer and I am sure they have done their research.
  7. No it is not codependency. I care about people, I care what happens in the world. The relationship between Obsidian and gamers is not codependency but utilitarian dependency. We need them to make games and they need us to buy games. That is it pure and simple. Aristotle rated friendship as the highest good of humans, the binding force of society. It comes in various forms but all the forms contribute their bit. I not only have a right to care about Obsidian it may even be an obligation.
  8. Tomorrow for Australia, today for us. Maybe.
  9. I personally do not care if PoE is the best seller of the century but I would like Obsidian to be successful. I would like for the company's own well being but I think it would send a message to other companies about what game players want. That there is a market for intelligent, well made RPGs. That gamers are not a bunch of half-witted twerps willing to put up with buggy half finished games or games that lack any story or character builds.
  10. I am finding the BB a real teaser. Half of me wants the actual game ASAP and half of me wants the devs to take their time and get it right. Fix the bugs of course and balance the combat. The insects are difficult and the humanoids pretty tame in my opinion. The bandits are pretty good though.
  11. I haven't done any bean counting but I believe roughly 30% gave more than $40 USD. Some of us also gave through groups. I think a lot of people simply wanted to see this game made and gave what they could. Nostalgia? or simply tired of game that had no substance to them? Maybe both.
  12. I think there is a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about Kickstarter projects. Some people seem to think the money is free money because those of us who pledged will not get our money back but that simply is not the case. Everyone who pledged $25 USD is entitled to a copy of the game. There may be a small amount of free money but I doubt it is significant. We could think of it as a pre-pre-purchase. Then there are those who say that because backers get a copy of the game for $25 USD the price of the game should be the same. They forget that another party has entered the picture, the marketing of the game in this case Paradox. I am sure Paradox has a set figure for marketing costs and that will not change no matter the retail sale price. That marketing expense will come off the top of the sales plus what ever profit Paradox will make leaving Obsidian with what is left. A lower price will primarily affect what Obsidian gets. The whole subject is complicated and people are not thinking logically. I don't blame people for wanting a bargain I look for them myself but those want one will have to wait for sales.
  13. I know how Obsidium and Paradox should market this game. Use Shevek's playthroughs. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69644-bb-v364-playthrough/ Excellent work in my opinion.
  14. D&D/AD*D was a popular tabletop/PnP game and there were published rules for it so many people did know the rules and could help those who didn't. I don't think any modern games have the restrictions those games had. Developers make the rules for their games and some tutorial is needed or game FAQ resource. I had more problems with Icewind Dale II which used the 3.5 AD&D system which I didn't know and never really understood.
  15. I don't understand why people do not think that Obsidian did not put any money into PoE. They have a studio that costs money to run, employees that need to be paid, legal fees, accounting fees, taxes, insurance all the costs that most businesses have. Crowfunding made it possible for them to make the game but that does not mean that hey themselves have not invested money directly or indirectly into the game. As Elerond has pointed out there are costs to promoting and selling the game. The retail price is not exorbitant, I would place it as moderate, maybe high moderate but certainly not expensive. Profits will go to making the expansion and future games. We will all benefit if PoE sells well but it does need to make a profit for Obsidian.
  16. Thank you very much for the playthrough. They were very well done and I think gave a very fair view of the Backer Beta and the game potential.
  17. Thank you, Adam, for the update on the update. Best wishes to your programmers may the resolve the problem quickly and easily. I look forward to playing the new update.
  18. As of this posting it is only 9:41AM in So. Cal. so I still have my fingers crossed.
  19. I pledged for a digital tier and get a digital strategy guide. I may actually read it.
  20. I haven't played any of the Witcher games but my female friends seem to love it. Since women gamers in the USA are somewhere around 47% of video gamers that may have helped their sales. Geralt seems to appeal to women.
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