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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. Stop showing off!!! . . . . . It makes me jealous...
  2. Fair enough. Maybe I'll give it a go. The best console RPG I've played is Tales of Phantasia. Question: How did Suikoden even get a sequel?
  3. The only ones of that list I'm interested in are F.E.A.R., FF vs The Third Reich, GTA and KOTOR2. The rest are either uninteresting or are not coming out next year. @Oerwinde: Suikoden 1 is one of the worst games I've ever played. What do you see in it?
  4. I'm here because Obsidian is, hopefully, the successor to Black Isle Studios. Nowadays, blocking Google is about the same thing as blocking the Internet.
  5. Why is amnesia always brought up as a bad thing? The point is not if the plot includes amnesia or not .It's how the amnesia plot device is used. A good example of this would be the film Memento. In the specific case of Torment, amnesia allows you to have a deep and interesting lead character that, at the same time, you can role-play as you see fit. And this is something I had never seen in a rpg before.
  6. I'd say System Shock 2. I had heard it was good and I had played the first one but nothing could've prepared me for so much brilliance in a single game.
  7. I say we stone him.
  8. I love both. However, FO2 killed FO for me unlike BG which I still play once in a while despite liking BG2 better. That being said Fallout's humor and setting is way better than BG's. Torment is better than both though.
  9. I paid full price for Torment when it first came out and I would've paid more. It's the only game I've ever played that comes close to being Literature.
  10. Say what?
  11. This was my first post.
  12. Go Moonspell!! Where are you from? @kirottu: Which Apocalyptica album is Kaamos from?
  13. I forgot about Morrowind! Morrowind was a huge disappointment for me too. But Daggerfall still rules!
  14. Cake, Beatles, Ornatos Violeta, NOFX, Billie Holliday, Carla Bruni and many more. It's impossible for me to choose a specific song.
  15. NWN and Half-Life
  16. The cat avatar is great!
  17. I remember a CGW review of Hearts of Iron that said that the game had awful AI. Is that true?
  18. You are correct. We're part of a part of a portuguese evil plan to rule the world through gaming forums. I'm actually the organization's lead lurker. :D Yes, actually I do! But how do you suppose we go on about it? Jag
  19. That sounds pretty cool. But six different languages? Isn't one hard enough? Have you read Tolkien's essays on Old and Middle English literature?
  20. I lived in Sweden for a year as an exchange student.I really liked being there and all that. Jag missar Sverige... I can also speak a bit of swedish, but it's a chore to write anything. By the way, if you like etymology you should read all things Tolkien. That's what he was all about.
  21. Years ago when I played my first multiplayer game(Quake, I think, or maybe Hexen...), I had to pick something so I picked this. I doesn't have anything to do with anything though. The avatar is my favourite IWD portrait.
  22. Not much else to say, really.
  23. Are you kidding? The AI in Civ3 does cheat but you have a huge advantage on the easiest level. Things did get a bit harder with the expansions, but Chieftain level was really easy. I remember that for me Regent was where things started to get hard in Civ3. The trick on the easier levels is to expand as quickily as possible.
  24. It doesn't matter if civ3 is a crap game. The "just one more turn" psychology gets me everytime.
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