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Everything posted by Horrorscope

  1. NWN in the end someone made a script so you could push a button and litterally dozens of buffs fired off so you didn't have to do them by hand. This like resting, it becomes a chore, it does become hard to balance. Hard enough with Pause based to begin with. I won't seak for anyone else, but I felt I became a slave to both of those mechanics, which I felt were cheesy. I'd almost like much better potions and only be able to have one up at a time, I think there are enough out there from reading and I am one, that just collect this stuff and hasn't used one yet. So make them much better, but only one at a time and for a good amount of time.
  2. Personally, I'm very glad that it is possible to use double speed while sneaking, also also while not sneaking. It's a nice feature that the IE games lacked. I fail to see how removing double speed, which would slow us down more, or splitting sneak mode into detection and sneak modes, which would not remove the need for or advantage of being in sneak mode, would improve the situation. Agreed, double speed and half speed for combat are nice additions to the pause based game model. I think it works, but lets say you take it out, someone will now say the game is being dumbed down, then there are a good 1/2 dozen things that could be more streamlined. Really no win here, I'd say enjoy it the best you can. It's not crazy wrong, to me it works well enough.
  3. Thanks for links, fwiw Sven (D:OS I could find the blog) but he mentioned Steam consisted of something like 80-90% of total sales. So you can easily do the math from there.
  4. Edit: Found error of my ways... One Issue: Blessed with Winegrath - Says allies only, but hovering over enemies it shows they get the buff to when used. Thanks for correcting the Pause on Character being hit, much cleaner now for me!
  5. Someone mentioned and I think it is a fair question, how did you get those numbers? I don't question accuracy, they seem pretty accurate generally speaking, but Steam doesn't publish #'s. 226K that seems to be in line with D:OS after 1 week. Also most of D:OS sold with zero sales, they were well over 500k before the first sale. In this case Sven at Larian did do some sales #'s updates with the base.
  6. Favorite bug of all time.... An EA Baseball game on the Playstation 1. It was one where you could hook up like 8 players at once. Set up who's on what team, who controls which positions. We were jacked to play a whole season. First game, second game, third game, shelved. It would lose track of what player was on what team controlling which players. So you would start with 3 on 3 by the third inning it was 4 on 2, for some reason the game moved a player to the other team. Then assigned positions would be lost, so you wouldn't know where you were really covering. Then the coup de grace... It got so confused to the point the same player was both pitcher and hitter at the same f'in time! Never to be fixed and was a large selling point for that years version. Game was so confused, reminds me of Chevy's flash-sideways from the Funny Farm and yes I cried like the wife. So less than a week a major patch to address most reported issue... that's pretty good. It will be months for expert balancing, oh well. Support we do.
  7. Here's something to consider... Do you love gaming and want certain genre's ressurected and suppoted moving forward? If so, then you are at a crossroads. All the games down this path, say all the TB games to over the past two years. If you review each one and I think every one. You were much further ahead jumping in 6-9 months after release. Bugs/Balance fixes with a cheaper price. However, if we all do this for each game these will no longer be made. Because reality is... these aren't coming out of the oven day one bug free, nicely balanced and low low pricing. So how do we proceed? Are we investing into the genre to be developed by understanding and accepting early day warts? Or we let it dry up again and try it all over again in 2025? The silver lining is we will be getting their second itterations next go-round. We hope for a more mature product as the enigines won't be brand new, leassons will be learned etc. So perhaps we just need to accept what is happening. We have all these new 1.0 Strategy engines being built and we need to give them some leeway to grow. And if you believe "well it should just be ready to go day one", I don't disagree, but it isn't planet Earth, so can you accept reality?
  8. I would think designing a game like this, with IE's histroy, you know there are players all over the spectrum on how they want to play it. I totally get both ends and since there are settings, make them what they are labeled. I can totally get wanting to play this game pure realtime, win the battles, get the story, get the girl and call it a day. Then I get the I want to battle every battle for survival, get the story and get the girl. I go between the two myself and sometimes I favor easy because of Steam Backlog.
  9. Yes something to adjust to. When a new section appears I wait a breif moment to see if it will be voiced first and I've trained myself to go directly to the highlughted white text (I believe it is) which is the readable part to follow along. Sem-related: Is there a link to all the in-game tips? In-game tips are a funny thing, the can come and go too quickly to read. So I rather just have a place to go read them directly. FWIW I am a fan of the Nintendo way of presenting text that it appears at a certain speed (being variable controlled in config x10 better yet), to me it helps with Wall o Text fatigue. You don't get a sense of how long it will be and you stay more focused as it writes itself out. Me anyway. So a delivery like that, with controlled speed slider (we read at different speeds) is something I think emerging UI's could take advantage of.
  10. Thinking about it, if that's it, then its like "I saw the enemy and the enemy is me". "Can't win, for losing". "Got me coming and going". Any saying which means were screwed for even trying. They won't post at the official site because there are additional strings attached, so we'll post as some other place, because we can get in and get out. Well they can just post here and simply not follow up no matter how much we are on our knees begging. But this is common, so perhaps a game site can jot this down and approach a developer with why they do this and let us in on it.
  11. People have always had strong opinions, we always talk about "How it is getting worse", news flash people in the year 1000 though it was all going downhill to. I agree overall, why post at Reddit when you can post here? Or at least post to both. This is your official site. They are far from alone in this and I've never really understood, nor has anyone ever given an explanation, let alone a good one.
  12. I've read several other threads about loving the game and thanks to Obsidian. And reading this you can see the appreciation to, so it never was all hate. I like the one describing that we each can read into something in a different tone then intended, in this case negatively. To me it is constructive criticism in general, a few hate trolls, not that many though, but someone takes it as "Am I the only one?". About if you love the game your playing it and not posting here. As you can see there are plenty of people that love it and post here. It's more about reporting, discussing decisions made and how it could be better, you know talking about the hobby of gaming. I'm near certain if discussed say in a month from now, the designers of the game will mention things that worked well and things that didn't and if compared to posts today there will be parallels between the two. It would be very hard to nail it all just right the first release, will be interesting to see what they patch and what their next offering looks like.
  13. Why the hype? Because it has been forever since an IE game to be released. It is definately close enough to fall right in line. Look at it like this, we have to start somewhere, they have to release, they have to stay in business. This is yet another investment towards more of this, even better. Shadowrun would be a good example to look at. Returns comes out, good, but could be noticeably better. They make the Dragofall add-on, much better and continued support of it with Director Cut. Very good. Now they have Hong Kong. You'd expect Dragonfall and more, right? So it is a solid start, nothing to be surprised that people are excited for the return with hopes this is just a re-start,
  14. Why do you think you are the only person, isn't that a stretch on the other polar end? Love the game, to the point it's worth breaking it down and discussing it. As with anything brand new, lots to like, lots to see room for improvement on. Like D:OS, I feel the NEXT game gets to be that much better from leassons learned and not having to create an engine from scratch. Still waiting on the final D:OS and WL2 balance patch, so this has a good 6-9 months before that time. Right on schedule, lol.
  15. Agreed. I like the mechanic overall vs other attempts. Couple recent games have added that limited rest dimension, it is there to make you conserve and strategize. Not that I'm against a cooldown system, but with it being per rest, this isn't all bad. And about realism... your player starts out "Did anyone see that?", "Did anyone hear that?" the visions. As if the player is dumfounded. But said player in this case spews magic from their finger tips, kills ghosts and shadows, but then is totally amazed they see dead people. That doesn't add up all that much either. Relax, enjoy. This thread is not a discussion on realism. It's a discussion on the mechanics of the resting system being the way they are, despite the developer goals of completely redesigning common cRPG systems for the modern age. Also, your character lives in a world where magic is a known (even common?) force, and there are many monsters including undead in the wilds just metres from the road. These things are common in the lore. Being a Watcher is very uncommon and in the lore so your character has every right to react this way, especially because it's completely new to them. I am ok with the mechanics of resting and get it. I'm also part of th equation of believing the story and the situation, I find it a bit goofy. Sorry.
  16. Agreed. I like the mechanic overall vs other attempts. Couple recent games have added that limited rest dimension, it is there to make you conserve and strategize. Not that I'm against a cooldown system, but with it being per rest, this isn't all bad. And about realism... your player starts out "Did anyone see that?", "Did anyone hear that?" the visions. As if the player is dumfounded. But said player in this case spews magic from their finger tips, kills ghosts and shadows, but then is totally amazed they see dead people. That doesn't add up all that much either. Relax, enjoy.
  17. But doesn't a Cipher and Priest have a solid crowd control options within the first few levels and some good ones right off the bat? Eastc, I am not at that level, but you are saying Wizard spells (at least some) turn into "per encounter"? If so, then yeah no problem with that at all. As for the poster you answered, Grimouires I'm almost certain do not work like that, extra uses per rest. You can just use spells out of other Grim's, so instead of 4 level one's you have two books you have 8 level 1's to choose from.
  18. It makes me wonder if all spells of rest-based casters should auto-refresh every 8 or 12 hours without resting. Resting would still be instant and limited like it is. When a class like Chiper exists, who regenerates constantly and has some great spells. Might make for an interesting mod.
  19. Don't they exist in the case you come up to an obstacle an attribute score is needed by one of your party members and if no one can satisfy, then the tool comes in to get you past the obstacle? So it isn't some deep situation, but seems reasonable. They are consumed each use. I do really like the storybook parts, not sure how elaborate it gets later on, but I'm for expanding this feature in the future, nice change of pace and classy for some reason.
  20. "Opening chests is decided by mechanics, finding traps and hidden stuff is decided by perception. These are two different skills." I've tested this and I'm about as certain as can be that finding/spotting it is governed by Mechanics. I have a person with high Mechanics and low Perception and I have a person with No Mechanics and High Perception. By saving the game near a known trap, yes I tested it because it was confusing due to definitions given and what I was seeing just playing... That the high perception, no mechanics person was useless in spotting. The high mechanic, low perception character spotted the trap from a good 15-20 feet out. You need on person with high mechanics to do it all and preferably near the front of your party at least while venturing.
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