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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Can't help but be reminded of the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer, though I believe that the young lady shown being arrested by Max-Tac is a brain, spinal cord and a pair of eyes in a robotic body. Still not something i'd partake in, though fairly standard fayre in Sci-Fi, just seems odd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y9711pvZkc Edit: Though to be honest can one have a gender when one has no reproductive organs at all? Does it matter at all? Very strange.
  2. Personally i've mostly preferred Obsidian's characters, with the exception of Veronica from New Vegas and a few of the cast of NWN2. Bioware's caricatures have almost always set my teeth on edge, with their squeeing humour, desperate, repeated calls for attention and almost universal lack of agency, intellect and bottom. I've sometimes even been forced to solo a Bioware game because of the idiotic ensemble following you around, continually interrupting ones protagonist with cutesy "witticisms" that would make Mr Wilde despair for the English language. Breathe, breathe.....ah that's better, vent over. Many apologies.
  3. Nice to see This War of Mine get some much deserved publicity, because the media has almost totally ignored it seems, though personally i'd say that it is a management/survival sim with realistic horror elements. I suppose it can change things with the link to the Warchild charity, but otherwise i'm not seeing what it will change.
  4. Mr Woldan goes missing, a new Mad Max film is in the offing. I sense a humongous connection.
  5. But you seem to be ignoring the " good " celebrities who use there fame and prestige to help less fortunate people, like Angelina Jolie and all her good work as an ambassador for the UN So its definitely not all bad No i'm not ignoring them, i'm failing to see a reason why her work is highlighted more than a UN worker who has spent years doing much more than Ms Jolie, but is ignored because of their lack of fame and attention seeking. We should not need these false idols, nor should we court them when common men and women die as heroes and heroines, and are buried unremarked and unlamented. Fame, prestige and sickening amounts of wealth and over consumption should not be celebrated in my opinion, and yet it is. It is about time we considered celebrities to be normal people, paid them a fair wage and only celebrated them if their merits warrant it, and their contribution to society is greater than others. This is merely my personal opinion however, and I admit that I am a very individual erm...individual, not at all accustomed to following the popular opinions and trends.
  6. In my opinion it is not a "rape culture" that is at fault for Mr Saville's (and Mr Cosby's if guilty) crimes, it is the celebrity culture which spits all over the law, equality and society at large. Celebrity is a leech upon us, that I personally hope is lanced at some point, especially when its heroes and heroines are men and women of such piffling to negative morals and talents. As a point of interest Pater once threatened to knock Mr Saville on his arse, I was enormously proud of the old chap at that moment, and when the allegations against Mr Saville came to light decades later that pride bloomed again.
  7. There may yet be a world food shortage, when Soylent Green becomes viable Mr Sterling's employers will truly reap the weight of their investment. Fnarr Fnarr. Edit: Or possibly they are experimenting with Mass accumulation, and are trying to imitate a Star collapsing under the weight of its own Mass? Could it be that Mr Sterling is not wearing black all the time, but that light cannot escape his event horizon, giving the illusion of blackness? Sorry, back to weightier matters.
  8. What i'm personally worried about is the devs who have delivered and are trying to deliver niche products to the market are going to be swimming in the waters poisoned by Tim Schafer, Anita Sarkeesian and others who have failed to produce what they promised, despite being massively overfunded. The Expeditions: Conquistador devs for instance produced an amazing game on a pittance with hardly any publicity, I would not wish to see their future crowdfunding efforts endangered by the aboves flagrantly anti consumer practises. It would be harmful to them, and us as the consumer, as we are deprived of a good game. Would Kickstarter benefit from a vetting procedure? Or is that vetting allready performed by the wise customer, and the only precaution should be Caveat Emptor?
  9. So only one difficulty level is enjoyable in DAI, pretty damning isn't it?
  10. Seems to me that these developers simply don't realise that they're poisoning the well they're drinking from, even as a quite prolific Kickstarter backer i'm becoming worried about the anti consumer practises that are being indulged in now.
  11. Well to be fair the cause of GG, the hatred that game journalists hold for their audience and anyone who does not kneel to their childish dogma, can't really be stopped. Most likely this is born from self loathing, and would require far more professional counselling and therapy than we are prepared or want to give. All we can really do is battle the symptoms, stop the unproven misogynistic, racist, sexist, homophobic and other smears that the SJF's feel they have a right to throw at the extremely diverse members of their audience and hopefully drive game journalism out of business. So that a proper, ethical, objective, unbiased and fit for purpose media can arise in their place. Of course many people are pro-corruption and anti-consumer as we have seen even here, and want the current paradigm to remain, and the status quo not to be rocked. But it is the pro-consumer and anti-corruption voice that matters to me personally, as it ensures a better industry, with far better criticism, more respect for the consumers purchasing decisions and more innovative and forward looking games, rather than the degenerative alternatives we see that are currently championed.
  12. Hate? Rather strong word chaps, more apathetic really. Lelilanis decapitation and ressurection was one of the only points of interest I had left in the franchise, from a merely curious point of view, along with wondering whether the Blond Templar lady from DA2 reached escape velocity when she zoomed off into space in the final battle? I have to admit I nope'd, pressed ctrl-alt-del at that point and then pressed the awesome (uninstall) button, but was left wondering whether she made it into orbit. As for other peoples enjoyment (or not) of the game, I really couldn't give two figs, I was merely curious about the PC controls being so poorly implemented, as this was once a strength of Bioware.
  13. Thank you Lephys but i'm only mildly interested in the PC port, not at all in consoles i'm afraid. It would be interesting to learn how Lenala (spelling) glued her head back on, when I decapitated her after i'd corrupted the Sacred Ashes, which she apparently took umbrage about.
  14. Is DA3 really that bad gameplay-wise? I admit I was expecting a poor game (given their recent track record only an idiot would not,) but I was expecting it to be poor because of their incoherent writing, childish humour, moronic characters, immature squeeing, and weak grasp of themes and narrative. Bioware games have usually been mechanically sound for all of their faults.
  15. If the combat is anywhere near as enthralling and enjoyable as TOEE I for one shall be more than satisfied, the story I personally have no doubt will be up to Obsidians usual exemplary standards.
  16. You've just got to love Daniel Vavra.
  17. I could see elements of that style fitting into some aspects of the game, though since so much emphasis is on the metallic armor and weapons I don't see how they could withstand the brutality. The style also seems to be more of a submissive style of fighting by overpowering the enemies to the ground, but I don't know how lethal they'd be? It would be a big change of pace for what most monkish styles have been like in games. I think it would benefit the style possibly in the druid class when they shape shift into a creature, and use like the ram strike to stun or confuse the enemies for example. How could they withstand the brutality? In the same manner they will withstand it now, by a metaphysical force of will channeling their pain and wounds into furious assaults. Though I would also maybe like to see an armour set made specifically for Monks, light and not really made for stopping blows, but perhaps with areas of strength to block and redirect incoming attacks, something like a lighter Gladiators harness perhaps. Or maybe catechisms of belief and philosophy carved into their flesh by their own hands, lending them a skin as hard as the stoutest mail. As for lethality, man is mortal, it takes only a few pounds of pressure to break bone. To a trained combatant there are many close combat moves available, eye gouging, head butts, throat crushing punch, groin shots, all manner of broken bones, dislocated limbs, a broken neck, crushed ribs, etcetera. Edit: I've got to admit i'm very curious as to how Monks fit in to the cultures of the gameworld, the other classes seem mainly self explanatory, but Monks i'm just not sure what their role is.
  18. Personally i'd prefer Pankration style fighting, a mix of wrestling and Pugilism, that is distinctively different from eastern martial arts. Including pins, throws and leg sweeps etcetera. Might take too many resources however, especially for a class that will probably not be popular amongst the majority of players.
  19. I always judged the choose your own adventure books as one of the first steps on the road to the interactive entertainment we have now. A pity the gentlemans death has been largely ignored. RIP.
  20. This War of Mine. While out scavenging for food our Athlete friend was shot and killed, we went from scraping by in our ruined house to truly desperate straits, we're understaffed, underfed, we're all sick or wounded, have no medical supplies and have no reliable weapons. We're banking on one of our injured scavengers finding a good haul tonight, if he doesn't we may not survive, we gave him a knife when he set out and he knows how important it is that he gathers everything he can. Morality is beginning to be compromised here, there's an old couple nearby with a well stocked home, we hope it doesn't become them or us. The atmosphere in this game is amazing, highly recommended.
  21. As far as i'm concerned dictating what people can and can't wear as clothing is morally reprehensible, I may not approve of young ladies dressed like whores and strippers spillling out of their skimpy clothing on a friday night in any major city centre, however I have no right to tell them what to wear. This seems very simple, as far as the colourful shirt our scientist friend wore, it's inoffensive. I would even go so far as to not condemn prominent Anti GG Neo Nazi's, like Ian Miles Cheong and Geordie Tait, if they choose to dress in their idolised factions regalia. I will judge them every which way from Sunday, but I will not try to remove that right. As doing so would be the first step on the road to becoming like them. Edit: To focus on a shirt in the midst of what the Rosetta Project has achieved is ridiculous and small minded anyway, and I truly pity anyone so petty as to be worried about such things while mankind steps into the stars.
  22. This War of Mine. I'll just play one more day and then i'll quit...honestly.
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