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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. @ Sakai: I have the right to judge the gaming press because I am a consumer and it is their purpose to serve and inform me, when they fail at that it is my right as a consumer to judge them. They have a right to preach at someone privately, even though it is hypocrtitical when they are corrupt, unethical and part of a hate movement, they do not have a right to use the media they are a part of to demonise an innocent majority, that is a flagrant misuse of their powers. Thus we have Gamergate, a consumer revolt and response to unethical practises and their hate mongering. Edit: Anyway off to the sweet caress of dreams and delusions I flitter, my time upon this mortal coil is short and alas my tongue is weary and eyes heavy, good night and god bless. Now that was dramatic!
  2. Yes even though, they had no right to preach at anyone, or any group. That is not their purpose and their coordinated attack on all gamers, calling them dead, was a cowardly and idiotic thing that further cheapened the worth of game journalism. They are now utterly discredited, no amount of backpedalling or trying to weasel out of it will excuse their behaviour. Edit: Open and healthy words, a little late to start acting innocent, hah most amusing. Ah well her toxicity and hatred are irrelevant now.
  3. Yes I never felt that shut in feeling with the Underworlds, even though in both I literally was, strange.
  4. Then they shouldn't have used the term gamer, it has only one meaning, i'm sorry but they made an attack against anyone whom plays games recreationally and tried to tell off and preach at people for their hobby. This is not their place or their right, they are corrupt, spoiled and unethical followers of a hate movement, they have no right to judge or deride anybody, gamer or not. I know that they think they are better and spit on humanity in general, and feel it is their right to judge, but that is just not so. They are the identity that is dying thanks to their own corruption and being unfit for purpose, they shouldn't attack the audience whom gave them jobs just because they are becoming irrelevant.
  5. We're witnessing the death of an identity, that identity is a gamer they state, thus gamers are dead. It's really quite simple for anybody whom reads English. The twelve articles are attacks on anyone who happens to play games recreationally, they should own up to it, not be cowardly and try and backpedal and weasel their way out of it. @Sakai: Dramatic, I thought I was using quite dry and stolid prose, but I suppose I could try and be more pedestrian. I'll give it a shot.
  6. Oh come now anybody whom reads the articles can tell that they are attacks against the millions of diverse consumers whom play games recreationally, the journalists conspired on their little hugbox to try and tell off anybody whom dared criticise them, and then all published their articles in a concerted attack. This backpedalling is just pathetic and cowardly as one just has to read them, they declared that gamers are dead and tried to demonise them, now their careers are dead or soon will be, it all evens out in the end. The fact that these unethical, corrupt and lets face it morally devoid individuals think that they can preach at anyone just shows how blinkered, self righteous and indoctrinated they have become in their ideology of hatred for humanity. Still I would not censor them, let them continue puring out their toxic bile, by their own tongue let them be damned. I've got to say however that reading those articles again was highly amusing, i'd forgotten how harmful to gaming and purely idiotic these "journalists" ideas are.
  7. Chalk up another disappointment chaps, oh and language Timothy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01KPcW-HUp4
  8. Rather disappointed that no one has posted "Blame Canada" yet.
  9. Recently saw the GDC retrospective on Fallout that Mr Cain gave (at the Codex,) both informative and entertaining, i'd recently finished the game with Sduibek's excellent mod and yet wanted to play again afterwards. I'd say that's the sign of a classically enjoyable experience. I'd love to see Bethesda take a chance and comission an isometric, turn based Fallout again, where one can play as a wheezing old Ghoul, one of the strangely endearing Supermutants, or a plain old normie (if such a term can even be used in the Fallout setting any more.)
  10. Still i'll give Bioware this their blunt and clumsy emphasis on sexuality and gender, rather than treating it as perfectly normal and unremarkable as say Obsidian does with Arcade, is not particular to them. The whole movement to insert and highlight sexuality and gender at the expense of characterisation also uses this clumsy, preaching tone that we're all familiar with now that SJF's have revealed themselves (#killallmen) to be hateful and sure of their superiority to anyone whom does not follow their twisted and harmful ideology. Subtlety and viewpoints seem to be totally beyond them, but then again I suppose that when taking such a negative viewpoint of the world and its people, then they are bound to think in such absolute terms. Still I personally prefer the Arcade manner, where he happens to be gay, no big deal, he's not going to act like a victim because of a trait that has probably existed as long as his species has been around, or proclaim himself a special snowflake because of it and spit on anyone whom doesn't share his status. All ones own opinion however.
  11. This is hilarious, I really don't know how he manages to go down in my estimation with each post, i'm going to have to start studying quantum states soon.
  12. Yes it's nice to see them regress, though I would say they're not inclusive if you want good writing, plotting, strong characters with some brains or self motivation, or a refined sense of humour. Still if you want blatant flattery of the protagonist, idiotic NPC's, a narrative that is repetitive and dull, antagonists that are pathetic cliches and lots (and I mean lots) of endless grinding then they are perfectly suited to ones taste. Edit: Sorry I forgot the sub par Joss Whedon humour, almost Wildean in its subtlety.
  13. Ah progressive, I remember thinking that when Ultima introduced romances, boy gay and straight, an option to change gender and various issues covering philosophy and religion twenty plus years ago. Or its subtle message of tolerance and the dangers of speciesism in VI, along with a new species whom were vastly anatomically different from humans, and whom had been disenfranchised by the protagonists heroics. Or the study of moral absolutism with which Blackthorne twisted the eight virtues in V, and how those looking to judge and hate others were all too quick to denounce their fellow man. Or the lifelong quest for virtue that the Avatar undertook in IV, setting the stage for all that was to follow. A pity Elizabeth and Abraham came along.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8-HDUBbtgQ
  15. Shamelessly stolen from the Witcher forums, seemed appropriate: Hi. I'm Dirk Thrustington, head anchor for the Future News entertainments division, giving you bread and circus from now until the end of all things. Many of you will remember me from such films as Attack of the Anorexic Kung Fu girl and its nineteen sequels or the hip hop opera. "It's all about Das Rheingold bitch." But since my consciousness was uploaded into this sickening nightmare form of cool lies and smooth angles, I have been presenting you with unbiased factoids direct from the titans of the entertainment industry, and networking a vast surveillance operation on your every action, word and choice so that we might better cater to your every whim. Of course there are those who object to such eternal intrusion, especially when it comes to their personal lives, loves and intimate moments. To those poor deluded people we kindly bid a courteous goodnight and recommend another information channel. It is a matter of no small concern to us that no such channels exist in this timeline or any other we have come across in the multiverse, and that once your bio signs are linked to Future News any severing of that symbiosis results in a truly horrendous and excruciating protracted death. So for the good of your continued existence we present to you a small compilation of Future News articles, presented by a rather dashing artificial intelligence platform calculated to be attractive to over sixty six percent of our key demographic. This just in: Renowned video game developers Bioware/EA have announced that despite creating over one thousand seperate pieces of downloadable and pre order content for their latest eagerly awaited masterpiece, they have forgotten to make the ACTUAL game. One Mass Effect 4 developer who has been on the crunch since disco admitted that the game just got overlooked. "Dude, we were just so busy coding various tat for nickle and diming the suckers that we kind of forgot there WAS a game." An EA executive when asked for comment announced that all dlc will be fully playable in other games and that there are no plans to actually release Mass Effect 4, because and I qoute: "We've allready made more cash selling a non existent product to our discerning customers than Michael Jacksons plastic surgeon, so screw 'em." Fan reaction has been mixed with many long term fan stating that this was just a matter of time, however a large and vocal majority of fans (the Dragon Age 2 Fan Troop or D.A.F.T.) have come out defending Bioware's corner. Stating that the developers are implementing all their dlc in other cross promotional games and that players shouldn't have the temerity to ask for an actual stand alone game, DAFT have called for the imprisonment and eventual execution of anyone caught criticising or not offering blood sacrifice to their lord and god, a move which EA has stated that they are considering for their next end user license agreement. In this reporters opinion the assault course, kidnapping, robbery and torture that are required in the current eula are enough, but it seems that the pirate menace which funds terrorism and the drug trade (which EA are currently trying to corner the market on) may drive the publisher to develop such stern measures. As always this is the Dirk Thrustington AI, bringing you your future news. Give us a minute and we'll condense ten thousand years of history into easily manageable soundbites.
  16. Spent the last two days cleaning, beating, mopping, polishing, dusting and washing any vaguely inanimate object within my castle, now I finally have every piece of furniture, tech, objet d'art and bric a brac back within the house and off the back lawn and rearranged to Mrs Nonek's satisfaction. It feels enormously satisfying, and I must admit it was quite a good workout, though the amount of dirt one finds on such maneuvers is truly staggering. Well another year to go. Fido still looks reproachful after his hosing down and shampooing, but his odour is immeasurably more bearable. I must say however that the chores passed a lot faster because of the pleasing sight of Mrs Nonek topping up her tan, the pleasures of Spring what.
  17. Well one can certainly state that the art design is nice and original, and the world looks different from the usual RPG, however i'm personally not too sure about a game set entirely (it seems) underground. The first part of Rune began in such a manner and it always felt a little...claustophobic?
  18. I've been bringing my wife a nice cup of tea and a slice of toast, a scone or a croissant every morning, what kind of monster am I?
  19. I wish you all the best sir, may the all clear be sounded and your recovery be swift. If it's not too presumptious I will include you in my prayers next Sunday.
  20. Well it is, forums are for collective bashing or praise after all. Not really sensible to wade in to something that annoys you, then whine about it but refrain from taking measures to resolve it. But, again, the conclusion that's left is probably accurate. As for Gamergate doing anything, nahh, all it's done is raise the profile and Patreon donations of Sarkeesian, Wu, Quinn, etc. And I guess given Twitter hounds who want to show how socially aware they are (like Cheong) some meat to get some credibility. But hey at least no one died, people were seriously speaking of ruined lives with this silliness. I tend to agree with this sentiment. Depending on the forum and thread you will generally find support or dislike for one perspective within the SJ narrative, there isn't much middle-ground. The best you can hope for is a semblance of not really objective debate but people at least recognizing a different opinion as possibly valid. But it still doesn't seem to change peoples general stance which is often a disappointment for me...but not a surprise And the reason its not a surprise for me is because you need to break down what people who support GG are really saying. Well at least the people on this forum who support GG Firstly I don't think there are any real bigots on this thread. There are several people who are white, heterosexual males who truly believe that there lifestyle is beset by SJW. Now I need to repeat that for maximum impact " there are people on this thread who believe there lifestyle is beset by SJW". They feel that SJW are hypocrites and say one thing and act another way....and they are always criticizing....always criticizing So that leads me to my next series of questions. This is addressed to everyone who has been actively supporting GG over the last 8 months or so. This includes Nonek, Volo, Meshugger, KP, Fighter, KP, Longknife and Kirottu ( sorry if I left anyone out and of course I welcome all comments ). What would you say now if Leigh Alexander said in regards to the original article " I didn't mean all white, male gamers " ..I only meant " white, male gamers who refuse to accept or believe in transformation". This view is very relevant to the original anger as I see people still raise this as a reason for the general dislike of the SJ narrative. Someone like Nonek still bring this up in his diatribe against SJW and SJF ( an appalling characterization for SJW but I see Nonek still uses it ) and it is justification for support of GG for many people. So what would you now think if Leigh Alexander said " she didn't mean all white male gamers? Can you give me just 3 valid examples of how your gaming experience has changed due to SJ influence...and these examples must be meaningful. So please don't give examples like I don't visit RPS and Polygon anymore because of there biased reviews on GG ( you never visited RPS and Polygon to begin with ) The limerick was edited in PoE ( this makes no change to the actual game ) I don't like the fact there is a call to remove hookers from GTAV...I like killing hookers and any other character in the game with my car ( Rockstar despite the criticism hasn't removed hookers from the game ) So I want 3, just 3, examples of how your gaming experience has been altered due to the SJ narrative. I am going to make a prediction, you guys are going to battle to find 3 meaningful examples because the reality is I don't think they really exist. Most of examples of so called SJ interference is based on nebulous accusations and Twitter comments. But if you think about the actual changes that you guys claim to be opposing I don't see any that are significant ? So if that's true then you guys need to ask some introspective questions to yourselves that should include a simple point " what am I really objecting to" when it comes to opposing the SJ movement ? Lets try to leave the emotion out this debate and deal with the facts and changes in the gaming industry that are really happening and are really diluting your gaming experience ? 1. Why would anyone be content with an apology to just white male gamers? Ms Alexander and her moronic cronies insulted all the diverse millions whom play games recreationally, she must therefore apologise to all gamers, male, female, black, yellow, red, white and of mixed race. This should be obvious. 2. Ways in which SJF's have impacted ones gaming experience, very well: 1. They have declared all gamers dead, alienating a vast amount of people, thus creating Gamergate and various far more ethical alternatives to the current corrupt press. 2. They have created a hateful and toxic atmosphere on the internet, with totally innocent people whom do not even have Twitter accounts being labelled harassers and various other perjorative terms when they are simply asking for an industry to be fit for purpose. Thus creating a poor false impression of those whom game recreationally as we see in the Law & Order: SJF episode. 3. They have sunk game journalism to an all time low, to the point where it is a laughing stock and is dragging other forms of journalism down with it. 4. Firedorns harmless joke poem about a man dying was removed from a game I backed, and a genocide advocate pretending outrage was appeased, one should not give in to such people, especially when their complaints are based upon lies. 5. They have given hypocritical, hateful individuals with no morals whom are actual abusers and criminals a podium upon which to lecture good moral people whom have done no wrong. 6. Asking for sex workers to be removed from GTA but absolutely no other victim of any crime to be removed no matter how heinous, thus showing what biased idiots they are to ask for this and nothing else. First we should deal with the real world problem of sex workers and the criminals whom abuse them, some of whom even hypocritically lie that they are interested in social justice issues. Now if you are supporting genocide advocates, championing corruption, objecting to ethical standards for a multi billion dollar industry, lying that a consumer revolt is a hate and harassment movement and spreading hate and lies about your fellow man, then maybe it is time you undertook some introspection of your own. The changes in the gaming industry lately are mostly positive thanks to Gamergate, as I have stated before, more and more sites are creating ethical guidelines for themselves, the hatemongers are being sacked and we have done a good job, but more is needed. An independent ethical ombudsman would be a good start, to enforce ethical behaviour and not allow sites like Kotaku to flout ethics as they have been doing, staff it with those whom have behaved with the consumers interests first and foremost in mind throughout this period and make it truly independent and a powert to challenge developers, publishers and most importantly the corrupt cronyism of journalists. Gamergate and us reasonable moderates are winning this is indisputable but more must still be done.
  21. So basically you haven't done anything, yet you say "we". I guess it's nice to think of yourself as crusader for justice without actually having to do anything. No Mr Sakai I did my part, sent e-mails to sponsors, supported various causes financially and stayed balanced and moderate in my stance. Then again i've got a large cellar, which contributes to a mans equanimity i've found. Thank you for the interest however, I still can't accept that i'm solely responsible like you state however, i'm really not that egotistical. On the Armenian "joke," not sure I approve but of course my approval or disapproval means nothing, it has a right to exist independent of my feelings. I belive however that the "jokes" teller might well be mocking how Ms Sarkeesian turns everything into a personal attack against herself. I think I may open a second bottle before venturing into the land of Nod, this is very good. Edit: It's very nice to see such activity in this thread once again, together we will assuredly reach our goals, thank you for keeping this thread up on the top pages where it belongs.
  22. What did I do? As I said I don't like to brag dear boy, but once again thank you for the attribution, my part was small but together us ants can move mountains. Off to celebrate with a nice Mosel, chin chin.
  23. Well I don't like to brag Sakai dear boy, but thank you.
  24. It's nice to sit back and admire what we have done as Gamergaters: The disruptive and hateful people such as Leigh Alexander, Ben Kuchera and Bob Chipman who have lost their jobs, the multiple companies that have instituted or updated their ethics policies, Gawker media being severely impacted by our efforts and its own shoddy practises, the developers, journalists and publishers who have been reminded to not spit on their customer base or demonise consumers as they have been doing for years, until it's become fashionable. Of course there are still problems: The media and SJF lies that GG is a hate movement, when they are the ones who support #killallmen and employ neo Nazi's, the unproven claims of harassment that are lapped up by those whom wish to confirm their hatred and bias of anyone not buying into their ideological, sexist and racist hatred of all those whom play games recreationally, and lastly apologies must be gained from those whom have made any negative comments against gamers. Still I think if we endure and keep a steady course we moderates standing up for the consumer, rather than championing the corrupt establishment, will achieve many more victories. I think i'll have a few glasses to celebrate our goodly work. Hah.
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