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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Wow, I wish I had that many games installed and had the time to play them all too. I have, KotOR 1 NWN w/ SoU and HotU Jedi Academy(Can't get enough of lightsaber duels) Starcraft w/ Broodwar (Gotta play on Bnet with my friends) Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9 Romance of the Three Kingdoms : Cao Cao's Epic(Old one. 2D Turn based strategy) Some other odd Korean multiplayer games. Trying not to buy the new games except for KotOR 2. I'll probably get HL2, D3, and any other current games when I build myself a new computer..probably 2 years from now..heh
  2. They did do this to some extent in the BG and IWD series, where you could toggle options to make death permanent. I think it was when a NPC's hit points went down to negative 10 or something, the corresponding portrait would dissapear on the death of the NPC. I usually played with this option, but I found myself going back to earlier save games and reloading anyways. The type of game you describe would most likely be an RPG,(Going to town, talking, finding clues, etc) and I suppose the deisgners would have to develop some new type of save feature or gameplay mechanic that would make permanent death a part of the game...without being too frustrating.
  3. Good thing I'm not Volourn... Your picture looks like the Undertaker playing the Phantom of the Opera. That would be cool.
  4. I like 1. My Family and Friends 2. My Hobbies(Martial Arts/Gaming/Reading long novels that keep me up all night) 3. Food...all food. 4. Women, when they're loving and sweet 5. Sleeping I dislike 1. Religious Fanatics 2. Rampant and Radical feminists 3. All other extremists 4. Those freaky dolls that seem to stare at you wherever you are. 5. Being sick
  5. I wish I were undead! Not only would I have life but no longer be confined to social boundaries of what defines 'a life'. I would be free! And get all the chicks. We all know how they love the undead types.
  6. No doubt my nipples would penetrate the confines of my robes in their excitement. I hope no one was eating something when they read that.
  7. I believe there are devs in the K2 team who just love Star Wars! They will come through for us with some extra content just for the satisfaction of creating something within the SW universe! Let this be true!
  8. I wouldn't mind personally with the game getting delayed. However I can't speak for everyone else who wants the game as soon as possible so I must defer to them. Ahh...who am I kidding, its only with the strongest resilience of my weak mind that I am restraining from rushing out to Gamestop and buying a used Xbox and K2. That and not carrying around my debit card and any cash whatsoever. *sigh*
  9. Hopefully the devs will continue working on the PC version instead of shelving it until Feb. Usually the potential for bugs increases for the PC doesn't it? Since there are different PC configurations and systems. I personally didn't encounter any fatal bugs in K1. I had the Force Speed bug, but I didn't really mind that since running around some areas was tedious and I usually activiated speed when I fought anyway. If the amount of bugs is kept at this level I won't mind. Overall the whole game was very stable for me. As for the framerate complaints, hopefully more powerful computers will be able to handle the graphical chug and higher resolutions. K1 looked pretty good on my Ati Radeon Pro 9500 at 64 MB. I had it on 800x600 resolution with some anti-aliasing and anisotropy and it was pretty smooth. My graphics card company gave me a free upgrade to 9600 pro at 128 MB so hopefully I'll be able to play K2 without any major chugging. I really want a more powerful graphics card, but I'm trying to lead a simple life style at the moment and I'm saving up money for other purposes so, I guess I'll have to wait.
  10. I can't wait to get my hands on this game. I wonder how many days of work I can shirk off in February to play this game to death...or my death whichever comes first. Maybe I'll play from K1 again...roughly 100 hours I suppose to finish both games. WOO!
  11. Hmm, I don't really like how they portrayed Revan in that chronicle. Revan, by himself, was a master strategist and tactitian. I thought the whole point of Revan being a hero was his superior ability to change the course of the war for the Republic utilizing entire sector wide diversions and unpredictable, tenacious attacks among other well thought out plans, not relying on some powerful planet full of dark side energy. Canderous even says something to the effect of, 'the subtlety of his plans, the precision of his strikes and the tenacity of his attacks were enough to defeat the best of us.' Revan was obviously a master of both martial and mental aspects of the Force and beyond. He was a genius with enough potential power within himself to save or conquer the galaxy once more after even after sustaining grievous injuries. The immensity of Revan's mere presence and his charisma is what drew followers and servants alike to him, not the dark side energy of Malachor V. You can see that the jedi followed Revan because of his charisma when you talk to Juhani. Revan and a team of Jedi freed the slaves on Taris, and Juhani speaks of a Jedi who spoke highly of Revan. This is obviously before any of them fell to the darkside. Malak evens says to you, "You could always inspire loyalty within your followers Revan!" with a touch of jealousy. Heh...I shouldn't get so worked up about a game, but the chronicle does Revan a great injustice. Who's getting paid to put up those chronicles anyway? I sure would like that job. Revan was powerful because he was Revan. Sure Malachor V most likely augmented Revan's power, but the chronicle makes it seem like that was the sole source of Revan's power. Men and Women are equal, but probably not in the way you think Desert Hawk. Men will be in general more physically capable than women. Notice I say generally, in broad strokes. Sure there are some superb female atheletes that would probably kick my ass in a variety of sports, but they cannot compete with the male atheletes of the same caliber. This makes men in the whole more capable in the military combat zone than women. They can carry more, run faster and longer and generally handle more physical pressure than women. Feminists seem to argue that the physical traits between men and women are irrelevant in their performance. This is stupid. Physical Traits are what make us different. Our physical composition determines what hormones we will produce, what biological pattern our bodies will take and these do play a crucial role in our mental and emotional performance. Men are better at some things than women and women are better at some things than men in general, in broad strokes. Men tend to be better at the physical/analytic areas, Women tend to be better in mental/emotional areas. This is again in general. Of course certain traits can be developed and mastered regardless of sex. The question is of course do most people possess the intiative and drive to do this? Not really. Radical feminists tend to think that women are generally better at everything. This is again stupid. The sooner everyone just accepts their masculinity and femininity and are comfortable with it, the sooner the world will be a better place. If you meet a guy or gal that gets hung up on every little gender issue, I suggest you run away as quickly as you can. Er... I don't know why I wrote this.
  12. Geez, how did this topic happen? My knowledge on religion is virtually nil, so I won't say anything other than, religion gives strength and faith to some people to accomplish great works to benefit humanity. It also gives great power to those who seek to control the lives of others. I'm sure all of you have seen or heard examples of this throughout your lives. Hmm, now that I write this religion sounds like the Force! Hey, this is a Star Wars forum after all.
  13. Maybe he'll be like the T1000. You can blow him to bits but he keeps coming back, until you shot a grenade into his torso and drop him in a vat of superheated metal.
  14. In the Revenge of the Sith Trailer we see Anakin throwing Mace around like a doll. Assuming that this game closely follows the events in Ep 3. it seems like Anakin's Form overpowers Mace's. Which brings me to my point that there really is no all powerful superior style. It depends on how well the Jedi/Sith, in this case, understand their minds and bodies in connection with the Force and the lightsaber. If you can acheive this mastery, then all forms become one and one form becomes all. Very similar to the philsophy of Bruce Lee, which true martial arts masters already knew. But since this is a game, my PC will of course learn the deadliest form. Vaapad...ir Juyo..or whatever.
  15. I hope you're right. If this game is anything like Torment, I will cry in sheer joy.
  16. I hope not. I think the devs at Obsidian had long meeting discussing anything that a pool of potential SW geeks might think of then threw all those ideas in the trash. Not because the ideas were all bad, but because they wanted to surprise us all.
  17. You guys have it all wrong. Darth Feminist will win out in the end by secretly taking over the Sith Media and launching a huge but covert campaign proclaiming the superiority of the, 'better sex'. Soon all Sith TV will be flooded with images of bumbling idioitic male Sith lords who have a hard time getting into their costumes and attaching a lightsaber to their belts. She'll then shout for Sith social reform using vague statistics and skewed research results that show that Sith Expansionism Policies would be better implemented under a compromising, rational mind of a woman. Soon it will be deemed politically incorrect and down right rude to say anything bad about women. Any faults perceived by the mass sith populace will be easily blamed on the Male Sith Lords, since the Sith Media portrays them as irresponsible, moronic jerks with just plain no sense. Soon the Sith Feminist will have the force emanating from the masses as her pool of potential power and nothing will be able to stand in her way! MUAHAHAHAHA I'm not like this real life.
  18. You are missing a huge puppy not playing Torment. Ivan is completely right when he said the guy who had that ending going had balls of titanium. Get a copy somewhere and play this game. The graphics are totally great too. I still love them to this day. The NPCs are all extremely fleshed out and sometimes I found myself not playing the game but just talking to them.
  19. Too True. Girls scare me but I can't help but be entranced by them.
  20. Lo Pan. What if two of the NPCs have green eyes?
  21. The power to blow up the world would be handy indeed. But you could be much more evil with just the ability to totally obliterate a world than actually doing it. Then under threat of imminent destruction you could become GOD of that planet and make everyone bow to your every sadistic whim. Then you can revel in the anguished screams of the tormented as they are forced do things too gruesome to describe. Remember to always give them a faint glimmer of hope so the people don't think it would be better to die. Make salvation seem just within grasp when its actually not. I'm not like this in real life... really!
  22. I'm giddy as a Japanese School Girl! Which is pretty freakin scary if you know what I look like.
  23. I loved the ending to Kotor 1. I played as the redeemed noble Revan saving Bastila from the Darkside through love. hehe When they had that close up closing shot with the starfighters zooming overhead and classic Star Wars music I clapped and said, "What an awesome experience." I guess I'm in the minority here? Other endings I enjoyed. Final Fantasy 6 Ninja Gaiden 2 Baldur's Gate 2 Final Fantasy 8...I'm a sucker for happy loving endings. Planescape Torment Fallout 1, 2 There are probably more but I'm drugged up right now.
  24. Actually, that's not a bad idea, the idea of titles that is. If you're a Jedi and you've attained the rank of Jedi Knight (and later Jedi Master), you could have Jedi Knight (or Jedi Master) splashed below your name (or Jedi Initiate/Padawan otherwise). And if you're a Sith you could have Darth (such and such) under your name (with the option of inputting a Sith type name once you've achieved Sith, um... Knight(?) ... status). And for the ultimate Dark Sider, they get to be crowned "The Dark Lord of the Sith". Or that other title from some forgettable EU stuff, "Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side". (think it came from some kind of comic or somesuch, can't remember - Khadan(sp?), the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be cool. Getting to choose your Darkside name as something sinister sounding, like Sidious, Tyrannus, Maul, Bane, Vader. How about the spirit of past Sith Lords coming to you and proclaiming you as the Dark Lord of the Sith. Then you have the option of accepting or force lightning their spirits while saying, "I bow to no one!" or something.
  25. I have no understanding of girls whatsoever. So I thought Bastila was acting like a normal girl....with force powers and a lightsaber.
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