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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Azure79


    I remember seeing that movie with Christopher Lambert after making my way through the book I found in a dusty corner of the library. Meh, it was ok.
  2. Its pretty old, so I'm playing in 800*600 but I don't really mind. I'll probably get to building a new one around Christmas, until then I can last.
  3. Wouldn't Michael Caine and Christopher Walken be a little too old to play a hulking muscle-bound crazy Malak?
  4. So why don't you like Diablo Hades? Just curious. I for one am glad that there are such games that I can just sit down, sit back and play for a few hours with some friends.
  5. I just purchased all 3 Splinter Cell games for about 30 bucks so I'm gonna be playing that on and off. Yay!
  6. Ahh...I can already feel the 'WTF? Its 4am already?' moments coming on.
  7. I suggest drastically cutting the budget for voice actors and using the money from there to fund more important parts of the game. Now, I won't deny that voice acting does add a level of immersiveness, but I really don't need every single line in the game spoken. Maybe just for the first one or two lines to set the tone and character of the NPC talking and maybe full voice acting for major plot points, but not every single line please. Use that money to create more gameplay options or roleplay opportunities or hire a very talented writer that respects the series.
  8. I STILL play Starcraft and enjoy it immensely When SC2 comes out I might quit my job
  9. I just watched Ong Bak the Muay Thai Warrior. I've never seen knees put to more deadlier use. I heard there's a sequel. Must watch. Tony Jaa is awesome.
  10. He was interesting in the Dark Elf trilogy...then he proceeded to moan and groan all the time and comtemplate about this and that. It got tiresome.
  11. Shang Tsung wins. Is that how you spell that name? I just ate rice and sweet potato roots. But yesterday I ate like 3 pounds of marinated meat.
  12. I just wish they had made ToB into a full game.
  13. Wow, I just checked the homepage and its really coming along. I love you guys.
  14. Dual sword wielding and chopping up monsties and jumping over chasms plus role-playing? Sign me up. Though I'll probably check out the reviews first. Seems interesting
  15. Tuna
  16. Azure79


    Women have it tough. From one direction they hear they have to BE equal and independent even better than men in everything. EVERYTHING. Then from another direction come the cries of 'You're not skinny enough! You're not pretty enough! You must follow this diet and lose 20 pounds so you feel good about yourself and men and society find you attractive!' Then from yet another direction, 'You should get married and have kids and take care of the home! In the end thats all that matters!' It'll get harder getting married when you're older. You have to do it NOW!!!!!!!!!' This would be enough to drive me batty.
  17. No we don't want that ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most of us have already pictured it. Or I'm just perverted.
  18. Azure79


    No good will come of this thread.
  19. So basically people are throwing millions of dollars away so they can get a full tax deduction on the cost to make the movie and the loss? Wow.
  20. I'm into fitness. My diet is mostly asian food the majority of which is rice and vegetables and roots cooked someway or another with the occasional meat dish thrown in, so I don't really worry if I'm eating healthy or not. I usually try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week, more if I'm able. I don't want to be all muscular so I do about an hour of cardio and lift moderate weights/work on my back and abs for about an hour. Then I stretch a lot when I get home. Never underestimate a good stretch session is what I say.
  21. Get Ninja Gaiden Black!
  22. Bondari and crew in Throne of Bhaal were funny. Bondari reloads...
  23. I would suggest going back and playing Sands of Time before you play T2T. It'll make more sense that way. Sands of Time is an excellent game. Most Excellent.
  24. The ending was so nostalgic~ Good game indeed.
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