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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Hey SP, I'll give Dragonquest VIII a try if you try the PoP games.
  2. The Two Thrones is an excellent game. If you play a game for the story as much as for the gameplay, then T2T nicely wraps up the stories of the two previous games and the ending will send a wave of nostalgia over you. As you probably already know you play as the Prince and the Dark Prince, each representing noble prince from SoT and the selfish one from WW. The dialogue between the two is interesting if a bit predictive of where the story will go. The voice over work is pretty good too. The original voice of the Prince from SoT returns..which is a welcome relief. I was dissapointed with the voice of Farah but she grows on you like the first game although I could have used more game time with the Prince and Farah traveling and fighting together like the first game, bickering and encouraging each other. As for gameplay, open combat is just the same is WW. I personally like the options the freeform fighting system gives you everytime you make a move. But most people don't seem to appreciate it. Enter the speedkill system. You can carefully navigate through the environment, positioning yourself over, under or behind your enemies to get the drop on them. A few carefully timed button presses later and you've quickly dispatched those pesky sand monsters. Making the environment puzzle solving part of combat and boss battles was a pretty good idea. The environment puzzle solving is pretty good too. There are a few new moves you can pull off but its still pretty much the same as the two previous games. The environments themselves are a pleasure to roam about in. Although I think it fails to reach the majestic levels of SoT. All in all though, this is a must play if you enjoyed the two previous games. I love the ending movie.
  3. I think this movie will be good if it goes back to its roots.
  4. Seems like a lot of famous people are passing away lately. May they rest in peace.
  5. If the new controller lets me swing around a sword in the game using my arm movements then I'm so sold.
  6. I never liked those robes. They look too confining. I wouldn't want to be wearing that then suddenly have the urge to go to the bathroom.
  7. I think Nintendo ditched the 'no blood' policy when Mortal Kombat came out for the Genesis with blood splattering everywhere, whereas in the SNES version you could knock the sweat off your opponents.
  8. Isn't it obvious... the kid's mother is the one who secretly wants the PC game. Get the kid some legos or a tricycle and get the mom Psychonauts.
  9. Azure79

    X3... Xmen

    Not familiar with the whole X-men thing. I'll watch this on DVD.
  10. Are these malfunction rumors actually substantiated? I don't know anyone who owns a 360. Anyone on the boards have one?
  11. It's quite weird yet very nice to see devs whose names I've only read on the credits of the games I love, on these boards saying they'll tear gas us all. It does kinda bring a tear.
  12. Now I'm playing through both Prince of Persias again just to get myself ready for playing the new one. I'm kinda like that. In between I'm playing some R-type Final which really is making me fall in love with the shoot em up genre again. Thinking of picking up Gradius 5. Oh and some Soul Calibur 2. I'm trying to make it through extreme survival mode with Mitsurugi using only his regular weapon. Currently I've gotten to match 15 out of 20. Almost there. I need an engrossing PC game to play.
  13. Azure79


    Anyone remember those record breakers toy cars that ran on 2AA batteries? I used to be a big fan of those and legos. There was this Christmas where I got 3 record breaker cars. They were really cool ones too. A ninja model and 2 more. I also got a track to race them on. I also got this huge lego set of an Arctic base with 3 more additional sets of matching vehicles for that base. There was this huge land vehicle with like six wheels, a cool looking shuttle and something else I can't remember. It was the Christmas my grandmother was visiting from Korea so I basically got everything I wanted and more.
  14. Happily Ever After Send me the 50 bucks instead <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Give me your address and I will send you something...
  15. And I thought I was weird.
  16. I'm looking forward to this game. It has Farah in it! Plus I must see how everything wraps up.
  17. So the question is who would win? A giant scorpion or a chimp? And who would go on to fight kumquat? Will spectators feast upon the flesh of the fallen?
  18. Thanks to the title of this post, I now have the song, I Can't Get You Out of My Head, in my head.
  19. Don't know about all the myths surrounding Bruce Lee, but I'm pretty sure he could have kicked my ass and that's what's most important. Uhh.. not getting my ass kicked. Happy Birthday Finger of Death!
  20. Nah, I doubt he'll get fat. His father is a bit of a control freak and the kid is shipped off to kung-fu, soccer, piano and somekind of language school all throughout the week. He's busier than I am. The only reason he's playing so much now is because it is Thanksgiving weekend, I'm sitting along next to him playing with him and explained to the parents that certain games increase brainwave activity through the quick manipulation of fingers and hand eye coordination. I also told them that games increase the creativity and imagination of kids. Of course I was talking out of my arse, but the dad seemed to buy it. He was probably just humoring me though. I doubt he'll be able to play any games during the week come tomorrow. Poor kid.
  21. oops? What is the status of old console games anyway? I'll leave all the honesty lecture to his parents. I want to remembered as the 'cool' guy. 'Cool' being a pretty subjective word there.
  22. Look, I was only kidding about looking at the lesbian pron! Besides pron isn't dishonourable is it? Anyways I might be getting kicked out too. The kid's parents seem to disappove of their son sitting in front of a computer all day for some strange reason I cannot fathom. I convinced them to let him have some fun during the holidays since its too cold to play outside and there's no snow yet.
  23. I'm over at a close family friends house for Thanksgiving for a couple of days. They have a 8 year old son and he has a computer. Not a very good computer. 128 ram, an old pentium 4 CPU and an internal graphics card. Now, there's no one really my age at this home so I'm mostly bored out of my mind surfing the web since I don't have any games with me, when I remember the great world of emulation. So I look around and DL a SNES emulator with a few classic games. Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Link to the Past, Contra the Alien Wars, The Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Donkey Kong...among others. I'm amusing myself, having a grand old time stomping turtles, blasting aliens and carving a path with Ryu's dragon sword, when the lil 8 year old kid sneaks up behind me and nearly deafens me with his enthusiastic shriek of, "COOL!!! CAN I PLAY NEXT? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? WHEN CAN I PLAY?" Not being one to deny the joys of gaming to anyone(plus his yelling was really annoying) I let him have a turn at Contra. He quickly died within 3 seconds. I showed him the basic controls and gave him a few tips like, 'keep pressing the shoot button' and 'jump'. He kept dying but I could already tell by the shine in his eye and the determination on his face that he would not be denied victory. I chuckled to myself, feeling pretty good about things and went downstairs to watch some TV. About an hour later I came up and checked on his progress. The little bugger had gotten the first of the top-down stages, but he couldn't seem to adjust to the new camera angles and was growing frustrated. I switched him over to Super Mario World and immediately he was hooked on that. All day long he played running around as Mario, Ryu, Kong and Link. I was there with him reliving some good memories and felt proud of myself for introducing him to the world of games. I wanted to give him my old SNES, controllers and games so he could play properly, but alas my mom had given them away long ago. I got to talking with while he was jumping, blasting and slicing away and he told me that he loved to read, especially those Choose You Own Adventure Books because as he told me, "You can choose what you want to happen!" I answered with, "You know, there are games where you can choose where you want to go and what you want to happen too." "Sweet!" he answered. "I wanna play that!" So now he's playing Chrono Trigger. In addition I've DLed Final Fantasy 6, The Secret of Mana and other 16bit RPGs. I'm actually having a good time playing with him. Yes, I've corrupted a child but in a good way.
  24. Don't forget Sand the floor and Paint the house. And the crane kick. R.I.P Pat Morita. BANZAI!
  25. Was thinking of buying Fable TLC for PC but the 49.99 price tag made me cringe and back down. I don't think its worth a 50 dollar price tag.
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