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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Fan of all those shows, though Continuum isn't starting in the states until next week. One of Defiance's creators was a guy behind Farscape, so I'm hoping it gets up to that level, despite the small scope it is starting with. I like Continuum, the second season was killer. Season 3 is messed up so far. Not in a bad way, but very game changing. Its darker.
  2. This pretty much sums up my thoughts. The April from 2 and 3 was the hottest though
  3. Continuum is good for a Time Travel fix. 3rd season just started and is laying down the rules for Time Travel. Eureka was one of my favorites if you want something lighter. Defiance should be starting up again soon(Technically post-apocalyptic, but with aliens and more of a western frontier feel), as will Orphan Black (Clones). Y The Last Man is a good comic series about all the men on earth dying except one dude and his monkey, and I highly recommend Transmetropolitan as well. About a smack talking journalist in a world where you can get cancer cures off the shelf at your local pharmacy and hipster's give themselves some animal DNA like they were getting a tattoo.
  4. With the exception of Feivel Goes West.
  5. That seems like a decent place to go with the series, although I dread what they will do to the history. Robespierre gets an artifact and uses it to cause the revolution, he goes mad with power kill a bunch of people so your character takes it away from him and the people kill him. The end. didn't that happen on Warehouse 13?
  6. I... I don't think you are able to really make that call.... Well, Obsidian's strengths are narrative and characters, not exactly something that shines in an MMO, especially a F2P tank warfare one.
  7. I was assuming it was going to be the new Kickstarter, as I believe Feargus or whatever said they would be ready to talk about it around March, so its disappointing, but if it keeps Obsidian going so they can make more high quality RPGs, then so be it.
  8. I can see why they haven't been trying to hype it on the forums. We're not the target audience
  9. Amazon.ca would have it for 64.99 with free shipping, Amazon.com would have it for 59.99 plus $5 shipping, plus $10 customs deposit. Just buy it from .ca and save some money. Edit: for the regular edition that is. Turns out Amazon.ca doesn't carry the grand wizard edition. But Futureshop.ca does, 84.99 with free shipping.
  10. I am ok with this mostly because Paradox is my favorite publisher.
  11. I've been sitting here trying to figure out how to best jump into this argument when I see you've summed up my feeling more succinctly than I ever could. For the record I like Dragon Age: Origins. I liked it enough that I overlook my one agency related complaint about the Wardens. Seriously, he just stabs Ser Jory, what a bastard. Though I do like to poke holes at the fact that the Grey Wardens as a single organization should have splintered into national institutions a long time ago. And Mass Effect 2's even more ridiculous forcing the player into Cerberus without letting me kill the crew members in their sleep while scrawling "FOR ADMIRAL KOHAKU" in their blood along the ship's walls. For me, good railroading is when the tracks you're forced down give more than they take. I bought into the premise of saving the world when I bought Dragon Age: Origins. So forcing me down the tracks of being a Warden just enables going towards that. It helps me to save the world and fix everyone's stupid problems. Similarly I bought into saving the galaxy in Mass Effect 2. And when I was forced to join Cerberus, I was not forced to actually help Cerberus. You get to save the galaxy and you don't even have to murder any Alliance soldiers or admirals. You can tell your boss to just bugger off, if you'd like. Dragon Age 2, however, failed to give anything when it forced you down tracks. And its plot is convoluted enough that you can't really see what you're heading towards from where you start, so there's no premise to buy into. Ultimately almost everything you aspire to achieve in the game you will fail at, and I can't help but be bitter towards the tracks because I see them leading only to that failure. It's a railroad whose tracks only lead into the side of a mountain. Disaster. And that's also how I view Mass Effect 3. I never liked the Crucible to begin with. But that's a rant for another time. The best way I can describe the major failing of DA2 is that despite railroading, in DA:O I felt like I was playing my character. In DA2 I felt like I was playing Bioware's character. This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the precedent set in DA:O.
  12. yeah, I meant it as "sold themselves", bad word usage.
  13. If Kaliningrad was populated mostly by germans, was 95% german speaking, and had previously attempted to break away only to have their aspirations crushed by the Russian government, then more or less welcomed the Germans with open arms,yeah, thays about right.
  14. I don't think Bioware really had a choice in the matter due to previous business decisions. They sold out to Elevation Partners to merge with Pandemic to create some sort of super-indie studio, then Elevation were the ones who sold Bioware to EA.
  15. This is me for every single game that is some sort of bug riddled unplayable mess. Its like my PC is the optimal configuration because I never encounter anything that hinders playing any game. The worst bug I have ever encountered in any game was one in both KotOR where the dialogue would skip until I could make a response every half hour of play or so.
  16. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. One of the best action movies in a long time. Its like a big budget Army of Darkness.
  17. I agree. Look at the Suikoden games. Each one takes place in a single country dealing with internal conflict or the effects inside that country from an external danger. Outside that country the world goes on normally, generally unaffected. The common theme of War in each game is enough to drive the plot and make you care about the characters and events around you without the world needing to end.(Although 3 turned out to be an end of the world thing, but you didn't know that until the end.)
  18. They could make your iPad in the US, but then it would cost $15-20 more to buy it. Exploiting people in another country allows me to buy an iPad AND a DVD.
  19. Starts being homopohibic? LOL. 'So I was surfing the web yesterday hun and I came across this website, and oh.... Mai.... GAWD I can't even speak of it the horrors it contained. I was never scared of homos before! errrr... wait.. we're not supposed to call them that right? Oh nevermind.. .anyways... I don't know if I can handle it when Johny comes over for dinner tomorrow. I mean, he's been here numerous times, I've always known what he is, but after seeing that website, he scares me now! They all do!' LOL. Show me the website that illicits the fear of homosexuals in someone. Or did I misunderstand and we are talking about a fear of hominids (though that website would also be amusing)? Considering you wrote this Bruce and your seeming irresistible magnetic draw to anything and everything cultural marxist, I'll go with my first instincts. Sadly, I'm guessing we're talking the former and not the latter. 'Homophobia' is a really bad word as it is commonly used, used as an insult and to belittle something/someone who doesn't exist in tangible numbers, and by folks who fundamentally don't understand either what a phobia is or the meaning of the related suffix, nor understand what a 'homo' is outside of the slang. It's also a combative word, designed not just to obfuscate the true meanings of 'homo' or phobic' to those who don't already know (the young in general) and twist the meanings in the minds that already do, to remove thought, logic, and reality from the discussion but also to divide those having it. Giving those that use it a false sense of enlightenment over those it's aimed at who are given a stigma of cowardice amongst other negatives. It does it's job well on those grounds. I'm sure, somewhere out there, there is someone that is actually afraid of homosexuals (there's someone out there afraid of grasshoppers too), but I have yet to meet such a person or hear of them outside of unsubstantiated rumor. They're like the boogie man or the Yeti. There are oodles of people afraid of hominids though, that's actually quite common, but I don't think that's what we're talking about, there was mention of LGBT afterall. It's unfortunate that such a misleading and misinformed word had made it into the modern lexicon this last decade, as well as those who use it in it's commonly used manner to sink to such a low level of intellectual discussion. But then they generally aren't aware of where such words come from. Bellyfeel me my blackwhite newspeak! I don't think he meant it in that way, I think he meant acting homophobic on the website.
  20. I like both with no preference for either.
  21. I wonder if I had an issue with the checkpoint saving, because I had all of the friends on the list except the Chinpokomon company.
  22. Most I got was 111. I know one friend I missed (Chinpokomon Toy Corporation), and Clyde doesn't show on your list if you friended him in the beginning, but that still left me with 9 unaccounted for.
  23. As an example, a coworker of mine was engaged in a custody battle for his daughter. The girls mother had had her first two kids taken away, and the battle began when his daughter and her youngest were going to be taken away due to her throwing her youngest at her boyfriend after he forced her to leave a bar. She missed 2/3 court dates because she didn't feel like going, and it still took over a year for him to win custody.
  24. While I wasn't interested, I know the pain, having been eagerly anticipatig Magna Mundi before its cancellation under similar circumstances.
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