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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. My sister, who doesn't play video games, was with me at HMV yesterday in the video game section, and she saw the display for the 360 and the PS3 and was like "The PS3 is $650, and the 360 is 500, plus 200 for the HDDVD add on, but you can already play the HD discs in the PS3 right?" and I was like "Yeah" and she's like "Well then the 360 is actually more expensive than the PS3"
  2. The sales will increase this christmas likely, with more must haves. I doubt it will catch up to the other two though.
  3. Oerwinde


  4. I'm angry the Paladin trilogy was never finished. That was my favorite, despite being ridiculously linear.
  5. Avellone should make a Power Rangers RPG. Then he can combine his High School RPG, with fighting space monsters in giant robots.
  6. My only problem with the Dune miniseries was Alec Newman. Awful actor. Just terrible. Everyone else was fantastic except him. Which sucked since he was the main character.
  7. Oerwinde


    Yeah, I mean Winters was huge and was a businessman, Casey was a vigilante, he needed to be bigger. I think they tried to make him a tad less ninjalike, like when he and Raph are running across rooftops and Raph is flipping and leaping and Casey is just kinda hopping.
  8. Also disappointing was that it was created specifically for the north american market, yet the lip syncing is so bad it looks dubbed. Animation was pretty good though. Yeah, the special features pretty much said "We wanted to do a new series, but didn't want the networks to tell us how to do everything" so they made the movie as kind of a pitch to networks. Cartoon Network should snap that **** up, as well as the broadcast rights to the old school one, then air them back to back.
  9. If Obsidian achieves Bioware "every game is a hit" status, then they can make the deep games. Until then, they have to make what sells. I'm not disappointed in them putting as much effort to add depth as they can into this generations style of RPGs.
  10. Oerwinde


    I think the only bad thing about the movie was the horribly obvious setup for a sequel. I mean she could have just said "I will see you in the sequel" and it would have had the same effect.
  11. Oerwinde


    Just got back from seeing this. Great movie. They pulled a Superman Returns and just made a sequel to the first movie. Only it was way better than Superman Returns. The Raph/Leo fight is possibly one of the greatest fight scenes of any film ever. Too bad the punks behind me thought everything was hilarious and just laughed at everything. I wanted to punch them in the face.
  12. If you do make a WW2 game, make sure its WW2 like this:
  13. Depending on the price, and available shows, thats genius.
  14. NWN 1 is crap. NWN 2 is better. Don
  15. I had never heard of it until today. Spent the entire day with that open in one tab, and urban dictionary open in another, letting the lolz flow.
  16. So apparently season 4 has been upgraded to a full season. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?c...=2&id=40676
  17. I just got up an hour ago, now I have to go to work in 20 minutes. And its raining pretty hard because I live in Vancouver.
  18. Band: Changes. Used to be Our Lady Peace until they released their last album which is the very definition of mediocre. Sometimes its Metallica, sometimes Tool, it was Adema until Mark Chavez left the band. Its really hard to pin one favorite. Movie: BASEketball - almost 10 years and 20+ viewings later, it still makes me laugh my ass off TV Series: All time - Firefly, Current - Heroes Cartoon: GI Joe (GASP! NOT TRANSFORMERS!?! Thats my second favorite actually) Book: Song of Ice and Fire series Comic Book: Lucifer PC Video Game: Civilization IV Console Video Game: Suikoden II Games Console: Currently PS2 No. In fact most of the comics I read I wouldn't let my kids near, and cartoons aren't just for kids, they're a medium same as live action, writing, games, etc. Just because some cartoons are for kids doesn't mean they all are, and this attitude is why more mature animated films and such aren't made, because most people would just see that its animated and dismiss it as kids stuff outright. Ninja Scroll is not for kids, Gargoyles is mature enough to be enjoyed by all age ranges, Spawn is more violent and sexually explicit than most live action stuff, etc. Comics have matured with its audience. Marvel and DC actually has been going through some problems because kids aren't reading anymore because they can't wrap their heads around the mature themes and such. The recent major event in marvel comics centered around the various heroes taking sides around what some believe is an unjust law, while others believe its for the best. Something 12 year old kids wouldn't really relate to or care about, but is very relevent for ages 18+. They also ended it with the bloody assassination of one of comics oldest and most recognized characters. This is not kids stuff. Heh, I actually took offense to that, which I really shouldn't have.
  19. SuperHeroHype.com donmurphy.net CHUD.com transformersmovie.com seibertron.com But here and the Superhero Hype boards are the only ones that I post in on what could be described as a regular basis. transformersmovie.com and donmurphy.net I stopped posting roughly around the time we realized that no matter how much the production people said they wanted to please the fans, they really didn't give a damn about us and just wanted to make a giant robot movie and calling it transformers meant more money for them.
  20. 1) 2 2) 5 3) 7 4) 10 5) 11 6) 12
  21. Correct Elminster is level 29. When you first meet Edwin in BG2, his level isn't that high at all. In 2e Elminster is level 26, Edwin at the end of ToB was 31 in my game. It had been a while since I played, al I remembered was people saying the cap was level 40. Hence my crappy math. 5 levels is still quite a bit though.
  22. Oerwinde


    Before Gladiator, Russel Crowe wasn't a very well known actor. Gladiator raised the public's awareness of him and got him tons more offers for films and such. Being the lead in a huge hit will likely do the same for Gerard Butler.
  23. Retrosexual FTW
  24. I bought a whole wack of the books when my regular gaming group was considering getting into it, then we had a bit of a falling out and I haven't RPed since. The books are still crazy interesting though. I love the whole universe.
  25. The only things out of place I've noticed so far with the patch is that the height/girth sliders aren't very smooth, the settings jump around. Also, all the keyboard mapping is different from pre-patch. I was using default keymapping so thats what I was used to, and now its different. Went to hit Q to quicksave, and I walked left for instance.
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