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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. I think theres a reason that SciFi and Fantasy are often lumped together. Often its hard to tell the two apart.
  2. So, with the recent news that Lorenzo diBoneventura is making a GI Joe movie, only not called GI Joe and as a buddy flick with Duke and Action Man, heres a wicked awesome fan trailer for a live action GI Joe movie.
  3. I actually haven't seen any Uwe Boll movies. Once Dungeon Siege comes out they should package all his movies in a boxed set and call it the Delusional Doctor collection (He has a doctorate!) and sell it for like 10-15 bucks. I'd buy it.
  4. if there was some way to combine the two with like a "viewing options" type thing, that would be optimal. I prefer the more functional ones though, as its the pictures I'm there to see, not the way they're stored.
  5. Oerwinde


    I was really hoping Hollywood would stay away from Watchmen. There was a script going around by David Hayter, guy who wrote the first X-Men movie, which was reviewed by most major internet movie news sites who said it was pretty much the perfect adaption. I believe Alan Moore read it and said that its the closest thing a movie can get to the comic without being stupid. They were getting Paul Greengrass to direct the movie, he did The Bourne Supremacy and United 93. So they scrapped that, killed the script, and got the director of Dawn of the Dead to do it instead. Isn't Hollywood awesome?
  6. Maybe not a Ben Affleck movie, but there will be a movie. Its in the works over at Marvel Pictures. I think they're aiming for a 2009 release.
  7. http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=news&id=9250 Guy that runs CHUD is the producer. And being both a film fanboy and a hater of Uwe Boll, we thankfully won't see him anywhere near this film.
  8. Apparently it was all set up by the Red Skull. And the blonde chick in the pic was brainwashed, and after Cap takes a sniper shot to the shoulder, she pops 3 into his stomach. Anyway, I hope they give this some real meaning and not bring him back. Civil War Frontline made a good point of showing that Cap doesn't represent American values anymore. He still represents the american ideal of the 40s, not the corporate minded pop culture driven america of today. I hope they use this opportunity to establish a generational character like DC has. From what I've seen, I think Punisher might actually don the mask for a while.
  9. Oerwinde


    So the director of this is also doing the movie adaption of Watchmen, and the uncensored trailer that was shown at Comic Con last year got leaked to the internet. And smack dab in the middle of the trailer is this: http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=news&id=9241 Yes, that is Rorschach. Also, 300 seems to be getting generally positive reviews. CHUD's review actually said he was almost disappointed that there was so much story and character development and the film wasn't just all sorts of cool CG enhanced battles and one liners. Almost.
  10. I was the same way with Rock 101. I like classic rock, but every time I changed to them they would always be playing the crappiest of all classic rock, so I'd change back. I listened more for a while because I was entered in the double your paycheck contest, but I realized that it wasn't the music that really keeps me on the fox, its the DJs. I'm rarely awake early enough for the Jeff O'neil show, but when I used to work mornings I'd stop working a lot so I could really listen to some of the crap they were pulling, like calling a costume shop in Kelowna asking if they sold Beef Curtain costumes. Neil Morrison is a funny guy. Love how he abuses his callers. Todd and Karen in the afternoon are always great, Danger can be a little boring, he's got good chemistry with Todd on the rock report though. Lana is the hottest DJ ever... Listening to Rock 101 just made me feel like I was in a strange place because I didn't know the DJs.
  11. Star Wars made marketing and merchandising popular.
  12. I believe there is one somewhere in BC. Plus the various clothing optional beaches like Little Tribune on Hornby Island and Wreck Beach in Vancouver.
  13. They do Mandatory Metallica too. Neat.
  14. Mine does too... and the sound clips they have are... disturbing... www.myspace.com/993thefox Charis is an odd one.
  15. That was the original plan, then she got diagnosed with MS, and her job is union so she gets insurance which pays for her $16k/year drugs, which we would have to pay for ourselves if she came here. Seeing as I make $14k per year, thats slightly unaffordable.
  16. Clothes are tax free until you're like 14 or something like that in Canada. And I think they tax clothing because of people like Paris Hilton who buy an outfit, wear it once, then throw it away.
  17. In the age of the internet and the whole nifty live streaming techno-logy we have access to all sorts of nifty radio stations from all over the place. I just thought it would be neat for people to link to their favorite radio stations so some of us can have a listen. Even though its likely some of us won't understand a damn word of what they're saying. Heres my personal fave: 99.3 The Fox #1 station in vancouver for males aged 18-35. Lana is the hottest DJ ever.
  18. Being Canadian I don't need a tourist visa. Yet. My problem is employment. My girlfriend doesn't make enough for me to leech off her, and I don't make enough to save enough money to support myself for however long we plan on staying there.
  19. Hiro has to go to the past and become Kensei and perfect his powers. At least... thats what I'm hoping.
  20. Apparently blue dragons don't breathe lightning anymore, they breathe steam.
  21. Watch the series in order, starting with the original miniseries. Most video stores rent series DVDs now so it shouldn't be a problem catching up to the end of season 2. Or you can just download it. Thats how I get my TV, since I work nights so am never able to watch actual TV. The series isn't serialized like Lost or Heroes, but it does have an order to it. So if you've only seen 4 eps out of order its going to be confusing.
  22. Needs a cigarette in either a smirk or a shouty mouth.
  23. It makes me sad that we won't be following these characters next season.
  24. Remember Micah can rob ATMs And my guess was Heavenly Sword.
  25. 5 is almost as good as 2, while 1 and 4 aren't all that great. 3 is definitely one of the better console RPGs out there, but not nearly as good as 2 and 5. Whichever console they announce 6 for is the one I'll be buying.
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