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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. It won't make a difference to al qaeda. But to a whole lot of Americans it will be huge morale boost.
  2. no offence... but Ultimate Avengers was too much of a kiddie version of Ultimates Vol 1. Ultimate Avengers two went off the map in terms of screwyness. I'd feel better if it were under bruce timms leadership. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Considering the north american view of animation, they managed to keep UA pretty mature for an animated film. Too bad they couldn't have the "DO YOU THINK THIS A STANDS FOR FRANCE!?" line though.
  3. Keep in mind the designs will look way different once they're colored. Though I agree about Sturm.
  4. Yeah there was some confusion before on whether or not they were working on 2 or 3 projects with no clarification, so it would be nice to find out.
  5. http://www.dragonlance-movie.com/moviefaq/ Apparently their goal is to make an ongoing series of movies, not just the first trilogy. Maybe they'll make movies based on the parts that take place between each book.
  6. I think the date on the page says 2007, so I'm assuming it will be released this year.
  7. Direct to DVD animated films are in a boom right now, what with the Avengers ones, Iron Man, Hellboy, I believe theres a few more marvel ones inthe works over at Lions Gate, and now Dragonlance. I also like that they are being taken seriously. The avengers ones were actually quite mature. Not often you see PG-13 rated animated films.
  8. I ended my first run with a score of 2549, died on the 3rd bonus level. The crazies with 10k hit points. Some strategicly placed upgraded fire towers were nicely devastating. With the splash damage and such. I probably could have done better earlier if I had realized you could upgrade the towers before level 10
  9. There are some pretty damn good voices on there, most of which are veteran voice actors, which is better than a-list stars any day. And Keifer Sutherland has one of the coolest voices ever.
  10. I was cruising the Don Murphy boards, and there was a thread on Books you would like to see turned into movies. Dragonlance came up and someone said there was already an animated film in the works. Apparently Weis and Hickman had final say over the script, so it should be decent. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0825245/ Keifer Sutherland as Raistlin? Sweeeeet. Ooh, and Boyd Kirkland is involved? Neato, he was part of some of the best animated stuff out there. Batman TAS, X-Men Evolution, and Ultimate Avengers.
  11. 1) It would be nice just to deal with the main Black Hound campaign and see what happens. I'd estimate about 15-20 modules worth of material, which is an enormous undertaking. 2) Still levels 1-8, core PHB classes only (no warlock and no prestige classes). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sure if its well received you could do a premium module type thing for the 2nd two parts, get one or two other OBS people on board during company time and charge $5-$10 bucks for them when they're done.
  12. Well, it shows that movie magneto was a weakling. They kept saying his power was to manipulate metal. Magneto can control magnetic fields. He doesn't need no stinking metal disc to be able to fly.
  13. Though I don't like DRM either, what you are saying is illogical. How is restricting music distribution via DRM equates to releasing a media in a new format? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was wondering the same thing. Blu-Ray is cool if you're a huge movie fan and own an HDTV and want the best picture and sound you can get from your movies, but even as a huge movie fan I was never going to go out and replace my whole collection. Just the ones I feel deserve the HD treatment. And to stay on topic, DRM sucks. My sister bought the recent Yellowcard cd, and couldn't put it on her ipod because of the DRM. I spent 4 hours finding a way to rip it to mp3 so she could actually use the CD she paid money for. And I hate iTunes. It screwed up my quicktime so now I can't play videos if I have any other application running in the background that plays sound.
  14. saw Clerks 2. Kevin Smith is a moron. The funniest part of the whole movie was the deleted scene with Dante and Randal talking about Dante getting his mom pregnant by jerking off on the women's room toilet seat. I also think you need to be a huge nerd to like that movie. Me being a huge nerd, liked that movie.
  15. Also, the best toys out right now: Transformers Classics Wave 1 Transformers Classics Wave 2 (Ignore the "legends" in wave 2. They're just leftover minicons from the Cybertron line they repainted into G1 homages and released under the classics line to bulk up the line.
  16. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=119712 And here he is, the final version of Megatron we'll be seeing in the movie. The crappy Shrapneltron pic from ages ago wasn't changed at all despite huge fan uproar! Horay! I guess that means we'll still be seeing Monkeyscream too.
  17. Transformers, GI Joe(my favorite), TMNT, StarCom, Bionic Six(Basically die cast GI Joes), Visionaries, M.A.S.K., EXO Squad... basically any toy that had a sweet cartoon.
  18. Some sort of nano memory upgrade. Basically some sort of super storage in my brain so I could retain all info I encounter. So basically like the super memory chick in Heroes. Then I'd read as much of wikipedia as possible and go on Jeopardy.
  19. They were moving it from Fridays, when no one is home watching tv, to sunday, where everyone is, though at a later timeslot. Hopefully it will get a ratings boost.
  20. The Lucifer spinoff is far superior to Sandman.
  21. I just got Astrotrain and Starscream. Gonna go see if I can find Hot Rod and the rest later this week.
  22. Welcome to the fold. TF Classics are awesome.
  23. For once the large amounts of scratch cards I get every year paid off. I usually net like $2-$6 on those, this year I got $67 Also got a whole bunch of candy and DVDs. And this neato Stan Lee marvel universe book with little recorded clips by Stan Lee about the various parts of the book. Something I didn't know: While Stan Lee didn't create Captain America... he is responsible for Cap throwing his shield.
  24. Likely(hopefully) we'll see a Suikoden VI, and a Final Fantasy Tactics 2. I'd also really like to see a Bushido Blade 3, but it isn't likely. I'd also like to see a Breath of Fire V. Since Dragon Quarter sucked royal ass.
  25. Stan Bush submitted a song for consideration for the soundtrack. For those of you who don't know Stan Bush, he did The Touch, and Dare, two of the more prominent songs on the original movie's soundtrack. His only fans are Transformers fans. And yeah, there are two reasons to do the dialogue beforehand. One, if you do it the right way and have all the actors in the recording session together, they can react to each other and the dialogue sounds much more natural. The other is so they can sync the animation to the voices.
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