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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. hmm, this memory stick has weird settings. it has two memory channels listed in BIOS. channel A has blanks for almost every value, but with the ability to set them to something manually. channel B has CAS Latency at 11 (along with tRCD 11, tRP 11, tRAS 28). I guess these should be all set to 9 'cept for the last one. but still, kinda mystified by this two-channels thing.
  2. true I just don't have any spare flash drives to do it, actually, otherwise I'd try. I'll get a drive from my office on Monday, though.
  3. actually, I tried setting my mem frequency to 1333, and BIOS refused to boot after that, forced switching back to optimized defaults. this memory doesn't have XMP at all, by the way. I'll try adjusting the timings as well. one other thing of note: every time windows tries to boot with the new CPU it gets corrupted. every single attempt busts some files and I have to recover the installation on the old CPU. this seems like a memory problem at first glance as for a bootable Linux stick... once upon a time a friend suggested I did that, he even provided a link to a version of Linux that he himself had been using forever. not having access to a flash drive I made a bootable CD, and it destroyed my CD-ROM. I'm very wary of using Linux anything from that day onward :D
  4. it's kind of funny, that with the old RAM module I was able to work fine for a few hours with the new CPU, but then, as we all now know, RAM failed (or many components failed), and things got really bad. now, the same CPU and new RAM are again having issues working together, and I;m beginning to wonder if the CPU was faulty all along, first busting my old RAM and now causing issues with the new one. it seems really odd that a CPU would be so picky about what RAM it worked with, even though it's the same kind of RAM basically, presumably supported by the CPU. by the way, I should mention that the screen flashing happened when I had a GPU installed, I figured it probably was a driver problem so I removed the GPU and updated the drivers. before plugging it back in again I tried booting without the GPU, and that resulted in Windows not booting at all and having a black screen. so I'm beginning to wonder if it's the Intel HD graphics chip inside the new CPU that's causing trouble
  5. I played a bunch of games made for Oculus Rift SDK 2, it was last year, most of those were prototypes or demos. all I can tell you is that I get severe motion sickness in games that require me to move my character around. racing or flying games I couldn't play for more than 10 minutes, I would get dizzy, get headaches almost immediately after. I wasn't the only one with these symptoms, roughly half of the people in the office would have it the same way I did or worse, another 25 percent would take it a bit better, and only a quarter of the people trying those game would feel fine. leads me to believe Oculus Rift and similar projects have no real future in traditional games. game designers will need to come up with new ideas specifically for this platform (like Nintendo did with Wii). otherwise it will remain a very niche product with a small share of the market.
  6. bumping this thread because I have new issues and some new info anyway, since we last met I got a new RAM module and a new GFX card (GTX 680). all this time I was using my old CPU (i3 2120) because it has proven itself. today I was cleaning my case and decided to try and run my new CPU (that i5 3570K), figuring that with new RAM it shouldn't have any issues now. replacing the CPU caused Windows to hang on boot-up (Welcome screen), with a bunch of files becoming corrupted. removed the CPU and installed the old one again, fixed the Windows installation. replaced the CPU again for the new one. Windows hanged again on start-up, I tried waiting for Windows to recover, which would always result in a crash accompanied by screen flashing with colors changing rapidly. never had I seen anything like that. remembered that my version of BIOS didn't actually support Ivy bridge processors. replcaed the CPU for the old one, updated BIOS to the latest stable version. booted the whole thing up, everything worked fine. replaced the CPU again. loaded optimized defaults in BIOS. tried to boot Windows - doesn't even get to the Welcome screen. after 1 minute of showing a black screen after the loading screen the PC either turns itself off or just keeps chugging until I turn it off. my first thought - PSU failure. judging by the PSU calculator, my system needs a total of 378 W with 30A on the +12V rail. judging by Intel's own site, under max load the i5 requires 77W. I have more than enough power to cover that, PSU has 575W and 48A on the +12V rail at max load. so it shouldn't be an issue. another possible point of failure - RAM. it's the same type of RAM I had before, but from a different manufacturer (not officially supported by my MOBO, but worked fine with the older CPU). again, the i5 does support it (1600 MHz), but I guess it could have issues. then, I suppose, my HDD could be causing trouble. I'm not sure why it would work fine with a different CPU but not this one. maybe it's actually my OS version that is the culprit? I don't know, I'm running out of ideas. anyway, for a clean experiment I should try a different HDD with a clean Windows installation, unfortunately, I don't have extra HDDs just lying around. I would retunr this CPU, but it was shipped from Canada, and shipping it back is such a PITA, I'm only considering it as a last resort. any ideas?
  7. I am kind of late to the party, but ironically the original GITS by Shirow actually portrayed Asians as Asians. You could tell a Chinese from a Japanese in that, that's how much attention to detail there was. Not to mention the main character's name is Kusanagi. anyway, it was just a long-winded way to say Johansson looks terrible in that picture
  8. Buddhism is said to have influenced Hinduism, so it could be the other way around
  9. I expected it to have Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. false advertising!
  10. Black Death does look intriguing, but I don't have time to play it, barely enough time to play DayZ with my friends.
  11. Interstate '76 is still my favorite vehicular combat game. that thing was just amazing (not a big fan of Carmageddon, Twisted Metal is my favorite VC series though), didn't quite like Vigilante 8, but my second favorite has always been Rogue Trip.
  12. what game is that? I am just curious, not calling dibbs or anything
  13. those screenies give out a Paul Robertson vibe
  14. ^this is exactly what happened to me, BG1 was the last of the IE games I tried, and it seemed just terrible after PST, BG2 and IWD.
  15. hmmm, that's interesting. I'll take a look at some videos
  16. I'd like to add something to what Hurlshot said. even though I only played the beta, as far as I know the base game is exactly the same, just with more content. and two of the coop missions were available in the beta version. in short, your mileage may vary. the missions themselves are similar to linear dungeons in other MMORPGs. but there's only so many of them. everything else is very rare dynamic encounters and repeating missions with varying degrees of difficulty (from too easy to mildly challenging). what killed the mood for me was the lack of living people in the game zone. you see a person or two on each block, but there aren't any in buildings (i'd expect it to be the other way around). roaming bands of marauders appear so rarely (which kinds makes sense, because there's nothing to loot anymore), that most of the time is spent running from one hot spot to another, with nothing happening on the way. if you're anything like me (meaning, with little patience and little free time) you will get bored with The Division in less than a week.
  17. ^ that is nearly impossible to do well in a video game. some control - sure, like a binary choice here and there that determines what you get to experience and to what extent immediately after making the choice. personality is even harder to do in a consistent way (like - making certain choices removes other subsequent choices that contradict your previous choices in character), I can't name a single game off the top of my head, that would do something even remotely similar. and you control your character's actions in most games (games that don't depend heavily on QTEs). I'd kill for a game like this.
  18. took a while, but I finally beat GTA Online
  19. eh, to each his own. I'd imagine, that people watch blind LPs generally to see the LPer's first reaction. since I don't like LPers in general, and especially those that make comments as they play, there's no value for me in blind LPs. I watch LPs to skip on playing the game myself. watching a blind LP is counter-productive, since I'm better at games than the usual LPer
  20. does anyone know of a good Witcher 3 playthrough/LP series on YouTube? by "good" I mean: 1) the LP shouldn't be "blind", as in the guy playing has to have played through the whole game at least once and know what to do; 2) all the filler combat and failed attempts should be cut out, some editing should've been done; 3) this is a stretch, but where there's branching in the story, the LPer should ideally show all possible outcomes. I know of many JRPG playthroughs done this way, they are awesome, but I can't find a decent LP of WItcher 3. HALP!
  21. well, I agree with these guys' opinion (go to 31:50 for their review of The Martian): http://youtu.be/kX50REHezPY?t=31m50s
  22. Ex Machina was well-crafted, but the plot was very predictable. I expected more from it. The Martian was just plain awful...
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