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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. As a Star Wars player those screenshoots remind me of Nar Shadda, expecialy of Dark Forces:Jedi Knight. Coruscant, is really unlikely because there is simply too much that simply have to be shown (the Jedi Temple, the Senate and one of the skyhocks) or we end up with Taris revisited that, BTW, its titleset being used on those screenshoots ... I recognize those background buildings. Problem with making some worlds is that we all want to play tourist a bit, Coruscant might be good on a game that is more contained in relation to locations being used so they can show more.
  2. Then go make a game where you can be your side. And some people say I am a troll. Hades_one have a point, why Revan could not "to the hell with the Jedi Order, I may have to destroy this thing but I will never go back to then after what they have done". We start with a character that was thrown out, even if he have to destroy the Sith Lords he might dislike the Jedi Order (with good reason) and wish to not be a part of it. I dont consider that to be a problem with the narrative, we already start as a force user and so why must we go back to the Jedi Order, I presume looking at the prestigue classes name we are stuck with going back to the Order (or go Sith) with is another restriction and one I really dont understand.
  3. That is a limitation, its impossible to allow players complete freedom in the end and naturaly there always have to be some limit. A lot of people wanted to take over Korriban Sith Academy but lets look at that situation. First those "Sith" were Malak Sith and he was the one that had final saying over it, as we know he could not afford to allow Revan to live because his presence alone undermined his position, so chances of Revan being allowed to run a key instalation is zero, Malak would never allow it. Reason of why Revan could never join those Sith was because Malak would never allow it, only way was to kill Malak. Now you cannot just "join the Sith and be good", perhaps as a low ranking member they can get away from some things but at higher levels they make damn sure people are true, in order to join the Admiral had to destroy Carth homeworld . Force users get worst because they are put in a situation were they have to call the darkside and KotOR handled the dark side powers very badly ... the more they are used the more corrupted the person becames and those tests puts then in a situation were they cannot turn back. Ultimate freedom is impossible and also unrealistic, people dont have then in the real world.
  4. Czerka is a name for a corperation to fill in names for things, just like Incom or Kuat. BioWare just lifed the name.
  5. I like roosted duck. You sould see cats crossing streets, they are insane ... one of the funniest thing I seen was a kitten stoping near a bus spot in the middle of a road, a car stoping to not hit him and then he proceded to sniff the car tires forcing the car to blow the horn so he sould move away (he did and it was not hit by cars)
  6. As said there are many diferences of the Galatic Empire and the Sith, Palpatine used anti-alien sentiments to push the Empire, lets not forget the Confederacy of the Clone Wars is only composed by alien races and that is no accident, many of the worlds in the Republic were conolized by humans. Also this is the greasted evidence, Darth Bane (that reformed the Sith and created the rule-of-two) was a alien.
  7. Well the mesh have a "back" but the combat model does not, we have a head mesh but we dont have headshoots or localised damage. Also movement is key driven and not mouse click on the ground driven, add the point of view that really is unsuitable for mouse click on the ground.
  8. Many, you can check BioWare forums to see many people complain about and making some rather valid points. That race was easy, I actually lost at first (and seen the blow up swoop FMV) because I did not know were the acceleration button was. With lead us to why the turret was bad, if the turret had a timer were the hawk automatic escapes (and funny enough there are some unused FMV that appear for that purpose) from battle it would be one thing and the fact swoop on Taris was so easy points they did not wanted to penalize players from not being race sim players as well. Its my opinion, if I dont like I go out and say it and also point were I see the flaws. I lead support to ideas I think are good and work or supplement a option. And some are not bad but come from a flawed conception, people think its a great idea bit it simply does not work ... like having Kun along as a party member. (even if pointed before by someone else) Problem is if a mini game is not rewarding player skill but character abilities then its simply a fancy interface and that is the diference. A mini game is a small game within the game. Also think about why the scene of Luke building his lightsaber was never made, the fact would be people staring at the screen for about 5 minutes to see Luke Skywalker playing around with a metal tube, its boring for the audience, same goes for seeing the cloud city fixing the Falcon hyperdrive. if you turn lightsaber construction as a mini game its going to happen how many times ... one? two? Being involved does not mean I have to play a mini game or micro mangerment everything, somethings are done automatic because they are simply not overall important of the great scale of things ... I dont see toilets or showers in the Ebon Hawk either. Because I fear the FF X-2 joke, that whole game was a buch of mini games thrown in to a point I start wondering about what the hell was going on with the people that designed the game. Fact is the final decision is not done by me, I learned that if the developers are looking at ideas they can very well know my stand on it now instead of after the game is done and I complain about it, they will learn someone "good idea" is not everyone "good idea". The "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" is good for sheep and I am certainly not a sheep. Some people are anoyed because I dont like their "great idea", deep down we all want the world to resolve around us. People that are long time Internet forum users are not bothered much about people shooting down their ideas, its goes with making something public. However some people are either not used to that or simply lack the maturity to handle with rejection. I did not come here to be popular and I do not post so people like me, unlike some people, fact I disagree with their position or with their ideas means just that. For some insane reason some people get the wierd notion only fanboyish is allowed on some forums, I really dont have the time or the inclination to handle fanboys, expecialy immature fanboys that think their notion of things related to what they are fans of is perfect.
  9. ancient empires is a modding group? They could have fooled me ... I was around the start of the SW:KotOR modding, in fact I even made a small mod and played a lot with the files, I stop because the model format was not being cracked and I was tired with the game, SW:KotOR really does not work well for moding projects. The Ancient Empires mod if ever completed would be a example of why listen to fan requests and ideas is a incredible bad idea, the promise behind is so blind fan service, blind as in they dont even bother to check Star Wars data about what they are doing, like having Kun and Ragnos alongside despite the fact there is about a millenia of diference of when Marka died and Kun was born. That "mod" makes The Munchkin Lords worst possible outcome look like a great game compared. Of course the "best" is then adding multiplayer code to a engine that never had it in the first place (yes, there is NwN trash on the files but that does not indicates the existence of code and even if I distructed BioWare programmers I cannot say both BW and OE are lying since I dont know code ) with reminds me of Morrowind community were that (adding multiplayer) shows up time to time. Of course anyone that read the user agreement knows what Ancient Empires is trying to do (or the claim) is a violation of that agreement, they are pretty much trying to use BioWare engine for a alterantive works without having the license to do so.
  10. I kinda agree, its another thing to keep track of. Funny thing is that d20 there is no "back" to start with (I am not even sure about it having facing) since "backstab" no longer exists (thank god) and its a abstract combat model so "realism" takes a backseat so we have faster combat. Problem is "The Munchkin Lords" uses the same engine of "Kniting of Old Republicans" were such combat model did not exist and we go again about the cost/worth thing of making such changes in the game engine and taking in consideration the engine really does not handle well position characters due to its point of view and control type ...
  11. Looking at the head models ... As they stand it would be possible playing around with the dark side heads (I seen a mod do that) to achive that effect but go around getting a tatoo would mean making the game swap head models and that means less total heads.
  12. Marka Ragnos prevented Kun and Ulic from fighting but ... Kun did start as a Jedi but Freedon Nadd ghost teach him on the Sit ways, funny enough Nadd was once a Jedi as well. Ulic however fallen to the dark side by study of a Sith Holocron and other things (long story) but both were Sith because they were part of the organization and had access to the Sith technology. Sith Alchemy is by used of the Dark Side, its part of Sith technology.
  13. I actually voiced that it was better scrap the whole KotOR force system and make a new one. Unfortunatly its too late now. Your idea have merit but I would rather have a skill check system were players could try to achive a effect and success was determined by skill checks, I think it best emulates the force powers as despicted in the game and make players try to use the dark side (meaning their powers) because they can, not because they taken "force grip" 3 levels ago.
  14. Unfortunatly they are still clone, they dont supplement the troops with force powers and we have a "every man for itself" situation, they dont act with the troops but along with the troops. The Leviatan bridge is a example of force users acting with the troops since they were throwing granades to cover the Sith "saberists" and not rush in with their weapons.
  15. Its not a bad idea, of course then there is the issue why spending time to do that instead of more actual game content. It goes down to cost/worth ... does the cost of making such mini game is worth the effect on the game? That is the one of the worst aspect of developing a game, taking ideas and break then down to what is their cost and what is their worth to the game, they have limited time and resources and so they cannot implement everything they like, many times they cannot even try to implement many things they wanted because of time/resources restrictions. Worst case would be starting to implement something and later find out its not worth it, sometimes they cannot even remove what was already implemented and are forced to continue, not because its worth but because there is no other choice. My stand on mini games is this, SW:TSL is first a RPG and it sould focus on RPG elements, mini games are not RPG elements, they are gimmicks to offer a break from repeated gameplay or give some kind of reward. Parzak is a example of that, it offered some rewards that did not unbalanced the game too much (we can argue about the effect of the discount of the Yavin Starbase items) and offered a escape from RPG elements (of course I could ALT-TAB and play solitary and achive a similar effect but ...) and then we have Swoop racing that did offer a break to gameplay and offer some rewards (just credits) but it made the error of making a quest depending on it after making the character we play as some kind of "Swoop Ace Pilot ". Its not a easy choice, personaly I rather it being avoided that tried to be implemented for us to end up with a highly interactive repair screen to build stuff with, I have no problem with easy mini games but stuff like "Button Mashing Yuna Dance Dance Revolution" mini games are more a waste of space that anything else.
  16. Well stuff like that is somewhat easy and hard to make, one of the most amusing things I EVER witnessed on a game was in SW:KotOR. Let me explain ... Remenber the wookie village? well I just had the Big Fight For Liberation and when it was finished the cutscene started and due to the position of the people involved here I had the wookie chief stabing Bastila with his blade during convertation and I do mean seeing the blade erupting from bastila chest. I am sure any animation problem will be corrected so things look realistic, we are over six months from release.
  17. Perhaps I sould let moderators handle that but here is my 0.2 dveloped to the 8th degree... I dont like mini games to be like the Turrent Mini Game, many people complained about lacking the reflexes to pass that and one of the last things we can expect from a RPG is require to have arcade shooter games. I never complained about Parzak or the Swoop mini game because they were completly optional, even if I am not much of a fan of Swoop Racing overall dificulty. I dont think that such mini game on weapon construction is a good idea because its based on player skills, I can and will point out the game overall dificulty sould be set on what gear the party sould have at that point in the game, rewarding player skill will either make combat too easy or too hard and we will have people saying "its too hard" or "its too easy" because there is a mini game there that introduces a unbalancing element to the combat model, things as the challange curve on SW:KotOR are best avoided. Also on a note, dont go over that "negative" thing ... first people are making sugestions and quite frankly some of then will stick ... fact is people think its a great idea without seeing the obvious flaws in their ideas, being those flaws from a concept point of view, a rules point of view or a implementation point of view ... I would like to see a Star Wars RPG that will be implementing vehicle combat but I do not think its possible with the Odessy engine and so I remain silent about it. Besides you are just anoyed because I plain out say what ideas (that you aprove) are bad in a point on the other, the fact I pointed were they are bad just shows I dont go around saying "its crap" because I dont have anything else to do.
  18. Like the 0.0.0 time in Cocobo Racing in FF X, getting over 50 points in 15 turns with fixed coins in FF X-2 Sphere Break ... I hate then both, fact I was able to manage to do then does not change the fact they can drive people to insanity (never tried the 100 lighting dodge with IS insane) but in truth they are not required at all except to get more powerful weapons. Then we have the Turret Mini Game with the perhaps the most stupid decision made in reguards to mini games since it was based on player skill, was impossible to bypass or change the dificult and required to move along in the game. Involvement sould never mean forcing players to use their skills, I have no idea how to build a lightsaber but if my character have why sould I be asked to LEARN about it so my character, that knows it already, can use that skill?
  19. That is a incredible bad idea. In a RPG I sould not depend on my personal skills but on my character skills, mini games are most of the time anoying crap.
  20. Sounds like some dreams I had about drow females ...
  21. Well first its a entire galaxy out there, even if odds are a million to 1 that would mean Earth could have at least 1000 force sensative. The biggest issue is that most force sensative would never be found and of thioe who are could simply lack the potencial to be became a Jedi. So we have the Sith that would glady take the rejects and use then, even if they lacked the potencial they are still useful to then, after all the Sit dont exactly care about having shinny examples of virtue as the Jedi do. Force users (expecialy Jedi) sould not be automatic became commanders, they could be useful as tactical advisers but it depends on too many factors. Problem with SW:KotOR was there was a "assembly line", besides a few ninor diferences (lightsaber style and clothing color) all the Sith force users were the same, they used the exact same force powers, there were a rare few that used diferent powers but they were the exception and not the rule. I have no problems with force users being a generic enemy at certain areas of the game (if you are going to invade the lair of a Sith Lord he is going to have many force users as guardians) but I do when they appear to be clones and dont use combined arm tactics, SW:KotOR was too easy because there was no Sith backing troops with force powers.
  22. Thank god ... I dont now why that mesh given me a headache (I think it was the eye position) but it certainly did. The Selkath were nice looking but there was some issue with their teath mesh that ended clipping something awful.
  23. I almost agree with anari_quun. One point I disagree is as it stands there are hit penalties for dual wield or staff use, the system works because the dificulty to use such weapon/style makes the user more concerned about not hitting himself and its not hitting the enemy. Also I disagree with those "faets" ideas, true that a Exotic Weapons profience: Lightstaff feats tree sould exist but that would just give a +1 to BAB when using such weapon. (I disagree about Maul but that is another argument) Again the problem becames levels, at some point they are and sould be skillfull enough to wield such weapons ... the "Jedi Hunting" Sith teams we face early in SW:KotOR are not low level thugs, the Sith we face later would not be either ... its first and formost a RPG game.
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