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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Wrong picture, we argue about one were she faced the screen and had the hawk in the back.
  2. To watch the english language being reduced to something that nobody without mind reading skills can understand it.
  3. I just like to know what levels is the game aiming for the story ending part.
  4. Oh shut up and grow up. As you keep posting you keep showing your ignorance towards RPGs and I am bet you are a Xbox player as well. It because of people like you we get ****ty games.
  5. So its only 5 minutes who would ****ing care? Let me rephase that ... If its only 5 minutes why the **** not starting as lv 3 already? Its not like we would be missing those 30 seconds we take to press the level up buttons.
  6. Guardian BAB is higher even if they only can use blasters pistols and their vitality points progression is enough to survive some hits. Councelor takes the worst because he have low BAB progression and very few vitality points and he have less skills that Sentinel with means with that idea councelor would be a dead weight to carry around as the guardian and sentinel could be a little better but not much. The only reason Jedi classes were more powerful is because the force system is flawed, if you take the whole force system out of the picture you end up with flawed classes because those classes depend on force abilities. That is why the idea is moronic, most people are not going to sit around two whole levels to outset the stupidity of removing core class abilities so later they can be "sweet uber l33t", it makes no sense to either forgot to use the force or being restricted to use the force, like I said TIME AND TIME AGAIN. This is not Jedi Knight series, you dont have 100 health/100 shield points and the ability to use any weapon at start.
  7. Let me get this ... You want to play a character that is missing missing his main class abilities? What the **** you think this is? a FPS game? Try to THINK about what that sugestion means, if you start as a guardian that mean he starts with LESS feats that a soldier (missing the starting bonus feat and all the soldier automatic feats), if he starts as a Sentinel (that if they are just as in the previous title they are not a good class) its a ... what, a brain dead Scoundrel or Scout? Heck starting as Councelor would be a god damn disater. This must be one of the dumbest, more stupid ideas I ever seen postes ... it makes the lightwhip looking good just to show as how god damn retarded this one is.
  8. True, besides JK:O had some really STUPID justifications.
  9. Not until computers became powerful enough to handle it without FPS loss and does not make meshers pulling out their hair because of all the clipping issues and animation problems. Pixel shaders have just becaming the standart and they have been around for some years.
  10. The whip was used for many thing but never as a weapon (since its a god damn stupid weapon) but more as a instrument of disipline to inflict pain. Its no "legendary weapon" unless is the "legendary weapon of king Moron the First and Last because its army was outfited with such weapon" since I am not eben going to say how ****ing stupid would be to try to use it againts someone protected with something as clothing ... oh wait I just said that.
  11. They wont because is a ninor aspect but its one of those things that requires a lot of work and effort. You will not see it in future games either because the effect simply makes a extra charge to the engine, if advanced games like "The Singles" dont have it you can bet that last thing HL2 or Doom 3 will have is something that costs 2-4 FPS.
  12. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ... No, it does not and were in the hell you got THAT idea from?
  13. He is not composing this game music track. Besides "The end of the begining of the end" is a decent score for any game.
  14. It the PC its easy, the music files are actually MP3. Its simply a case of putting your own MP3 files in there with the same name and extension.
  15. Personaly I think they just set up this area to clean the other forum, I dont think they pay much attention to this forum. And they sould not take the sugestions done here, one of the things I HATE is the one about "Fallout endings" that simply do not belong in Star Wars, doing then is simply fan service, does not add anything and takes away from the Star Wars feeling. Not to say about the sugestions that would make this game "Star Wars: Sith Lords of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords" since most garbage is about adding some obscure Sith crap. I already have little faith on this game as it is ... FireWolf comments are "his own opinion", a lot of people of the "older generation" have their own views with turns up being a problem, there will never be a agremment of how things sould fuctions ... its no wonder the "grey" concept of the force remains popular as Lucas said time and time again that its not.
  16. No its not, at least not in the sense its being implied. Sith alchemy is simply the use of technology (I lack a better term for it), we are not going to call the people that invented aspirin and viagra alchemists are we? Same goes with Sith Sorcery, its simply slag for the Sith use of the dark side of the force, its no diferent that saying force users are sorcerors, expecialy in primitive cultures. Besides every time "sith viagra" was used was a plot device "oh poor Ulric driken sith viagra and cannot shake the dark side", "OMG the Sith turned into The Teenage Munatant Hero Crabs" and have no actual implementation. Implementing Sith Viagra is something that can never be more that a plot device.
  17. Do you even think before you make posts? He thinks more that the people that make stupid sugestions. And he is right.
  18. And having" YMCA" showing up during the gay romance dialogue.
  19. Too bad those RPGs are for the PS2 and not the Xbox ... *rimshoot*
  20. No they sould be like this: - Xbox player. - BioWare developer. - Casual gamer. - RPG player. - God. and if we die 3 times the "Cheerleadier Bush jr." mode is unlocked.
  21. Because its how the game handles models, the apperance is set on a .2da file were colums goverm what mesh is loaded. If it was like morrowin engine it would be handed by the item saying what mesh could be used and the item mesh saying what texture to apply. Reason of why its so damn hard is because how everything is hard coded into the engine, I say again that the Odessy engine is not a very good engine and other more capable engines sould have been used.
  22. Well at least he have a ending chapter now ...
  23. No, they are too ashamed to say anything.
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