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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Still not enough to overcome by adversion to the "3.5" rules, by dislike of the FR setting and my distrust of any D&D title published by Atari.
  2. Being on the database does not mean its continuity, having a small part of the KotOr showing up in a comic is not going to make KotOR canon. When people will learn that just because it have the Star Wars logo its does not mean its canon, it does not work like this.
  3. Too good ... yes, to a point. Star Wars is a classic B movie, any overall complicated theme will simply be lost on what is a universe of absolute morality. I am not going to deal with the whole EU since KotOR series is too busy ignoring it, if it failed to have that Star Wars feeling and still fitting with EU continuity then I would pointed that out but since it does not ... Besides the ending of TSL is incomplete and simply have too many loose ends, KotOR might be "simpler" but at least it have a proper ending.
  4. You have a valid point ShadowPaladin. The problem comes from Star Wars itself, it simply does not allow very diverse roles but they done things in trying to solve then. Problem is that TSL does not, Bao-Dur and T3 are good examples were they simply buffed into combat characters instead of weak characters that had other roles on the party, also with the insane loot we get from the start its almost impossible to not make a combat character ... I can say the problem comed from KotOR with the "repair parts" and the like that made skills a matter of resources and not character planing and advacement.
  5. I have just one comment. KotOR is Star Wars, TSL is not.
  6. In what exactly? Tidus comming back was it. There are a lot of things we dont seen in FF X ... like Yunalesca story, Sin origins (besides its the armor of Yevon), Yevon the summoner (not religion) story and are not in X-2.
  7. It grasped at FF X background to make a story, it tied nothing unless you consider Tidus comming back as it. I am not going over the job system, they screwed the white and black mages so much that its not even funny ... not that it matters since combat was a joke. The only way that FF X-2 was good in relation to the story was if they really made a prequel and explained Yevon and Sin but that means not being able to recyle as much of FF X as they did.
  8. Its the way the remain aflot, they dont really make much money in tickets and rely on "the snacks" to cover their losses. Films today get a really fast DVD release and a lot of people no longer have the time to go to the cinema ... the last movie I watched on cinema was Matrix III. I that that is the problem with Feargus comparing games to movies and music since they are completly diferent, take Cleopatra for example that almost sink Fox on release and yet it eventually made 300 millions, that is not possible in games.
  9. True about X-2. Not the others, there are many comon gameplay elements but that was about it until FF X-2 come along. Square just did it to get money out of something thay would cost 1/10 of what a FF usually costs to develop, if I remenber they only needed to sell 100,000 copies to break even the cost (it sold far more then that). I disagree with the rest, playing VIII and IX is a completly diferent experience and even if there are some comon mechanics there is a completly new system that needs to be learned and the story is diferent at all levels.
  10. Battle meditation was supposed to be a rare force ability that only a few could understand. Not something that can just be picked up on "level up", makes the whole point of Bastila in KotOR useless. Besides Qui- Gon shutting down the lightsaber and wait in meditation was just to show how the jedi are diferent from the sith since Maul spends his time pacing around and hitting the force field with his lightsaber.
  11. Samurai were similar to their western counterpart, the european knights.
  12. The reason is quite simple. The d20 system breaks down at higher levels, in epic levels it simply comes down to gets to act first. Its somewhat of a flaw of the d20 system, there are ways to solve then but not with the system used in this game. And its true there are engine limitations, this game lacks a Z axis (in other words, there is no "up" or "down") so there are things that cannot be done. Personaly I dont think the party is too small, I think the enemies are simply too many and they are unable to do anything but rush tactics, they might have raised blaster damage but since there is no cover in this game it can only go as far before it becames a "game ending" battle.
  14. Xbox titles are not very diversed. Also Xbox games tend to be hyped and given higher scores, just because the Xbox review were too busy trying to excuse one of the few decent Xbox titles does not mean that game is good, it simply lacks competion on that plataform. Well try the Biohazard/Resident Evil games that became console only. Also there are series that remain console only such as Suikiden, Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Gran Turismo ...
  15. Damn kids, in my days we respected the elders ...
  16. Yes but there are a hell more consoles now there were 5 years ago. The problem they mention above is that something that costed 20 million to make have exactly the same price tag of something that costed 5 million to make, I remenber the Xbox lauch titles and their price (about 70 euros!).
  17. I am less a PC gamer because there is simply not good PC titles. Adventure games are almost dead, RPGs are few, FPS are simply designed to be online first, RTS are simply the same thing and the few flight sims are simply too realistic and dry for me to play (how I miss Origin "Strike" series).
  18. Treads asking about the patch started the moment it was anounced by they were few and did not really started to pick up until after two weeks after. A month later people are starting to get angry about it ... I dont blame then since for many people this game dont work at all and they simply wasted their money.
  19. Well first its cheaper to get a console and dont have to worry about having to upgrade it. Second even if the Xbox put the horrible buggy releases on consoles you usually dont have to worry about bugs, console titles are (most of the time) clean with very few bugs (like the MGS2 elevator trick) that dont even affect the game. The PC gaming was ruined by the players, they allowed games to be released with lesser and lesser Q&A to a point we all buy a game expecting a patch later on and the fact game developers/publishers are in bed with Nvidia and ATI so they create game around the latest card in the market, leaving the people that dont upgrade their computers every six months with a inferior experiance, its expensive to be a PC gamer.
  20. Considering the price they simply are not going to support it much.
  21. Its was not much of a settlement anyway, more like a support base. Also we only landed there in KotOR because the Sith shoot down anything flying in the Valley of the Sith Lords and only way to reach the Valley was being a student of the Sith Academy.
  22. The PS2 is less powerful that the other next generation consoles and still compare Silent Hill 3 to something like Doom 3. They might be a lower resolution but its going to be the same resolution to everyone and they dont have to cramp so many display modes as PC games have to.
  23. Yes and many dont ... dont recall any bugs in Xbox games done by Tecno. Also the Xbox games "lack the graphical quality" when thay end up being PC games ports because they simply try to stuff PC graphics on a TV and its simply not going to work very well. The same affects the other consoles too, GTA:SA is clearly a PC game.
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