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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. No they didn't. They specifically said that the single-player characters will be separate from the multi-player characters. Yes , they did. Google it and you will find that the devs and some reviewers mentioned that in interviews/preview.
  2. Thats really bad . The towers lMO , just don't open the doors to fight Jeyne for first time. There is a merchant in one of the towers.
  3. Same happens with Reinhart, Roll work better than Teleport IMO.
  4. LOL happens to me with Katarina. U need be facing them i guess.
  5. Amazing. too bad don't happens in consoles.
  6. I don't get it....some gamers hate the dialogue scenes in DS3 because wanted it to be so crap like in Sacred 2 (without cutscenes , just read and accept) and now complains for this - JOKING.
  7. ^^ i wanted to ty because thanks for ty tips i am cheating Anjali with Katarina, I though she was a weak character and i must admit i was wrong. You are right when you said that she is the toughest char and the highest dealing damage. Playing her campaign on hardcore is really less frustrating with that build. I would like Devs fix her AI , so she can roll during fights instead of run. I wasted the point i add to her roll talent because she never rolled.
  8. I used Lucas with charge ability maxed in that part . Helped me a lot.
  9. Playing alone hardcore is not so hard. The problem is when you play co-op online or local because your chars sometimes get stuck for the shared camera .
  10. Good thread . I found Azunite armor to Lucas in the hidden room of the dungeon where u get a mission to rescue the nobles. U need break a wall to get it. Playing on normal
  11. OLD NEWS. The devs advertised that before release the game.
  12. Something like the crucible mode of Hunted the demons forge but better to all systems.
  13. I wonder if devs are working to fix this issue.
  14. if you play on xbox i'd join your game.
  15. ^^^ totally agree with you 100%.
  16. I guess they are mini bosses and that the one that counts are the Bosses that interact with you IMO.
  17. I think is too early to judge Skrim.
  18. I choose the option to hang him..at the end the narrator said that his body disappeared ; it seems was stolen from the tomb.
  19. Your English is about as poor as your comprehension and logic skills. Hes posting here because just like me he was hoping this game would be in any way enjoyable, and unlike me he didn't play a friends copy before buying this terrible game (friend also returned). I loved DS 1 and 2 and I've loved many many other games made by Obsidian, but this in inexcusable and so poorly developed it really feels like a early beta or alpha instead of a release. This game needs months of development to be in any way viable, and obsidian will probably announce a major financial decay this year due to this grievous mistake. LOL my English is poor like i guess your Spanish will be...but i think your logic is worst than mine; specially when your "complaints" are based on ridiculous hate. The game is not terrible like you said but is obvious that haters love to exaggerate.
  20. OP do you accept the full refund in cents? ...i don't want to be demanded; like happened to a person for pays his doubt of $1000 with cents.
  21. I wonder what copy of DS 3 you did play because the story and gameplay is good the only bad is the online co-op, camera and loot system. I guess you will praise TL2 and D3 when get released because aren't made by Obsidian. I wonders why so many haters of Obsidian post in this forums. If i don't like the games of a dev...easy i don't buy it and much less waste my time in their forums.
  22. Conversations aren't like ME , the only thing similar is the dialogue wheel nothing more. Conversation are like must be in all RPG's . At least aren't like in Sacred 2 . Is funny how some gamers thinks Bioware is the pioneer of everything related to RPG's.
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