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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. Lightning , fire and ice works for me , i can notice the effects in the enemies...but not poison.
  2. i did never see the effect of poison working even if i have a weapons with 60 chaos poison. Something must be wrong because the others chaos effect works very well.
  3. Wow , i got the deeds for spent 250.00 and still the achievement of Merchant of Erb don't unlock.
  4. Demo was out before released why you didn't play it?. Keymapping patch is coming next week.
  5. You misunderstood my post...no i am not crying i am just giving my point of view. I know consoles don't need key mapping . I am just saying that because i read in the Update thread that camera issues would not be possible to fix on consoles like other things. Maybe you find that fair because you have a PC version so no need to "whine" at all like you say.
  6. Are there console issues that differ from PC specific issues? I'm pretty sure the camera issues are still prevalent on console if I am not mistaken. (I'm not BTW) That and if they do incorporate New Game+ in an upcoming patch or DLC than console users will get that as well. That and Obsidian is one of the best customer driven developers in the gaming industry. They really do care about their games and their fans, this can't be said for other developers *cough*BioWare*cough*. My point... they won't forget about console users. There are a lot of issues on the console version. Isn't fair fix only the PC version so PC gamers can enjoy it more than console gamers. Falcon ..why facepalm ? Console gamers have the same right that PC gamers. I know Obsidian support their games ; but in this case seems that consoles versions aren't getting nothing..
  7. ^^^ that fight is really frustrating on hardcore with the minions attacking you. Also happens when fighting Drakomir if i remember well. XP should counts always as long as your character is not lv 30 IMO. The dev need fix that .
  8. You need be lv 28 before fighting the Archons of war and vengeance or Jeynne for first time. That's how i got in the last map.
  9. Please don't forget consoles issues .
  10. I really would like to know if there is a chance to not burn Jeynne army. I tried in my 3rd playthrough but nothings happened when i did disagree.
  11. sometimes.
  12. Alpha


    About time. Good work!
  13. the best loot is find in stores. I buy a lot in the save point where u meet Queen Roslyn via Save/load because is near a store.
  14. ^^^ merchant of erb and enduring champion achievements are glitched...you got the deeds but not the achievements at the same time.
  15. Tigranes, can you share how you did you build him in that playthrough? talents, skills profiency.
  16. ^^^ jajaja poor Jeynne. Lady blue is "rare" i guess.
  17. Zero replay value ??? the replay value is not high but is moderate IMO.
  18. I hate that. I can understand being a penalty for die, but not makes sense saving a game to continue playing the next day to load without full health. That without mention the old style save system.
  19. I guess he can't wait for Fable the journey.
  20. no matter how much effort the devs did to bring a good game ; haters will criticize it no matter if is cheap or not. DA2 offers less with reuse maps but nobody said should be priced 40-30 or less when was released. to answer the question : Yes.
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