Are there console issues that differ from PC specific issues? I'm pretty sure the camera issues are still prevalent on console if I am not mistaken. (I'm not BTW)
That and if they do incorporate New Game+ in an upcoming patch or DLC than console users will get that as well.
That and Obsidian is one of the best customer driven developers in the gaming industry. They really do care about their games and their fans, this can't be said for other developers *cough*BioWare*cough*.
My point... they won't forget about console users.
There are a lot of issues on the console version. Isn't fair fix only the PC version so PC gamers can enjoy it more than console gamers. Falcon ..why facepalm ? Console gamers have the same right that PC gamers. I know Obsidian support their games ; but in this case seems that consoles versions aren't getting nothing..