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Everything posted by Thorton_AP

  1. I have no issue with the guy. It's just a lot of video and I don't want to go through it all haha.
  2. At least it's cheaper.... I have no idea what that is the case. It's pretty baffling. That price also does NOT take into account any EU type taxes, right?
  3. Where does he call out BioWare for stating that their idea was brand new?
  4. Disagree. You can still see the roots as far as I'm concerned. ME2 was the biggest derivation from their history but I think it's pretty clear to see that their games have been an evolution. It's fine to not like the how they've evolved, but it's not nearly as drastic as you make it out to be. Lots of BG fans that enjoy games like ME and DA.
  5. Did BioWare state that they have a brand new mechanic such as timed dialogue responses?
  6. I'd have no issues with women in infantry and armor, assuming they are able to pass the same PFT requirements set forth. If no one is able, then that is what it is.
  7. While I prefer Fallout to Baldur's Gate, I would be surprised if Fallout was a more successful game than Baldur's Gate.
  8. A large part of why it's related to criminal offenses is because it is already criminal. There was a large spike in crime rate when alcohol was made illegal too. Do you suggest that making drugs legal would not result in more drug related offences, in the long term - as the number of addicts increases? Are you saying there was not an increase in criminal activities when alcohol was made illegal?
  9. Which figures are these?
  10. A large part of why it's related to criminal offenses is because it is already criminal. There was a large spike in crime rate when alcohol was made illegal too.
  11. All platforms the game will be made for will have internet connectivity. I agree though, only if the player can join in at any time. Having said that, I'm skeptical that they'll do that unfortunately. If there's any sort of co-op MP it'll probably be tangential (if it involves a story) or it will be something else.
  12. I was more thinking the co-op missions from Chaos Theory (never did play Conviction) which were literally a **** ton of fun. If it's a co-op campaign, it's just going to be "control these other characters in your party" which makes the fact that it happens in the third chapter irrelevant because it wouldn't have an impact on the story. Maybe you are anti-social types, but virtually every gaming experience I have had is made superior when I get to play with friends through the campaign. It's not a deal breaker, but I can't think of a time it actually made me enjoy a game less.
  13. I didn't even know Bioware had a studio here in Montr
  14. Responding to people that have stated they are putting you on ignore is also obnoxious and serves no purpose.
  15. Thorton_AP


    NK is threatening to nuke other people unrelated to ROK's actions?
  16. Hey enterix, there's also equipment upgrades you can get to improve the hacking minigame. I agree it's frustrating to start, but after a while I was able to get pretty good at them. Hang in there I think it is worth it
  17. Why would it also confirm the product slate? It had "Titan" as their next-gen MMO.. of course, I'm not sure if it was a pre-existent rumor, so they may have just fabricated it, but it definitely lends it more credence. I'd agree with the notion that it has an idea of what products are coming out, but the timeline is always variable. Especially for a company like Blizzard.
  18. You really think so? Suddenly he's no longer heterosexual and no longer finds women attractive? Can they? Your friend is an "it" now? So before that he was genuinely interested in having sex with women and found women attractive, but after this suddenly he prefers men?
  19. Why would it also confirm the product slate?
  20. Not necessarily. People are vindictive and full of retribution. It's not uncommon for people to enjoy the irony of others (especially those that perform actions contrary to one's beliefs) having to fall victim to the same practice by which the others preach. To take the most extreme example, one can believe that killing is wrong, but still appreciate the eye for an eye of the death penalty for a murderer. Is it hypocritical? Probably. But it doesn't stop one from really believing that killing is wrong. They just enjoy the irony of a killer being killed for his actions.
  21. Which is why I stated that it isn't necessarily all biological. What sort of conditioning is there that would make a person homosexual though? Because there is plenty of influences that would condition just the opposite.
  22. Except that's not strictly true. The information leaked named good deal of civilians as well. And yet it has been said that there have been no civilian repercussions if the names WERE in fact released. Then there shouldn't be any issue releasing Assange's address then, right?
  23. Since I missed this way back, I just wanted to make a comment: While it may not be "innate" (i.e. environmental effects may influence it, not purely biology), I have an exceptionally hard time believing that someone "chooses" to be a member of a marginalized group in society, and all the negative stigma associated with it. If it was merely a choice, wouldn't people choose to become heterosexual rather than killing themselves because of being ostracized for being a homosexual?
  24. Yeah lots of harping about the graphics and whatnot before DAO as well. For quite some time that I remember.
  25. I just got info on my DAO install (with Awakenings) which is only a few weeks old. It's 18.2 GB, with at least 3 GB of that being dedicated to Awakenings.
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