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Everything posted by WorstUsernameEver

  1. It is, unless it's Argentina. I'd seriously like to know what the referee and his assistant were discussing. The offside was so blatant, that they'd have to be pretty distracted to not notice. EDIT: ANOTHER? Poor Mexico. They're dead.
  2. Albatross- 17 Conrad Marburg- 9 Henry Leland- 12 (+1) He deserves more, considering the incredibly hammy and cool conversation you have with thim throughout the game. Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 17 Mina Tang- 10 Omen Deng- 21 Ronald Sung- 5 (-1) If only you believed me on the riots... SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 21
  3. Wow. Great Mexico defense.
  4. Alan Parker- 1 (-1) Albatross- 17 Conrad Marburg- 10 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 17 (+1) Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 21 Ronald Sung- 6 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 20
  5. And now that I've spent 10
  6. ??? If I understand correctly, we have been talking of just close-up slow-mo death sequences. Problem is, ALL the sequences in VATS after you go 'OK' are slow-mo. It's not just the moment when the enemies heads are blown, there's a slow-motion shot of the character shooting and even freakin' reloading. And the character is, of course, sped up when you compare it to the enemies which move at normal speed.
  7. Nail. On. Head. Problem is the premiership. Do Alex Ferguson or Arsen Wenger give a toss about developing English talent? Nope. They are paid to run successful club sides, they bring in the most effective foreign talent. That's not just an english problem though,
  8. Alan Parker- 2 (-1) Characters like you are needed. Don't expect us to like you though! Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 16 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 21 (+1) Ronald Sung- 6 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 20
  9. Alan Parker- 3 (-1) Sorry boss, but you're a too plain character. Not badly written, just not that interesting. Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 16 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 19 (+1) Underdeveloped maybe, but while he has few lines of dialogue they all somehow clicked for me. Not to mention that part of his characterization is actually the mystery surrounding him before you meet him. Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 20
  10. The octopus prediction is turning out right. EDIT : It was right, indeed. All hail the octopus overlord! By the way, I just saw like, the last 25 minutes, so if someone can enlighten me about the canceled goal, I'd be grateful.
  11. As long as the player is still sped up it wouldn't change balance, otherwise, I don't think there are TECHNICAL obstacles, but the balance of VATS will change quite drastically.
  12. Alan Parker- 4 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 Konstantin Brayko- 15 (+1) Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis 20 (-1) Steven Heck- 20
  13. Alan Parker- 4 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 (+1) Sis 22 (-1) Steven Heck- 20
  14. Since when is 25 degrees hot?
  15. A female Archon topless shot IN ENGINE ?!
  16. You do interpret my avatar correctly. Returning IT, while I understand what Zoraptor is saying, it's not like there haven't been other games that integrated DLCs while originally not geared towards them , and honestly the fact that they didn't think about DLCs during development strikes me as 'not having that much faith in the project'. I could be wrong but...
  17. Alan Parker- 4 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 23 (+1) Sis- 23 (-1) A balancing act. Steven Heck- 20
  18. Okay, but I was talking about texture popups
  19. Alpha Protocol sold 1,5 million copies in ONE day. Where did you get this number from, because 1,5 million copies in a day is amazing. He was joking. Though in that message isn't obvious he clarified it after Tigranes' post.
  20. USA out. Sorry for you chaps, the team grew in the second half, but in the end, Ghana was simply superior.
  21. Theoretically, yes. But who knows, I've seen strangest things in football/soccer.
  22. Ouch. 2-1 for Ghana.
  23. Alan Parker- 5 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 (+1) Deus Vult. Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 22 Sis- 22 Steven Heck- 21 (+1) I still don't understand if he's a moron, a genius, or a moron who was so convinced to be a genius that he became one. Fantastic. Yancy Westridge- 1 (-1) If only you were a bit developed in game and not in your dossiers Yancy.. if only..
  24. I honestly didn't watch their other matches (same with the USA) but at least for now, they're looking on a whole other level compared to the USA. EDIT : Looks like I've talked too soon, the United States have woken up. A bit at least.
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