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Everything posted by WorstUsernameEver

  1. I know I'm going on a tangent, but I found the concept art underwhelming. They just look so.. cartoonish. I doubt that's any indication of the style of the game, considering the differences between Dragon Age's concept arts and the final product, but still... it bugs me, somehow.
  2. And that's why she appears on the cover of the game and has a premade character face that looks much much better than anything you can do with Mass Effect's facegen!
  3. Is it confirmed, or it's just a guess? While I'm sure it will be so, I'd like to hear a confirmation before going spread information that may or may not be correct. Heh, honestly, there's too little information to even speculate about that. Honestly, I'd prefer if he/she wasn't, since it would make that choice in Dragon Age the 'canon' one.
  4. Standard shep is still MaleShep though, and if I choose a female character, I'll do that because I want to, not because bad voice acting forces me (though to his credit, the voice actor that worked on Thorton generally did a better job than Mark Meer in Mass Effect). I'm not against voice acted dialogues by the way, I just don't want to see it becoming an industry standard, especially in games where I think it doesn't fit (as Dragon Age).
  5. Actually I think I heard a lot of criticism regarding choppy facial animations, though I agree with you, excluding a couple of 'deformed faces' instances (common to Bioware games too). Unfortunately, going by videos, they didn't touch the facial animations department (my completely uninformed guess is that they'd have needed to change all the facegen stuff to touch animations, but of course, probably I will be contradicted by a dev). Not too bad for me, but I can already see the criticism 'They didn't work on the game hard enough, see? They didn't even change the mediocre animations!' coming from some segments. I'm not sure if it will hurt the game's reception (likely very positive) much though. EDIT : Since this is the Fallout Online topic though, I'm curious if Interplay will go for the talking heads route with major quest givers. After all, the graphics likely won't be super shiny, considering the game has to run on a variety of rigs, and also, considering the fact that Interplay is likely trying to keep the budget not too high.
  6. Knights of the Old Republic II worked well from that point of view, buggy as it may have been.
  7. Huh? Because it's what I think? I didn't know there was a law that barred me from doing it. Sorry funcroc, next time I'll respect your vigilante wishes and won't post anything about Obsidian.
  8. Huh? It's not like me not posting comments will change the situation much, and you, as one that browses many forums to scavenge news, should know it better than me. I've faith that Obsidian can do better games than what they've done until now, and of course, for now they've got their bases covered, but it's not like me having faith in them will magically make them uber-succesful. P.S. : By better games I mean less buggy games with more polished controls and things like that. While a lot of the design decisions are debatable about games like NWN2 and Alpha Protocol, no one can argue that the games look particularly good visually or that they have a good control scheme/camera.
  9. Gothic 3.(polish) Well, Risen was pretty polished. Not on the level of truly AAA games, but it was a step up before their Gothic games. Of course, comparing Pyranha Bytes to Valve or Blizzard...
  10. With another incredibly bad voice actor as in Mass Effect and Alpha Protocol? I can't see this going well. Meh. The obsession of BioWare with full voice acting.. it's not like people didn't buy Fallout 3 or Oblivion because the protagonist wasn't voiced.
  11. The Witcher 2 is coming out in that timeframe too, and it's not like this October isn't full of blockbuster titles that will compete and probably sell better than Fallout : New Vegas. The only thing Obsidian has to do is to make better games than what they've made until now, simple enough. Otherwise they'll probably die as a company, considering I doubt a publisher would be interested in a developer that develops game destined to tank and to be appreciated only by a couple of guys on some obscure forum. EDIT : Predetermined character? Why, just... there's really no reason to do that.
  12. Albatross- 23 Conrad Marburg- 3 (-1) Henry Leland- 19 Konstantin Brayko- 17 Omen Deng- 28 (+1) SIE- 26 Scarlet Lake- 26 Sis- 27 Steven Heck- 21 Oner, please, please, pleaaaaseeee learn to bold correctly
  13. Who knows, maybe they're turning it into an ARPG, Obsidian learned about that, immediately contacted Square Enix and started working on Dungeon Siege III, to keep themselves on the right track.
  14. Yeah, vodka is totally beneficial. Well, just look at what Thorton managed to do with a Vodka with Grigori. Looked beneficial to me, and you can't do that with weed.
  15. Your weapon is choice. I actually find the 'takes place across an entire decade' assuming it's done right and is not a gimmick. As for C&C, I'd have to play it before I can judge it, though Dragon Age : Origins was good (not overwhelmingly so, though) in that regard.
  16. Embark upon an all-new adventure that takes place across an entire decade and shapes itself around every decision you make. This could be interesting.
  17. Heh, I'll discuss about it when I'll see facts. For now it's all talk, and the console market is still the dominant one.
  18. Wow that cover drawing looks pretty bad. Can't wait to hear about it though, Dragon Age was IMHO the best game BioWare has done in a long time.
  19. 2011, seriously? So I can guess one can expect the same **** engine, horrible textures and meh combat system. Graphically probably it will be similar (though not in the same 'almost the same' way Mass effect 2 was compared to Mass Effect) but as far as gameplay BioWare has shown that they're not shy of changing things even radically based on fan feedback, just watch Mass Effect 2.
  20. Huh? It would be perfectly canon. The Blight has been stopped. Darkspawn returned to the Deep Roads. Now we can focus on things that don't have a design ripped off directly from the LotR movie and D&D.
  21. And I never tried to imply that, sorry if it came across as that.
  22. If THAT game is DS3, we will get some new info (or hopefully screenshots / gameplay footage) soon. But it looks like another unannounced SE project to me. Well, considering that Dungeon Siege III has already been revealed... I'd say it's another game. The project was revealed, the game.. not so much. There is still hope! She says she's revealing what that game she has teased for a year is. Implying we don't know what that game is, not that they haven't shown anything of the game (though that's a consequence of the fact we don't know what that game is).
  23. The octopus sacrificed itself for the sake of its own predictions. SUCH A DRAMATIC STORY. AND HE WAS RIGHT. HE WAS SOOOOO RIGHT. P.S. : One of the worst match I've seen in this World Cup by the way. Almost no emotions.
  24. Not completely related but :
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