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Everything posted by WorstUsernameEver

  1. Downloaded. I'll probably read it and comment it later, just take into account that I usually avoid fanfics.
  2. The action elements were always a concern to a point, because it
  3. 1) We have already seen some renders of modded weapons, so yeah, they look different than when they aren't modded. 2) You have at least a limited influence on what gear your companion use, since in a preview it was mentioned that the player gave Raul the ghoul the order to use melee weapons instead of ranged ones, and the companion lamented the fact that he wasn't proficient in melee (but still used it). Since that was already in Fallout 3, I'm not sure what you're asking though.
  4. To be honest, in a sense he's right. A lot of reviewer just went 'this sucks, lulz, endquote' without context and without explaining the various RPG systems and the branching narrative. Granted, there are a lot of flaws in the game and I don't think reviews are unjustified, but he has a (sort of a ) point.
  5. Yao-guai are VERY far from Megaton. He's lamenting about hard areas at the beginning of the game. To consider that area the beginning well... It's this kind of complaints that brought us mechanics as broken as Oblivion's level scaling. Part of the fun in a RPG is to make the player feel his character getting better. And if you really really find it hard.. well, difficult settings are there for a reason.
  6. He's the guy responsible for almost killing Interplay.
  7. I've yet to find an average gamer that tells me that Fallout 3 was too hard at the beginning. Really, you come out of the Vault, go to Megaton, talk to a shopkeeper and already receive an armor upgrade, weapon skills have practically no effect so you can effectively use every weapon in the game, the game is choke full of stimpaks and so on and so on. You don't need to be an hardcore gamer to find the game easy, trust me.
  8. Is there anyone who actually buys full price on Steam? I don't know how they are in the US but their prices in the EU are utterly horrible.
  9. Seems pretty clear that he's talking about the anti-materiel rifle which HAS a pretty steep strength requirement from what we've seen from the videos. Wouldn't be surprised if the sway was caused by that. EDIT : The starting areas are difficult? What game has he played? Honestly, are these guys doing reviews? Seriously?
  10. Nice to hear they're just fixing/tweaking stuff with Fallout : New Vegas by the way. I don't expect a superpolished or bugfree game, but something that doesn't make the reviewers cry 'unfinished!!' would be nice for a change.
  11. From what I've seen of the footage a pretty bad foul, and he continued to kick the man after he went down. He really lost his nerve there. EDIT : Brazil out.
  12. 2-1 now and with a well deserved red card for Felipe Melo.
  13. Nice to read a written interview with the man by the way. In the video ones he talks so fast that most of the time I miss all the important bits.
  14. IT IS. I've only played the first three chapters, but they improved about EVERYTHING. The gameplay is already more varied, tactical and fun than Max Payne could ever hope to be. The graphics, and sound are really nice even today (while I had to use a patch to even HEAR sound in Max Payne ). Writing and attention to detail seem to be improved too : When you're in a situation like me you can only think in metaphors.
  15. Here's the link. A really interesting read. EDIT : Fixed the link, it linked to the Avellone interview before.
  16. How's it that he's credited for Fallout : New Vegas and Dungeon Siege III but NOT Alpha Protocol? An error or..? Or maybe they're just trying to keep his reputation clean after all the bad buzz the game has received? Only they know.
  17. Not much honestly, though I already had seen a couple of screenshots of the battle, so it wasn't that difficult to deduce. Isn't that the same as Max Payne? With that 'Bullet exclamation point, noir talk, herp derp' stuff at the beginning and the end?
  18. Finished Max Payne. I don't regret the money I've spent on it. NOT. ONE. BIT. And now... Max Payne 2, I'm coming!
  19. Albatross- 20 (-1) I talk in a monotone. Mysterious motivations never explained. Har har har. Conrad Marburg- 13 Henry Leland- 19 Konstantin Brayko- 19 Omen Deng- 24 (+1) SIE- 22 Scarlet Lake- 25 Sis- 26 Steven Heck- 22
  20. We had little to no time to redo anims, redo character models, redo locations from previous iterations, so we did what we could with what he had, and it made sense to us for the time frame (even when the time frame kept changing, we had no clue the release date would be what it became, and we didn't work toward that release date). This, I think, speaks a lot about why Alpha Protocol came out as it is. EDIT : I wonder WHY they had to scrap that first iteration in the first place though.
  21. Tip : film noir isn't as nearly over the top. But I somehow like it. It's so overdone that it goes straight from bad to good again.
  22. Continuing with Max Payne. Now that I have a bit more weapons it's becoming a tad more tactical and fun to play. Level design is also a little better than I initially thought. Just a question though. Why Max Payne thinks in cheesy metaphors?
  23. Albatross- 19 Conrad Marburg- 13 Henry Leland- 20 Hong Shi- 1 (-1) It's so sad, but you have to die for the game to go on Hong Shi. Konstantin Brayko- 19 Omen Deng- 23 (+1) SIE- 24 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 24 Steven Heck- 23
  24. Could be. Or maybe they're deciding to expand on other markets, who knows?
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