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Everything posted by Karranthain

  1. While you're at it, let's bring back item sketches as well :
  2. The culture that has developed firearms could use that aesthetic.
  3. Adding multiplayer is more work that it would seem. I feel that their resources would be better spent developing the singleplayer portion of the game.
  4. I'm hoping for 5-6 million. It all depends on stretch goals - if something really enticing is announced, it could happen.
  5. Since firearms have been confirmed, I hope we'll see rapiers too :
  6. The funding has picked yesterday, after the GOG announcement. There's been a noticable improvement in the update frequency and it definitely helped. Next stretch goal will probably be reached today.
  7. Yeah, brings back the memories, doesn't it? First thing you see in Fallout.
  8. You should, as the elves say, chillax. Firearms are in the game, it's been confirmed many times already.
  9. I think it'd be a good idea to post more stretch goals once 1,8 mil. or 2 mil. funding is reached, to keep the momentum going.
  10. Looks like Unity it is. Personally I was hoping for Onyx, but oh well. As long they can make the game they want it shouldn't matter that much. Though maybe Onyx as a stretch goal? Would be a shame for that engine to go to waste. I'd also imagine working on it would speed things up considerably.
  11. I think the fact that after all these years there's plenty of people using Icewind Dale portraits for their avatars on these forums speaks for itself...
  12. I'd prefer a large painting instead of series of less-detailed sketches myself, but both could work.
  13. Yeah, the idea is to make every weapon behave differently. Spices up the combat and provides more options to the player. As for the armour - I've played one mod in BG2 that slowed down heavy armour users and while it was fine in combat, it was pretty irritating out of it (you had to wait for all those slowpokes in plate). Perhaps some other penalty would be more feasible? P.S. Your English's good.
  14. Allow me to paint you an image. The sequence starts, you see this : And then you hear Kelemvor (Rodger Bumpass) narrating. I can just imagine how good it'd be.
  15. I prefer Vancian system as well, it brings a strategic element into the game. Otherwise it's just spam most powerful ability each encounter.
  16. It'd very nice if every region you visit would get a small narrated sequence, describing the general feel of the area. Some between chapters would be nice as well.
  17. But of course! That's the beauty of Kickstarter rihgt? It's just as much our opportunity to make the game we really want to make as it is your opporunity to tell us what kind of game you really want to play. Indeed, and don't be afraid to go crazy and experiment!
  18. Yeah, nowadays it's just EXPLOSIONS and BLOOD, coupled with Marilyn Manson music.
  19. Yeah, agreed. I'd be fine even with only one still used, especially if it was very detailed. Could be a series of sketches too.
  20. Am I the only person missing narrated sequences such as these? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6hPHtzrfCQ They were used to emulate the Pen and Paper experience, with the narrator substituting the Gamemaster. The aim was to let our imagination work, and I must say it worked rather brilliantly. This technique was used very effectively by Obsidian in MotB (much better VA certainly enhanced the feeling) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-huTFB57yEc Most importantly, such method is fairly cheap and quick. Hence why it was used in the older titles, but I believe it's a viable artistic choice. On that note, bring back Rodger Bumpass back!
  21. Yeah, it'd be nice to have at least that.
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