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Everything posted by mkreku

  1. Have you tried resetting your BIOS? Check your manual (or google for it) and find the reset CMOS jumper. If you're lucky (and your computer is new enough) you might even have a button for it on the back of the computer (EVGA makes enthusiast motherboards so you may be in luck).
  2. He could have been the coolest easter egg ever though.. running into Sam Fisher (voiced by Ironside, of course) while on a mission in Russia.
  3. What a weird preview. The way he was gushing over the game, he doesn't even have to review it later. We all know what he thinks about it already. But it does sound good.
  4. This I strongly disagree with! Usually when I play RPG's, I never get the option to say what I really want to say when using the dialogue choices presented to me. Sure, I can often choose from 3-5 different lines of text, but if none of them suits my role played character, what's the point? I actually think it lessens the role playing and forces me into a role the developer deemed appropriate for the situation. Both stances and dialogue trees are equally restricted, but at least stances are new and "cinematic".
  5. Review of Windows 7 on CNet: http://reviews.cnet.com/windows/microsoft-...l?tag=mncol;txt Wow. You can change your background without having to reboot. Fantastic. Unfortunately they didn't do any gaming related tests, but the only application they compared (Microsoft Office) shows Windows 7 taking 3.21 minutes longer to complete the unspecified task compared to XP. Fantastic. And why does an OS need 20 GB on the harddrive? My entire XP (SP3, with all my programs installed) takes up 4.3 GB. It doesn't make sense.
  6. I read that Modern War 2 would get working night vision goggles in one of its more exclusive versions! So now I'm hoping Obsidian sends us a working Glock.. or a small handgrenade.
  7. I actually bet it's the other way around. None of the Gothic's has been less than 50-60 hours! I played Gothic 2 for over 80 hours and Gothic 3 for a lot over 100 hours. But 2.5 GB seems a bit.. small. I wonder why.
  8. I think Risen and Divinity 2 arrive around that time too.
  9. As long as I can make a Hitler look-a-like, I'm happy. Ps. I do not need that Alpha Protocolled.
  10. I can recommend Hitachi. They're a bit costly but they seemingly never die. Of course, I wouldn't really know that since I usually "upgrade" my hd's every second year or so.. But I usually give away my smaller, retired drives to friends and none of them has failed yet. Only the first drive I ever bought has died on me, but I don't know what brand it was, it was so long ago (I bought a computer package and not separate parts).
  11. 10 minutes into Jade Empire, my cousin started playing Jump by Kriss Kross because of all the ridiculous jumping combat. Then we played Jump Around by House of Pain. It was fun. After a while we just gave the controller to a tiny 5-6 year old girl who was visiting at the time. She seemed to enjoy the jumping. We didn't. There is a reason there is no Jade Empire 2..
  12. Pretty good preview, written by one of the fans on the World of Risen site: http://www.worldofrisen.de/article_102_2.htm I guess the graphics will suck. But it won't be as buggy as all the Gothic games have been at release!
  13. I will play it as a side scrolling shoot'em up.
  14. That's not what your inflatable sheep told me last night! Uh.. wait..
  15. Fallout 3 doesn't use anything above DirectX 9.0c though. And DirectX 10+ still has backwards compatibility with the previous versions so.. uh.. You are still running DirectX 9.
  16. Maybe it's like Eschalon: Book 1? In that game you had a mapping skill. If you had no points in that skill, you had no map. If you had a few points in it, the map looked barren and like it had been drawn by a three year old. But the more points you spent on the skill, the more detailed your map became, filling out with colours and names and stuff. Best. Skill. Ever.
  17. Is it anything like Dragon Quest 8? Because I loved DQ8!
  18. I'm guessing from reading this thread that noone actually reads the "Games you are looking forward to" thread..
  19. I think all swimmers should be forced to swim naked! ..and only allow females to compete.
  20. So I recruited Misha (the jet pilot in Mercenaries 2) just now. I was just out driving towards my goal and collecting the important targets along the way, when a clone of myself appeared in the game. Usually I get stressed out by having some unknown person in my game, but this time I thought "Screw it" and just kept on playing (instead of nervously logging out 2 minutes later..). And it was fun! This guy kept following me around, riding shotgun and shooting everything up like a madman with the mounted cannons and guns. Then we raced around the islands on jetskis before taking on the mission. He grabbed a helicopter and I grabbed a tank and together we wrought HAVOC. It was fiery, burning hell all around!! The cool part was that when he went down, I revived him and he actually did the same for me (which unknowns usually don't do). We ended the mission by ordering our drunken jet pilot to drop a bunker buster on a.. uh.. bunker and then we ran like little rabbits, but we were both caught in the enormous blast. We survived.. barely. It was chaotic and incredibly fun! Then, when the mission ended and we were transported back to Solano's villa, I saved the game and quit. I wish there was some way of saying thanks, at least.. Oh, and I don't understand how this game 'only' got a 70 on Metacritic ( http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/...s2worldinflames ). It's kind of harsh, seeing as the game is very stable and a lot of fun. Sure, there are lots of bugs and visual flaws, but nothing game breaking. I'd easily give it more.
  21. I'm green with envy.
  22. I reinstalled Mercenaries 2 again. It's funny, everytime I start playing I go online. And everytime someone unknown joins my game after a few minutes (in co-op). People are so weird.
  23. So basically all games with hubs are also open world? I mean, in KotOR you could choose your maps in the order you wished.. I don't agree with this. To me, an open world game is like Gothic: you're just dumped into a world and there's nothing else outside it. Everything in the game is contained within the same map/zone/world.
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