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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. Story for me, I can tolerate some pretty klunky **** if the story hooks me.
  2. Crikey!
  3. Urgently hunting through every old cupboard for food is a pleasure (for me at least) in a first person perspective game like New Vegas, in Project Eternity I think it would be a chore, also survivalism doesn't appear to be a theme of the world, I vote no.
  4. Mental note re NZ - replace sheep shagger jokes with cow shagger jokes henceforth.
  5. I propose a new "eating popcorn" smiley, love this stuff
  6. To my shame I'm probably a Bethesda fanboi, from Morrowind to Skyrim I've found myself dumping hundreds of hours into their games but that's not to say I can't be critical or possibly even cynical after watching Bethesda gut the Elder Scrolls mechanics rather than balancing what was already there. Obsidian have only really impressed me with New Vegas, maybe because it's a Bethesda style game or maybe because they showed em how it should be done...either way I think it's a glorious game. I don't have any worries that my respect for Obsidian will blind me to flaws in Project Eternity, I'm still sour about elves and bloody dwarves being used again, that's flaw 0 in my book
  7. I've currently got NWN2, Fallout 2, PS:T and Morrowind installed, all with many hours invested but none near completion, Fallout I'm not so bothered about but this was my first time with NWN2 so I'm a bit disheartened that the plot couldn't hook me. I was genuinely more enthralled by Dragon Age : Origins and it took a herculean effort to complete (on hard) so I really don't know if I'll get back into NWN2, I know I could just plough straight into MOTB but I'd feel like I hadn't earned it
  8. The mouldy jam thing is a new one on me too, must be something environmental, having said that I avoid buying jam these days...or honey, peanut butter and chocolate spread, without these things almost all forms of bread are useless to me and thus do not get purchased and added to the waistline Today I bailed out of visiting my parents because I feel broken, also don't want them to see the results of my scuffle, better to appear selfish than tell them I had a fight with my brother. Tonight I plan to get drunk and maybe try to play Morrowind or PS:T, chances are it just won't work so failing that I've got hours of stuff to watch online.
  9. I once got locked into a year long gym membership and never went, not once...I'm a slob but on the bright side I use my bike every day, my town is just a series of steep hills so just getting around keeps me reasonably fit, I am pudgy though, really damn pudgy, and I smoke
  10. I agree with my brother in arms here, intelligent dragons with alien minds please.
  11. Avellone was in charge of all but Honest Hearts as far as I recall, Sawyer was in charge of that and a fine job he did too
  12. I'm a cheese fan too, ultra mature cheddars and stiltons really do it for me, so far I've not found a cheddar mature enough, I pretty much want a block of pure rancid crystal
  13. Aching all over today, I got some more news about my dad and made the mistake of telling my mentally ill brother, his reaction sent me into a rage and we ended up fighting, this is a FML day.
  14. I did the DLC in chronological order, the only one that didn't hook me was Lonesome Road, I just couldn't get along with the idea that my courier had helped to create... The world design was excellent though, somewhat linear but there was loads of fun stuff to find and do.
  15. Yeah I'm expecting some kind of teleporter in place of levitation, or some kind of "levitation circle", stairs would a bit of a bummer for those of us who miss Morrowind's crazily unbalanced mechanics I had huge amounts of fun in Skyrim, it was very close to what I expected but I agree that Fallout 3 had far more variety, Bethesda's world design high point I think, shame about the sometimes awful writing.
  16. I dunno, I quite like chaos, I mostly want to see a picture of MCA's morning after face, not so pretty now eh Avellone?
  17. "yes...Avellone is drunk"
  18. I've had to keep riding the volume control to stop him waking my parents up with his WOOOOOOOOOing.
  19. To be honest I think that was a bit of random mercy
  20. Yeah ditto, I'm grinning and cringing at the same time
  21. It's 1am here, I'm at my parents and I'm supposed to be getting sleep for an early morning hospital visit with dad but instead I'm sitting at a window, smoking and watching the finish party for the Kickstarter...only another hour left, I figure I can push a wheelchair while tired, Project Eternity is one of the few things I can feel enthusiastic over at the moment so the good vibes are worth it
  22. I really wish I could up my pledge but I had to literally go and put money in the bank today, just to make sure my current pledge is covered
  23. I remember Adam saying they wanted to record everything but I've heard nothing since, does anyone know if they actually are planning to upload a video of the session?
  24. Haha, good point
  25. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-10-16-next-skyrim-dlc-is-dragonborn-has-dragon-mounts-solstheim-report Ooo, quite excited about this one, Solstheim, Stalhrim and a Telvanni tower
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