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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. The Fallout 3 ending (and slides) were the biggest betrayal, I was massively let down because I bought into the ****ty story at the time, I was expecting tons of info and all I got was a quick pat on the head from Ron Pearlman...Skyrim's ending is almost as bad, even Oblivion gave you some kind of fanfare after you beat the MQ, in Skyrim almost no one gives a crap. This could be explained by the notion that the Nords are too busy fighting their civil war and dealing with the Thalmor to notice the world getting saved but it doesn't take much reasoning to guess that Bethesda rushed the game for the 11-11-11 mania, it's sad because Skyrim could have been really special rather than the overly efficient time sink that it is Regardless of all this I still find plenty to enjoy in Bethesda's games but I think it's good to be able to criticise something you like.
  2. I hate to disagree, intentional ambiguity is the crux of Morrowind's main quest, it's not just about looting some dungeons and running off to Dagoth Ur to kill the big bad. I've pondered over the guilt of the Tribunal and the true fate of Nevervar (and the Dwemer) just as much as The Nameless One..more in fact. I know you said that having to dig for plot is bull**** and in a GTA game I'd agree but I stand by my opinion that Morrowind is an archaeology sim and really not for everyone Well since its you who's saying it I'll give the game another go some day and slog through the not-so-favorable first, second or even third impression. You're right on the money about every Bethesda game since but if you think history is wai kewl then Morrowind really does have something unique to offer as far as computer game plots. The mechanics however are pretty crappy, mods are required, there's no real game to Morrowind without them in my opinion...even with all the holes blocked up the gameplay is still very "meta", it's just a Vvardenfell Wiki with swords
  3. I hate to disagree, intentional ambiguity is the crux of Morrowind's main quest, it's not just about looting some dungeons and running off to Dagoth Ur to kill the big bad. I've pondered over the guilt of the Tribunal and the true fate of Nevervar (and the Dwemer) just as much as The Nameless One..more in fact. I know you said that having to dig for plot is bull**** and in a GTA game I'd agree but I stand by my opinion that Morrowind is an archaeology sim and really not for everyone
  4. The only thing I admire about this story is that the office workers overpowered him immediately rather than allowing him to rampage American style while waiting for TEH AUTHORITAHS to come.
  5. I actually agree, Morrowind really isn't a good game, so many half arsed systems and mechanics all jumbled together by desperate developers from a dying company...it's a good job the story and world are the most engrossing thing I've ever experienced in a computer game. Morrowind is an archaeology simulator, it's not for everyone. Not to nitpick but it's actually the Y-axis that we lost, if anything Skyrim is aaaall about the Z-axis
  6. Lots of New Vegas discussion for those interested.
  7. Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xY1UjIRYsw&feature=plcp
  8. How can there be an open "discussion" with your prerequisite assumptions getting in the way?
  9. On a side note, I remember an interview where Kirkbride and Rolson cited PS:T as a major influence during Morrowind's development, I love the fact that three of my all time favourite games (PS:T, Morrowind & New Vegas) are so interconnected. No (That's where Is topped playing FO3 and never finished the game) Little Lamplight was dumb but it didn't ruin my enjoyment, I liked the fact that you could kidnap one of the little buggers and sell them into slavery
  10. I run on five to six hours sleep a night, not because I live a stressy life but because I'm a freaking idiot, I tend to be so worn out by Saturday night that I sleep for 12 hours on Sunday.
  11. I couldn't play the first AC game for more than six hours and I generally like conspiracy stuff, AC2 hooked me for much longer but I never completed it, the overarching story feels so convoluted and needlessly twisty, loved the climbing mechanics and puzzles though. God knows if I'll play AC3, probably but only when it's on sale...
  12. My dad has ended up with a Nexus 7, I'd have preferred that he wait for the Nexus 10 but he's very much like me when he wants a new toy, anyway the Nexus 7 is a really impressive little tablet for the money, it's far more open and refined than the Kindle Fire HD, my only nitpick would be the lower quality speakers.
  13. Agreed, once you get nuts deep into Morrowind you realise that some of the team members (Kirkbride especially) were breaking new ground, the history of the world is just so damn haunting, it sticks with you long after you've uninstalled the game. Fallout 3 certainly doesn't match Morrowind's narrative but I would argue that it's a far better game and the closest Bethesda have come to making a true RPG, it's a pity they couldn't go the extra mile but as AGX-17 said it seems like all the real story writing talent has gone. Having said that I think Skyrim is a major step up in the writing department and it's got to be the most well realised Elder Scrolls world so far, it's just a shame most of the dungeons and quests were dumbed down and railroaded, they didn't give the level and quest designers enough mechanics to work with...Fallout 3 had a rube goldberg device ffs. As for Fallout 4, I'm not concerned if Bethesda are making it, I got 300-400 hours out of Skyrim so regardless of my criticism it must have done something right and if they decide to farm out another Fallout spin off I suspect that they wouldn't choose anyone other than Obsidian...hopefully with a slightly better contract.
  14. Looks fantastic but it better be something special if they've gone back to Solstheim, the reviews of Dawnguard didn't impress me.
  15. Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_D8ulAV7z4&feature=plcp
  16. Fallout 3 isn't Van Buren and it was never going to be but did Bethesda really "screw up" by making Fallout a household name again? Their screw up also gave Obsidian their chance to show how Fallout in an open world should be done
  17. It's impressive that the guy has written this engine himself but I'm not seeing anything that promises to bring something new to RPGs
  18. As much as I want Obsidian to develop more open world Fallout I'm not sure a petition which kiiiiiiinda insults Bethesda is the right way to go about it
  19. Did another few hours of Morrowind and I'm nibbing away at the main quest, Caius has just left so the training wheels are off. I managed to soul trap two Dremora Lords (with great difficulty) during the last few quests but was greatly annoyed when the Telvanni mushroom building lady woman turned them down, I'm pretty sure these qualify as "strong" souls but apparently not
  20. Watched the Game of Thrones on Blu Ray with a friend last night, it was weird spending time with a girl who's more obsessed with stories than me, she was shouting at the screen
  21. Can't help but respect him for that, unless he's planning to open film making schools that is
  22. Well my dad turned up with a Kindle Fire HD, I'm posting from it now as a test, it's pretty cool for the money but I'm thinking he should return it and go for a Nexus, Amazon have really neutered Android...still fun though, idiot proof too.
  23. It is a surprising turn of events but I'm pretty ambivalent about it, as others have said; it can't be worse, some small fraction of what Disney does is still worth watching, Lucasfilm however are creatively bankrupt.
  24. Morrowind is turning into my little pet project, I've got it into my head that I should create my perfect build and keep it archived so next time I can just play the game instead of obsessively hunting bugs, texture seams and glitched geometry. I can see how full time modders get lost in this stuff, it's a job that never ends
  25. If I wasn't a complete slacker of a Telvanni I could, my conjuration is only 12
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