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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. The only freaky food I can remember eating was sea snails, they were actually pretty good, I remember you got a little pin with them, apparently a hard crusty layer forms over the opening when they're boiled and you had to pry it off before you could get at the chewy innards it genuinely tasted like chicken...ish As for blood sausage, I quite like a bit of Black Pudding now and again, it can be a risky business though, I really don't like the authentic ones you get from butchers, too squishy and fresh, also the taste of iron *edit* Voted no in the poll but as LadyC said, when the zombie apocalypse comes everything is fair game.
  2. I played an unhealthy amount of Skyrim so I'm waiting for all the DLC to come out before I go back to it, the combat is ok, the dungeons are repetitive but certainly not bland and the writing is decent if mostly uninspired...I still like the game though, I'm just glad for a DLC which apparently doesn't lower the standard.
  3. So what you're saying is that unless Dragonborn changes Skyrim into a totally different game you're not interested...well then
  4. Sounds like Dragonborn is being well recieved by fans and critics, some are even saying it beats Shivering Isles, I'll be surprised if it really does but I'm glad that people are liking it.
  5. Slightly relevant, farmers spray milk at EU Parliament http://www.telegraph...l?frame=2411125
  6. I'll be trying Far Cry 3 later, I hope it doesn't make me crave a new PC
  7. I'm three missions away from the end of Dishonored and I can just feel the predictable twist coming, the plot in this game is written with big chunky crayons...which is a shame because the world is pretty damn glorious and the gameplay is really tight and satisfying.
  8. Massive bargain with the new THQ Humble Bundle at http://www.humblebundle.com/
  9. I'll end up buying it eventually but I'll hang back and let the storm die down so they can get some patching done first.
  10. Yep, I've never really played BG but I prefer the original intro, the new one isn't terrible but it's lost the subtlety, the original builds a pretty good sense of terror while the new one rams it down your throat.
  11. Played a good few hours of DIshonored and found myself having lots of fun, the gameplay is solid and the world is well designed and interesting, tons of cliche characters and situations but they're used well, it's on par with a well made anime.
  12. Looks really nice but I'll hold off on it, I've bought enough games for one sale
  13. I managed to even out Dishonored's mouse response a bit with a few .ini edits, it's much improved but I still feel a bit floaty, switching to the pad feels smooth and responsive but you lose precision, ah well, at least I'm really enjoying the world of the game
  14. Played a bit of Dishonored last night, I can tell I'm going to enjoy the game but I wish the mouse control was a bit more refined, it's as if you can still feel the gamepad code underneath...I might just play on pad, gah.
  15. I've often found that the physical release costs less than Steam, especially if you pre-order. The sales are why I stick with it, speaking of which I just paid half price for Dishonored, which makes me grin as I really wanted to get it on release but money is tight
  16. I might gift New Vegas to a friend of mine but I just know it'll be back for the Xmas sales.
  17. I'm slowly nibbling my way through Morrowind but I keep getting distracted, I recently downloaded the DDS Photoshop plugin so I can fine tune textures rather than endlessly searching though mods for alternatives, I'm sticking really close to the vanilla look and tone, just with higher resolution textures. I won't bother with Skyrim till all the DLC is done and dusted but I'm still quite excited about Dragonborn, that comes with the usual Bethesda concerns though
  18. This one is relevant to UK gamers, the Oliver twins are making a new Dizzy game...but they want a quarter of a million to make it. *edit* Backed Spud's Quest instead because, well, screw the Oliver twins and their fancy shirts.
  19. Spent six hours learning how to use a soldering iron and then fitting some fancy Fender Custom Shop pickups into a Mexican Tele I recently got on the cheap, my head aches from the fumes and lack of rest but it's all done, sounds great too...shame it's 1am
  20. So it turns out Mirror's Edge 2 is in development, this makes me happy.
  21. Maybe the next one will be more diplomatic in it's wording, in my perfect world Obsidian would make all the new Fallout games but insinuating that Bethesda make games for morons won't win many hearts and minds.
  22. I'm not in the habit of keeping bookmarks of my own closed threads but feel free to type my nickname into the search box for the New Vegas GD forum if you really must. Anyway I'm letting myself get sidetracked, I think the petition is badly worded waste of time and also an insult to Bethesda, I was responding to the notion that Obsidian should remove this thread, which would be wrong.
  23. You're not right in accusing them then. I've been on the Bethesda forums for six or seven years, I've seen enough to know what I know and I've also experienced it first hand. When Obsidian lost out on their bonus because of one Metacritic point I created a thread for people to (reasonably and calmly) discuss the matter, it lasted all of five minutes before it was locked and buried. I'm not saying Bethesda come along and stamp down every guy who hated Skyrim's ending but they do unashamedly restrict speech when business (or politics, or religion) is involved.
  24. What? Are you implying Bethesda censors their forums? Dude, the Bethsoft Fallout forum has a **** ton of F3 bashing, 2 pages long posts about how Skyrim's writing sucks ass, people hating on Zenimax, Todd Howard is constantly called Micheal Bay there, etc.. The Bethsoft forums have this very same petition posted somewhere. Look at the Bioware forums, specifically what that Stanley Woo or whoever the hell was doing, now that's censorship. I'm not implying, I'm directly accusing As for Bioware, I wish Bethesda would show that much level of personal interaction with their audience, even if it's to personally banhammer some whiners, as it stands they have a corps of tetchy Zenimax brownshirt mods who keep the masses under heel while the developers float around in the aether like ascended beings.
  25. I agree that this thread is tacky but Obsidian had nothing to do with it's creation and they aren't in the habit of censoring the forums...like Bethesda.
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