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Everything posted by Oner

  1. That would make too much sense.
  2. I will never understand how a main quest can be anything but linear.
  3. Presumably you exchange fingers with the warrior you are greeting, so you would always have 10 fingers (though not necessarily attached). Exactly. Hey, if losing your fingers as a part of greeting your boss isn't a bad setting, then nothing is. MC, munchkining(?) doesn't make the setting bad, only the rules.
  4. Every lvl 1 and above NPC should speak Words of Power with 0 casting time and as a 20/day racial ability. And the official greeting in warrior guilds is to cut off one finger.
  5. Look at it shine, listen to the CLANK sound when it hits something, and drea- ...umm...self defense?
  6. I want Obsidian Staff Action Figures, complete with the ultra rare Tiffany the Sweet Secretary and Jonesy the Reliable Janitor.
  7. How about a mutant-cyber-ninja-dragon-zombie-warlock-Pacman from space? A whole race, and they reproduce via belching.
  8. I'd like to point out that the author of that article never wrote anything specific beyond childish lines, horrible acting, etc.
  9. That... could actually be a nice twist on the amnesiac/dark past clich
  10. Bingo.
  11. Maybe the dark past is that he himself burned the village down, because of delusions?
  12. Vampire: The Masquerade - Music from the Succubus Club
  13. Oh. Slight misunderstanding then, I got past that part.
  14. I'm not there yet. I'm at the huge human statue in the whatchacallit temple, when you get the timeshift power. Only bug I got so far was (=I'm absolutely sure it's a bug) that when selecting the surge power, and immediately clicking with the mouse crashed the game every time.
  15. Call me jaded, but I expected something like that.
  16. Playing Advent Rising. It's kinda hard to describe. I'm not even sure if it's running as intended on my PC, because frankly, it behaves strange. In one cutscene the textures are low res, then in another, they're much higher. In vehicle sections, I can barely hear anything because of the unbearably loud motor noise. The game is supposed to be written by Orson Scott Card, but it's crap. But apart from that, it's pretty fun, but only in small quantities. Playing longer then 2-3 hours makes the game rather boring.
  17. For fantasy, I liked the Dark Ages Vampire Clan Novels. The first few books aren't that great, but after the politics start rollling, the quality skyrockets. But it all comes crashing down with the Tzimisce book. Thank you author lady for ruining a good series (and antagonist) with your homo love novel.
  18. Tell me you're joking.
  19. Not seeing it means it got downgraded?
  20. and you can't read, either. the whole point of playing role-playing games, einstein, not the whole point of your own post. where do we find these geniuses? and exactly how do you think they are discovered? jesus... taks 1: Not every RPG revolves around saving the world, in case you didn't notice. 2: I'm not the one who got all upset and angsty, just because I ranted about every damn main char having to be "special". 3: But I take back what I said, I just remembered that FO 1-2-3-Tactics', AP's, and probably some other games' main chars are regular people. Hey, guess what, they became heroes anyway! 4: Someone who feels a need to remind himself about his name at the end of his every post shouldn't be so full of himself.
  21. Well, in some games... Yeees, you've got my attention.
  22. I could hardly miss the point of my own post, but have it your way. I'm the hero? Yeah, I guess that's why the NPC's get scripted deaths, or are changed into corpses off screen, instead of fighting against their enemies, because they might *gasp* win! And what kind of hero would we be if someone else could beat those 5 goblins in the warehouse. Being a hero doesn't mean being special. You're special when you're a hero. Until then you're just better than others, at best. Heroes are discovered, eh? Then I guess they don't need class training, or level gaining, they can save the world on level 0.
  23. How many times did we see Bond go to a party with a mission as an excuse?
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