Tough ****. AP is supposed to reward you for every decision you make, but that doesn't mean you're going to get all the results you want regardless of the way you play. A mission handler who prefers random senseless carnage every single mission is rather boring. If you want to gain influence with SIE then FFS do what the **** she says, not what you want her to want from you. If you're upset that all of a sudden she doesn't want you to Hulk out on everything then you've obviously already bought into the idea that SIE is the Fighter's Guild of the AP world and that her faction only makes sense when it expects a singular thing from you. Variety provides challenge. Roll with it.
That having been said I would not be particularly surprised if SIE was in fact psychotically obsessed with gore 100% of the time.
Wow, I point out a little thing and pop goes *snap*. I know psycho rage clouds judgement, but just maybe you should actually comprehend what I'm writing: I don't care either way how they do it, and I'm going to choose whoever I like.
Oh and someone who says
is in no position to tell me "roll with it". Do you even understand what you are writing?