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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Nope, it was praised for everything except the net code for multiplayer.
  2. We once had a narcoleptic (among other things) malkavian blacksmith when we played Dark Ages Vampire. He fell asleep halfway while charging on some zombies.
  3. The world is going to end because of Youtube copyright infringements? It works for me. Well, search for tengen toppa galactic fight.
  4. Not how, but why.Because of this. And it will be AWESOME.
  5. Might as well post KotOR character sheets, they look like this too. Besides, does this even matter? It's a friggin' character sheet.
  6. Isn't CNN the news we don't trust? Or was that FOX?
  7. ??? Its not out yet! Anyway, I'm going back to Makai Kingdom, Disgaea, etc. Really underappreciated. He works at Bio. Or so he says.
  8. Is that true? If it is, I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping to actually tweak MT's face a little. I just--I just can't STAND the default MT. There's something about his face that annoys me. Maybe Obs didn't include that in the preview RPGFan got?
  9. Unfortunately, the FO fanbase didn't consist of 8-or-whatever million people, and they left most of the stuff that made FO good out, so...
  10. facepalm.jpg
  11. Iirc you can retry each minigame once.
  12. We don't have to restart the whole minigame when a random mook shots us while we concentrate. Horrible.
  13. More or less done already, Rohan aside.
  14. Thanks, I rather stay home. Here we only have to kill the politicians.
  15. Particularly in the obligatory gratuitous HAWT SECKS scene. I always chose the name Swallow Dickinson in FO 2. Or Hans Regenkurt in the fan translation. And no, I won't tell what that means.
  16. Now I imagined tormented faced zombies and wraiths in Bioware uniforms working on their computers in dark offices and halls, surrounded by a dreadful mist, with only the tapping noises, moans and occasional footsteps indicating the presence of someone in the foreboding old building in the middle of the cursed, rot-spawning city that used to be Edmonton before the EAssimilation.
  17. I know, but I gave up on them noticing after the 3rd page.
  18. Nice one Obs
  19. It narrows your vocabulary?
  20. And there should be 20 side quests involving a chosen hero, who of course will be...
  21. Thanks for the nightmare fuel. /j/k
  22. Nonsense, Dark Elves are the best. Well, the sexy Lineage 2 versions at least.
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