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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Hmm, I could have sworn there's a salute emote. ... Oh yeah, that was on Let's Play.
  2. I had a typo, oops, I meant an hour. Anyway: 1. 2. Right, and barbarians know the word 'complex'. Well, there's not much to discuss on this. 3. Hordes of the Underdark, perhaps, but NWN OC? Pffft.
  3. I don't mind long games...if there is something to keep me occupied. In Sands of Time for instance, the game was short, but the characters were almost constantly chatting, either providing entertainment or/and exposition. Runnind 10 minutes or killing the same 3 types of monsters with their ridiculous taunts/death cries (bonus points for bad voices providing bad acting - I'm looking at you, NWN 1), without anyone saying anything worth listening to.
  4. Dragon Age should be discussed.
  5. Thats the first thing that popped into my head. It would be pretty sweet. The second one was Indiana Jones. A new Indiana Jones game is being worked on (or was it released already?), so I kinda doubt it. But yes, I would love to see something like Fate of Atlantis too.
  6. Almost everything, except honeycomb. It's a nightmare to eat it. : x
  7. Or maybe it's going to be a new Day of the Tentacle.
  8. You mean the fish or the game? Anyway, it's a visual novel about 6 kids who get trapped in an underwater theme park after an accident, and are awaiting rescue. Plot's a crapload better then it sounds.
  9. Ever 17: Tactical Elevator Hiding Action More to follow when I ever finish this...and finally install a proper screencap program.
  10. Dunno if it was already, but:
  11. I think I just worked out 'why Sand' Huh?
  12. But the southeners are busy beating outlandish gamers in just about everything that has multiplayer in it, so I think they don't care. Or were that the northeners?
  13. Add 'of the Empire' in the title somewhere, just to be totally cliche.
  14. Above lvl 20 characters get CRAZY instead of epic, so CRAZY Awesomeness, CRAZY POWANESS, etc. (And POWA is always written with capital letters. ALWAYS.) Don't have any idea for classes right now. Oh, and the king of one country is the Hypno Toad.
  15. I guess I cansee why guys would find this funny. Because they recognise a joke?
  16. Oner: Attacks Alanschu Oner: Attack Roll: 11+7 vs 15 - HIT Alanschu: Resists Attack Oner: My weapon is ineffective! Oner: Uses Madman racial ability: Bend Reality Oner: Keyboard is now +4
  17. I don't get it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladys_Knight_&_the_Pips Thanks, I already did this.
  18. Sorry, got a sudden urge to post this:
  19. +1
  20. I don't get it. They've got soul/pun on Eldritch Knight. I see, thanks.
  21. I stick to my neue deutsche harte. <3
  22. Umm.. when I posted that pic, I mainly meant the combat messages (and stuff like the story of your 6th toe), not the 'you see a chair' descriptions.
  23. I thought we had Metal Gear Solid for that? MGS4 has A LOT of ass... FF 7: Dirge of Cerberus has a lot of loli ass.
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