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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I thought we had Metal Gear Solid for that? MGS4 has A LOT of ass... FF 7: Dirge of Cerberus has a lot of loli ass.
  2. They're gonna summon Knaak? And/or Goto. And that yaoi fantard who messed up my Tzimisce novel. @Monte: L o L
  3. *Knocks on wood for the next 10 minutes*
  4. Me too. Different starting points, different starting quests, like win your freedom with a gladiator, save your kidnapped friends with a seraphim, etc. So it's just different beginnings like in WoW and LotRO and other MMOs? I guess. Only ever played Lineage 2. But it was a first for singe player games, as far as I know, especially for a diabloid game.
  5. Me too. Different starting points, different starting quests, like win your freedom with a gladiator, save your kidnapped friends with a seraphim, etc.
  6. It's for the best. No Bio game could ever compete with a cybernetic Anubis riding an unicycle and shooting lazerz. Pew pew pew! You guys were talking about inpre..inter..implementing backgrounds into gameplay, not about common sense.
  7. Funny how no one mentioned Sacred yet.
  8. I agree that it's probably a timed exclusive and will eventually make it's way to PC, but if it doesn't sell on consoles is it really likely they'd port it too PC? Did Psychonauts sell better on PC? I mean if it sells poorly on one platform it doesn't make much sense to port it to another if you think it will do even worse. It has TV ads. And Jack Black. And TV ads with Jack Black. If it doesn't sell, Armageddon comes. And Jack won't save us from the devil this time...!
  9. ,o/ Suggestion: Put rising after the colon, Dark Shadows Rising sounds a bit cooler than Rising Hordes.
  10. 17 minutes of awesome. He didn't show us Grand Slam though.
  11. You never saw a weed warlock, did you? That reminds me, role-playing session: warlock's cooking a truth serum, corrupt duke aide knocks on the door:
  12. Mea culpa, not intended.
  13. Uh, in-built PIP-Boy 2000 encyclopedia? Scanner? Read the manufacturing stamp on the weapon? There's a myriad of possibilities, all fitting in with the universe. I disagree that it's fitting with the universe. Playing the game with an intelligence of 1 where your character's dialogue is little more than "wubba wubba" would lead me to believe he wouldn't even know how to read about something from the PIP-Boy 2000. And how does he use a weapon? Or how does he make a difference between torso, groin and head? And so on, bla bla, yadda yadda. Pleeaase, those descriptions are directed at the player, the character and the setting only acknowledge their existence and handwave it.
  14. I like that. Though Dracolich is still the coolest word. And Landwirtschaftsausstellung is the most beautiful.
  15. How will the game show me that "humanoid bot's back up program ****.exe just kicked in"? And noticing bite marks doesn't really make up for funny combat lines.
  16. In Hollywood, everything applies to everything.
  17. You just told it in two lines.
  18. **** the public! Nonono, you have to say people=****
  20. *cough* Video Game *cough* But to answer your question, mostly interested in pistols and assault rifles. And shotguns are always fun. Don't like submachine guns though. No specific preference so far.
  21. I couldn't play it, so..
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