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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I don't feel frustrated when I'm forced to repeat stuff I failed, I feel challenged. It's repeating stuff you already did over and over that's frustrating. What the man said.
  2. He said it was how he pictured me. You'd just trying to steal some of that awesome Maria mojo. I wanna be just like you, I wanna be just the same, I wanna know all your moves, and play all your games. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP3BYCfTrHg
  3. What about the Thriller Reflex and Coordination Test, Herr Doctor Monte Carlo?
  4. Just to avoid misunderstandings, I only linked the comment so that you can ready the official answer, no insult or the like intended. And crap, I didn't remember any snipers. Oh well.
  5. Ah, I see, then my guess was right. Thank you.
  6. There's always latinum, which they would need if they want to trade with the different races. Or at least the ferengi.
  7. Awesome, yeah, but overused.
  8. A Star Trek RPG similar to Mass Effect could easily be made. There's enough races that could be used as antagonists threatening the known galaxy -- the Borg, Tholian Assembly, Breen but most interesting would be Species 8472. The player character could be some 'veteran' or 'newbie' Starfleet officer sent off in a ship travelling around several planets looking for allies & clues on how to fight the 'evil'. Just PLEASE not another gundam Picard fanservice fest.
  9. They let you use the jacuzzi? :D
  10. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...Episode-3-Delay
  11. 1: No sniper, only scoped assault rifle. 2: Can't remember exactly, but I think there was in this video. 3: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...st&p=945617
  12. E3 Killjoy
  13. No. It is wrong to not want a World of Darkness or Horror RPG... Truer words have never been said. Personally, I don't know. The chances of being able to playa tzimisce character (my favorite, obviously) is rather low (read: 0.1%, or 40% if Rockstar made it) in a single player game, but MMO...uh, do NOT want.
  14. Oner


    You're taking a joke a wee bit too seriously.
  15. Oner

    Swine Flu

  16. Elite Force was good. Very good. (imo) And I wouldn't call the 2nd particularly bad either.
  17. Oner


    German nouns are written with capital letters.
  18. Since the writers at Obs pull out characters like Garak (<3), Quark and Morn like other people breath..oh god, YES!
  19. If only it would be a Dark Heresy RPG.
  20. Then it's probably an optical illusion that I don't see any static numbers.
  21. Oner


    We don't respect you enough to care about your opinion. But anyway, he doesn't write Ersatz correctly.
  22. Nice vid, but I still don't understand how the hacking minigame is supposed to work. Could someone clarify it for me please?
  23. Oner


    The reason for obedience isn't respect per se. You obey them because you know/trust them to 'do it right', and that's incidentally, the reason you respect them.
  24. All of these things I could do without. In fact, I would much prefer if they weren't a part of the game. Can't they come up with some sensible feats like improved aim, more combat moves, quieter steps while sneaking, etc? Still, I guess if I don't want those supernatural feats, I don't have to use them, right? Fixed the last sentence. There is at least one improved aim feat for assault rifles, faster target reticule lock-on, and HtH gets new moves, and I guess things like quieter steps are part of the passive skill upgrades.
  25. My laptop and QuickTime don't get along well, is this it?
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