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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Thirded, for the hell of it.
  2. As far as I know, only SMGs get dual wield.
  3. Oh [insert deity]...
  4. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3174654 http://www.sega.com/alphaprotocol/uk/ http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09-alpha-protocol/50419 @2:06
  5. ^Who does the PC say this to?
  6. Just for the sake of argument: Is anybody wowed by repeatedly clicking the mouse button to see a muzzle flash and a hit effect?
  7. There is a HUGE difference between QTE (from behind) and actually directing him to hit. Indeed, and it would be good if there was no difference in the gameplay. The melee just looks stupid now. Yes, it is indeed stupid that Mike has an easier time punching someone from behind. Cut melee from the game, Obsidian!
  8. Wikipedia writes October as the release date.
  9. It's the greatest affront I, as a gamer, had to endure all my life. (I was smart and avoided DRM) It's point is to torture you with a shi- ,khm, crappy registration process just to play a single player game, to make you think "Eh, after all this effort I could just play multi and be done with this", so Microsoft doesn't have to waste money on single player modes.
  10. I don't remember every post, but wasn't the point that since the two games are released almost the same month, people will buy the one with more sophisticated action? Not that I care what others buy (can't do much about it, so..) My complaint is the Artificial Stupidity too btw. I was just on Gametrailers and Conviction seems to be coming out June 30th. That's ... that's not the same month. Unless AP is just around the corner. Whoops, misread 6/30/2009 for 8/30/2009, my bad.
  11. You did notice that the baddies were blocking some of his attacks, right?
  12. If it's size is any indicator , they can only be wusses. To be fair, one of the fighters died pretty fast.
  13. +1 I find it hard to call something cowardly, when it takes all your willpower to do it.
  14. While we're at it: http://us.media.blizzard.com/blizzard/falt...ilocalypse.html
  15. Last I heard he didn't even care it existed, let alone wrote it's story.
  16. Don't know about you, but this is actually better than I expected when I read the title.
  17. I don't remember every post, but wasn't the point that since the two games are released almost the same month, people will buy the one with more sophisticated action? Not that I care what others buy (can't do much about it, so..) My complaint is the Artificial Stupidity too btw.
  18. Well Max Payne managed to be an emotional and physical wreck for two whole games without irritating "anyone".
  19. Angry doesn't equal emo. A murdered daughter is a legitimate gripe. And it's also up there in the "Top 10 motivations" right after "village burned down" and "mentor killed". Being super angry is no better than being just emo. It would get a bit tiresome after he angrily cracks the 30th skull on a toilet bowl while asking who killed his daughter. And he also writes crappy poems, is homosexual, and wants to cut his wrists. Oh wait, he doesn't. Maybe, just maybe, people have more diverse personalities than happy and emo.
  20. Maybe that's what we'll find out in AP.
  21. T-t-t-triple Kill!
  22. Is my assumption that the game speed has been increased correct? The game looks too fast for me like this, but maybe that's just because I'm not playing it while pumped with adrenalin. Also, love that cute little ninja icon. :D
  23. Maybe it's just me, but it's hard for me to consider something a sequel when the previous games' characters are all dust and the story is supposed to continue an MMO.
  24. Every story will have irrevocable choices. At least that's what they said a few months back.
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