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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Aaaww, but my developer dream team was almost complete. ._.
  2. Actually, I don't care. DX is DX and AP is AP. Even if AP won't be perfection made manifest, I know what to expect from an Obs game, and really really really doubt that I'll be disappointed. Especially if Sega lets them finish the f-ing game.
  3. Oner


    People should read this stuff sometimes.
  4. Oner


    If a wrecked, derelict, mutant infested, radiation bathed sinkhole of human corpses that is Chernobyl isn't special, than nothing is. You're describing a location, not the graphics. And aren't the locations made with the graphics?
  5. Oner


    If a wrecked, derelict, mutant infested, radiation bathed sinkhole of human corpses that is Chernobyl isn't special, than nothing is. alanschu: imho established history doesn't matter much when a, they didn't bother gathering every info there is, and b, they retcon it anyway.
  6. Morons, idiots, retards, True Noobs, people with a humanity score of 2, an IQ of 12, 10-40 years olds (under 10 they're only annoying if they loose), social rejects, and probably a whole lot more. Anonymus is legion. Among us, disguised as ordinary people, but if you have a keen mind, you can recognise them easily. Well, fire solves a lot of problems.
  7. Alright, alright. Miss Wolff, you're hot, you're burning with the hotness of a thousand suns. Please tell us what color the wallpaper in your temple should be, and if you want a gold or a diamond altar. Also, we dedicate to you.
  8. In DX they could throw whatever they wanted at you, you had invisibility power ups built into you.
  9. Oner


    What Krezack said, + FO 3 wasn't a bad game, just a bad sequel, and it doesn't really change anything if we complain about it.
  10. Oner


    I read about this too, but have some trouble digging up the source. Also, apparently there will be a PC version, costing 50 dollars, and the 2 console versions 60, but until I find some more info, take it with a grain of salt. Ed: found it: http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/983/983990p1.html
  11. Yeah, it was always kinda hard to tell apart which company made what. (also referring to BIS here)
  12. One of these days I should take a looks at the Bio forums and see their fans think of Obsidian. "Might" earn some laughs.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHkqIyOtuzU Any questions?
  14. And all of them are pimps, with blings 'n' fedoras 'n' sticks.
  15. Well, I don't expect them to make sacrifices, just something like, "looks promising" or something like that.
  16. dude, E3 is almost started. Then the gates of info shall flow and drown us all. I'm a bit old news about E3, I thought it's gonna be in august, like it used to, but I see now that I was blind to the truth and will seek penance.
  17. I didn't just mean sheek. No positive reactions whatsoever. o.O
  18. Yet another forum thread that goes downhill from the 2nd post.
  19. Nothing keeping you from listing them all.
  20. It seems I missed them. Subtitles always distract me for some reason. :/
  21. Not a whole lot of info, unfortunately. :/
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