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Everything posted by Oner

  1. G-Man put Shepard in stasis. Right next to Revan.
  2. I quoted from Devil May Cry. And misquoted too, shame on me. -.-
  3. You didn't know? I barely found Rivet City's entrance because of it. (And the night time darkness.)
  4. Respect to the makers, awesome vid. Looking forward to this a bit more. (It can't get much more higher on the 'I-want-o-meter')
  5. I fail to see the logic in ur argument... You summon and kill. You summon aaand kill. I fail to see the logic here.
  6. There was a cowgirl in one of the videos. Also, I'm hoping to see a catsuit lady.
  7. Different genre, different developers.
  8. Yeah, to both sentences.
  9. I think it's more Devil May Cry-ish or Diablo-ish (hmm, I like this word) than Fallout. Just a hunch. :D
  10. I hear ya. I have no problem with feedback. Feedback is good. What I meant are exaggerated/outright stupid ideas. Like, say, "hey Mr. Rorie, you know what AP should have? Space vampires from planet Cyclone-B. That would be awesome!!1!1" (Yeah, I'm exaggerating, but this was the best I could come up with right now.)
  11. So, because there won't be a disarm ability, the CQC will be unbalanced, you have no chance in group fights, the game will suck, and Obs consists of drug addicted idiots, and they don't deserve to make games. Because there's no disarm. But of course you're allowed to flame Obs, because they don't make a disarm move. 50 bucks say the game will be bashed because there is no pinkie finger animation when holding teacups. Aren't you a wee bit too obsessed with disarming? Or On a different note, why do people say that they look forward to games and/or, that they're fans of the developers, then try to butt in in everything instead of just letting them make the game? I never told anyone what they should be doing and just enjoyed the games for how they were. Note, I'm not talking about suggestions, I'm talking about game mechanics, story element, etc. Like that Diablo 3 mess with the "not enough darkness" and all.
  12. And has since been uncancelled. Right now it's "someone will make it, eventually". Or something like that. This whole mess is confusing.
  13. http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=62667
  14. Rats, I was looking forward for flashbang headthrows.
  15. You mean, tell them to F YOU, smack them in the face, spank them for being bad kids, throw fruits at them, or sue them for something? Didn't see dialogue options for either.
  16. Ammo ain't unlimited anymore, check the new dev diary. :D
  17. Little Lamplight doesn't exist. Bethesda cut it from the final game, and the person who came up with it in the first place died a slow and painful death from 5 different diseases.
  18. Query: Have you played Oni? Get close to them and they won't have a chance to shoot at you. Granted, Oni had disarming as well, but the ammo system pretty much forced you to use it.
  19. The most cliche superhero ever should shut his mouth and go cement his hair some more or something. ^^ Also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SALkUC3fH3E
  20. Or torture with bad James Bond one liners.
  21. Why disarm them when you K.O. them anyway?
  22. Well, the point of most MMOs is to have the game drag on and on forever to milk money from players for as long as possible. Several days/weeks of level grinding? Killing a boss (x+n)*3 times because..uh, you can't seem to pry his/her weapon from hir cold, dead fingers?
  23. Oner


    I've tried to point out to you that FO 1-2 had more than just local history, but... oh well, why bother. At least I got a cookie for my troubles. ... But seriously, the brand should do the product justice? Or the FO brand was just Werbung for FO 3? What?
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